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from 女狱花


话说沙雪梅与许平权话不投机,忽忽地出了平权房门。走到自己床前,模(摸)出时辰表一看,已是三点零四十九分。就在床内和衣睡下,翻来覆去也睡不着。则听蚊市成雷,鸡声报晓,耐心片刻,朦胧睡去。 及至次日十一点半钟起来,即到隔房来看平权,那知平权已动身走了。只得回至房内,吃了饭食,会了钱钞,出了客栈。走了几步,心内想道:“前因贪玩野景,路上耽搁好几日。今野景大概已赏玩过,况此地至张柳娟处,又是一水之路,不如坐船为便。”漫漫的走到轮船局内,买了一张票儿,附轮而去。

不多几日,到得柳家,二人一见如故。(张柳娟)请雪梅至书房内吃酒,且与二位女友相见。一位姓吕名中杰,即前时送报纸与文洞仁的;一位姓仇名兰芷,即前时结夜亲,与夫不睦,到此来的。 四人传杯递盏,畅谈心曲。雪梅说起平权之事。 柳娟道:“这人我本认识,且其历史知之甚详。他的住处离此地不过二百里之遥,本是个书香人家。他父亲叫做许杰,亦是一个怪男儿,平生以三尺剑、万卷书为第二个性命,却不欢喜仕途。中年选择一位才女,做了妻房,生下一男一女。男的取名保国,女的取名平权。‘佛婢’乃是他(许平权)自己取的别号。” “当日许杰夫妻,抚弄子女,沉吟诗酒,极享家庭幸福。每当酒酣耳热的时候,常对妻子道:‘世人云“女子无才便是德”,又云“做女儿的时候,不可使其读书识字;若通了文理,就有什么楼头柳色、窗前蝶影,做出许多坏事”;不知做出坏事的女子,正因文理不通、不能看深奥的书,只能看浅近小说。我们现在的小说,大半无赖荡子,序些儿女私情,没有一点学问话头;就有几种为才子游戏笔墨,做女子的不能知其运笔构思,只见海市蜃楼,以为实有其事,所以闹出“东阁聆琴”“西厢待月”的笑话来了。咳,这些腐败的小说,实女子的大魔头。我已立志用些心血,将旧时的小说世界,洗涤一番,普救种种陷溺的女子。但我这个女儿,长大起来,要比儿子格出尽心教育,使他日后做些光明正大的事业,以塞老朽的嘴巴。’” “平权的母亲道:‘教育女儿,亦是父母的天职。我想世上无知的老头儿,生下一个儿子,欢欢喜喜,以为是我的后代;生下一个女儿,愁愁闷闷,以为是人的媳妇。所以贫苦人家,凑些铜钱,使儿子读两年书;富贵人家,儿子廿来岁时,还请着先生教育他。至于女孩儿,贫贱人家,没有一个读书的;富贵人家中,文理粗通的女子,亦好比晨星硕果。岂知人人不使女孩儿读书识字,日后我们娶来的媳妇亦木偶人一般,儿子大受其害。且西哲尝云:‘女子者,国民之母也。’假使身体羸弱,所产子女亦羸弱;思想呆滞,所产子女亦呆滞。照此看来,女孩儿不读书识字,卫生学不讲,身体自然是羸弱;世界事不知,思想自然是呆滞。羸弱、呆滞之母,安能产果敢、活泼之子呢?’所以平权父母,将他兄弟二人,一体教育。妹妹亦曾在该处读过好几年书呢。” 雪梅道:“你既同他认识,何不请他来此,同叙大义?” 柳娟答道:“你且不要性急,听我漫漫的讲下去。” 中杰与兰芷齐声说道:“我们且饮几钟(盅)再谈罢。” 四人各饮了好几杯。 柳娟又说道:“妹妹去读书的时候,保国只有八岁,平权只有六岁。他二人历史、地理的大略,都已知晓。妹妹初时很是惊讶,后知他呀呀学语之日,他的母亲将天文、地理各种歌,略教他学习;故到六七岁时,已明世界大势。光阴迅速,转瞬六年,平权的父亲一病而亡,母亲亦相继而逝;妹妹那时,仍与他兄妹二人,一堂研究学问,且与平权结为异姓姊妹。又过了两年,平权的哥哥保国,见我国政府与外国立了密约,知道组北东们地方已被他人骗去,心中很是愤恨,而又无计挽回,自刎而死。那时妹妹已开设这个女报馆了,听了这个凶信,即请平权到此地来同住;岂知平权自他父亲死后,性质忽然更变,日日夜夜看着大乘佛经,为人甚是冷淡,与妹妹的意恩(思)渐渐儿不合;故妹妹去叫,他一味推脱不来。到了去年,常因女权之事,与妹妹大起冲突。他的古怪话语,我也不欲尽说。你看前年这个包(报)上,‘女界普救主’的‘男女平等’论,并与妹妹论学书,就知道这人的性格了。”说至此,柳娟脸上含有怒意。 兰芷道:“平权的历史,雪梅姊姊想已知道。我们且饮罢。” 四人又饮酒了一会,下人拿了一封信来递与柳娟。柳娟看了,顿觉柳眉紧锁、杏眼低垂,颇有愁虑的意思。究竟是什么缘故?因这封书信从文洞仁处寄来,内有“近来忽患吐血毛病,所作《女界灯》小说,万不能届期交到”的话头。柳娟正为这月的报章将要付印,缺这一回小说,安得不着急呢? 许平权(录入者注:此处许平权并未在场,此为笔误。根据下文(第11回)推测,实际应为沙雪梅。)问明了缘故,即以另一部自任。柳娟方才开心饮酒。

过了两日,居然做成了数章。他的书名叫做《仇书》。柳娟看了,很是佩服。即印在报上了。 不多几日,又来了两位女友。一位姓施名如曌,一位姓岳名月君。二人亦是女界健将。从此六人日日夜夜织革命的方法。未知能革得成否,且听下回分解。


补充资料: 【东阁聆琴】或指卓文君事。 【西厢待月】指《西厢记》,情节为深闺女子与人私奔。可参阅《红楼梦》中贾母批判“才子佳人”一节(第五十四回、五十五回)

录入者注:仇兰芷谐音“仇男子”。施如曌,是如曌,曌指武则天(武曌)。 三层引号的处理办法跟三层书名号的处理办法相同。即当双引号内再有引号时,用单引号;单引号里又有引号时,用双引号。


from MrBlog....

I get a lot of DMARC reports because I host mail for a couple of domains. Most of these mails require no attention as they are just notifications that others use one of our domains. I want to separate these mails from my normal mail workflow and auto archive them if I haven't looked at them within, say, 2 weeks.

Doing this with sieve server-side has my preference, but apparently it's not trivial to determine the age of a message, which is the core logic needed here. Also, the processing of sieve rules is normally only during reception of messages, not ad-hoc or on some other event, although dovecot and pigeonhole have some options for this, among others the sieve-filter tool.

I really only found one implemenation online which roughly solves the same problem I was having, but this involved more than needed I think.

My solution consists of 3 parts:

  1. the sieve script that handles DMARC reports on reception and age-ing;
  2. use of an extension that calls an external program to evaluate expressions to determine age;
  3. a daily job that runs the sieve script in the scope of the designated folder.

Here's the sieve script which deals with DMARC reports both in the normal INBOX flow and a special treatment after 14 days. The latter part is not automatic by dovecot on reception of emails, but triggered by a run of the sieve-filter program.

require ["date","fileinto","relational","variables","environment","imap4flags",
         "vnd.dovecot.execute", "vnd.dovecot.environment"];

# Parameters
set "dmarc_folder" "Folder.for.dmarc-reports";
set "purge_days" "14";

# Move DMARC notifications when received
if environment :is "vnd.dovecot.default-mailbox" "INBOX" {
  if anyof (
    header :contains "From" "dmarcreport@microsoft.com",
    header :contains "From" "noreply-dmarc-support@google.com",
    header :contains "From" "opendmarc@mail.arctype.co",
    header :contains "From" "opendmarc@box.euandre.org"  )
    addflag "\\Seen";
    fileinto "${dmarc_folder}";

# When running in the dmarc_folder, archive when age is <purge_days>
if environment :is "vnd.dovecot.default-mailbox" "${dmarc_folder}"
  if currentdate :matches "julian" "*"
    # Run a simple bc expresssion to get <purge_days> ago from todays julian day
    execute :output "fourteen_days_ago" "bc" "${1} - ${purge_days}";

    # Compare this with Date header and archive when age reached
    if date :value "le" "Date" "julian" "${fourteen_days_ago}"
      fileinto "Trash";

The first part of the sieve script just moves the mails into the dmarc-reports folder and is a normal sieve processing rule. The second part runs if the default folder is the dmarc-reports folder. If so, it uses the ext_program extension of the sieve interpreter to let the bc program evaluate the expression for the age of the message.

This uses a tiny script in the configured sieve execute bin directory of the ext_programs extension

echo ${1} | /usr/bin/bc

which just pipes the input given by the sieve line into the bc program. On returning, stdout is put into the fourteen_days_ago variable. I'm using execute because I do not need to pipe the whole message into the external program, but specify input specifically.

With the above configuration I can set a cron job in the crontab of the vmail user to run

sieve-filter -We -u <mymailaccount> \
             /path/to/vmail/mymailaccount/sieve/dmarc-archiver.sieve \

which executes the sieve script mentioned above in the IMAP folder <dmarc_folder> only.

I'm not sure why sieve makes it so difficult to get the age of an email (unless I'm missing something). Protonmail solves this by having a custom extension 'vnd.proton.eval' which does something similar like the above, but in the scope of the sieve language itself without having to shell out to an external program explicitly. (I think; I have not seen their implementation)

My approach above obviously has some drawbacks:

  • the bc external program is called for every mail that matches, fine for 10 or 20 I guess, but rather inefficient if the amount of matched messages is big. For now, not a problem.
  • unsure what sort of security consequences this has, the execution scope and environment is very limited, but we're still giving control to a script calling other programs.

from FS Fans

از مدت ها پیش حسابی روی #picofile داشتم. زمانی که روی میهن بلاگ، وبلاگ نویسی می‌کردم. #سرویس خوبی بود و استفاده زیادی ازش می‌کردم. چند روز پیش رفتم سری به اون حساب بزنم و تعدادی از فایل های قدیمی که بهش نیاز پیدا کرده بودم رو بردارم. اما وقتی لاگین کردم دیالوگی باز شد با متنی که می‌گفت: «برای آپلود فایل باید شماره موبایل خودمون رو ثبت کنیم» و هیچ گزینه ای بجز ثبت شماره همراه، دردسترس کاربر قرار نمی داد. راستش دیدن این رویکرد از یک سرویس دهنده ایرانی برام عجیب نبود. اجبار به ارائه اطلاعات شخصی علیرغم میل، چیز تازه ای نیست. اینکه یک سرویس دهنده فضای ابری چه نیازی به شماره من داره و برای چه مقاصدی ازش استفاده می‌کنه، پرسشیه که پاسخش کم و بیش برای همه روشنه. اما باعث شد بیشتر از گذشته اهمیت #خودمیزبانی رو درک کنم. خوشبختانه من سرور شخصی #نکست‌کلود خودم رو دارم و دیگه هیچ نیازی به یک سرویس دهنده غیر ندارم.

دوستان؛ برای خود و حریم خصوصی خود ارزش قائل باشید.

بیشتر بخوانید...

from acqueagitate

Dissidenza e guerra Ilya Budraitskis, Piero Maestri – da «Jacobin Italia» n. 15

Ilya Budraitskis, esponente della sinistra radicale russa, ricostruisce la natura imperialista dell’aggressione all’Ucraina e racconta un paese nel quale sono tornate egemoni le vecchie idee della destra più reazionaria. Fin dai primi giorni dell’aggressione all’Ucraina ci sono state prese di posizione nette e iniziative contro la guerra da parte di gruppi dell’opposizione russa. L’importanza di queste iniziative va oltre l’attuale momento di guerra e ci offre la possibilità di guardare cosa accade in Russia «in basso a sinistra». Ilya Budraitskis, attivista della sinistra radicale russa e autore del libro Dissidents among Dissidents uscito all’inizio del 2022 per la casa editrice Verso, è un testimone importante e interessante di questa prospettiva.

In Italia, ma anche in Europa occidentale, siamo abituati a guardare la Russia da una prospettiva geopolitica, cioè attraverso il suo rapporto con le altre potenze (Stati Uniti, Europa, Cina). Di conseguenza leggiamo le politiche dei governi russi solo in funzione di queste relazioni. Come vivono i dissidenti e gli oppositori politici di Putin questa lettura?

Penso che dovremmo parlare dell’attuale guerra, delle ragioni dell’invasione russa dell’Ucraina non solo in termini di geopolitica globale ma anche tenendo conto delle sue radici nei trent’anni di Russia post-sovietica, dell’evoluzione della coscienza dell’elité russa e della complicata relazione tra Russia e Ucraina. Se guardiamo al risultato immediato dell’invasione russa salta all’occhio come la crescente militarizzazione dell’Europa orientale o la possibile adesione alla Nato di paesi come la Finlandia o la Svezia siano risultati immediati della decisione delle autorità russe e non sembra una buona strategia per impedire la crescita della Nato. Come si vede è problematico leggere questa invasione in termini geopolitici, anche perché non si può dire che ci fosse una chiara strategia geopolitica, cioè rivolta alle relazioni internazionali nel loro insieme.

Quali sono le caratteristiche fondamentali della Federazione Russa dal punto di vista economico, politico e internazionale?

La Russia è sicuramente una potenza imperialista. L’imperialismo non è solo una logica puramente economica del capitalismo. C’è un’altra dimensione dell’imperialismo, che David Harvey chiama «logica territoriale». La Russia è soggetta a entrambe le logiche e sono profondamente intrecciate. Le imprese statali russe come Gazprom sono legate a questa logica territoriale. Hanno bisogno di assicurarsi il territorio per l’estrazione e gli accordi politici con gli stati per la spedizione del loro petrolio e gas attraverso gli oleodotti. Il capitale statale e fossile russo, e le loro logiche di imperialismo territoriale ed economico, sono così profondamente integrati che non è chiaro quale sia lo strumento dell’altro. Putin li ha fusi nel suo regime. Ma è un errore vedere il suo regime semplicemente come «capitalismo di stato»: ha concentrato il capitale fossile nelle mani dello stato perché era sia redditizio che strategicamente significativo, ma ha privatizzato quasi tutto il resto, specialmente la fornitura di assistenza sociale come la sanità.

Ideologicamente, il regime di Putin si è evoluto negli ultimi vent’anni. Nel suo primo decennio era per lo più un regime di natura apolitica e tecnocratica, e ha stabilito le basi della sua particolare combinazione di capitalismo di stato e neoliberismo. Nel suo secondo decennio si è sviluppato in una forma molto più ideologicamente nazionalista e autoritaria. Ciò è avvenuto in gran parte in risposta alle proteste democratiche in Russia contro il ritorno al potere di Putin nelle elezioni del 2012. La rivolta di Maidan del 2014 ha intensificato la svolta di Putin verso il nazionalismo anti-rivoluzionario. Ha iniziato a sostenere che lo stato deve difendersi dal cambio di regime. Ha usato queste idee per giustificare l’annessione della Crimea e le cosiddette repubbliche popolari nel Donbas. Ha anche iniziato a coltivare l’idea di un mondo russo, che ha messo in discussione l’esistenza stessa di tutti gli stati post-sovietici, non solo dell’Ucraina. Questo concetto sostiene che i confini della Russia dovrebbero essere quelli del suo vecchio impero ed estendersi a tutti gli stati post-sovietici con grandi popolazioni russofone. Vedendo tutti i russofoni come ostaggi da salvare con l’intervento russo e l’annessione.

Ecco perché mi sono opposto all’annessione della Crimea, nonostante la maggior parte della popolazione l’abbia accolta con favore. Ha creato un precedente di minaccia verso altri paesi. Una volta accettata questa logica, è difficile protestare contro un ulteriore espansionismo russo. Ha messo Putin sulla strada per tentare quello a cui stiamo assistendo oggi: la conquista e la subordinazione dell’Ucraina come una semi-colonia russa.

Durante quest’ultimo decennio, Putin ha anche iniziato a strombazzare i cosiddetti valori tradizionali. Ha resuscitato una tendenza del pensiero conservatore russo del diciannovesimo secolo che vedeva nell’Occidente il terreno di coltura di idee che minacciavano la natura umana divinamente ordinata. Per Putin, lo stato russo è l’ultimo bastione che difende i valori cristiani tradizionali, specialmente la famiglia. Questo lo ha portato a lanciare una crociata propagandistica contro le persone Lgbtq, il femminismo e il liberalismo. Questa crociata non è marginale ma centrale per il suo progetto statale e ideologico. Sperava di usare questi cosiddetti valori tradizionali per coagulare i suoi sostenitori e fornire una risposta alla loro disperazione e senso di vuoto in mezzo alle disuguaglianze della Russia neoliberale.

Al di fuori di questa guerra, quali sono le basi del «putinismo»? Quali le radici del potere di Putin e della sua cerchia politica ed economica?

La prima cosa da dire è che le conseguenze di questa guerra sono già un disastro per l’economia russa: le sanzioni stanno distruggendo tutte le strutture dell’economia costruite durante gli anni del «putinismo». Questa guerra è un disastro anche per il grande business.

Se si guarda la struttura delle sanzioni, che toccano i cosiddetti oligarchi – l’élite russa super ricca – ci rendiamo conto che si basano sull’idea che il grande capitale sia politicamente influente in Russia, che la sua pressione possa in qualche modo fermare Putin dal proseguire la guerra. Ma si tratta di un’idea sbagliata: il grande capitale russo non ha radici profonde nella società russa. La struttura portante del capitalismo russo, la burocrazia statale, è relativamente autonoma e politicamente molto più potente del capitale autoctono. Questa guerra mostra perfettamente questo tipo di relazione tra la burocrazia e la classe capitalista in Russia. La classe capitalista non era e non è politicamente determinante, non ha una diretta influenza sul processo decisionale e non aveva e non ha strumenti politici per evitare questa catastrofe.

In Italia siamo abituati a considerare il presidente russo come un prodotto della geopolitica, una reazione alle pressioni occidentali contro la Russia e per questo non riusciamo a comprendere fino in fondo la ragione del suo crescente potere nella società russa. Che sostegno sociale ha realmente Putin? Ci sono differenze di classe fondamentali tra chi sostiene le politiche del suo governo?

Per la maggior parte della società russa, per le diverse classi sociali – dall’alto verso il basso – l’inizio di questa guerra è stato davvero inaspettato. Non si può dire che ci sia stata una vera e propria preparazione ideologica o politica nei confronti della società russa. Il problema è che la maggior parte della società russa non capisce le reali conseguenze di questa guerra per il paese.

Durante i vent’anni di potere di Putin c’è stato un processo crescente di depoliticizzazione della società, la distruzione di tutte le forme di autorganizzazione, di ogni forma di opposizione politica. In questo senso si può dire che il consenso sociale alla guerra sia stato preparato, in termini di assenza di qualsiasi tipo di resistenza dal basso, perché ogni possibilità di tale resistenza era già stata distrutta in precedenza.

Per quanto riguarda altri settori sociali – in particolare la classe operaia e gli altri «senza potere» – cosa pensano di questa guerra, dell’ideologia che la sorregge e della politica economica di Putin?

Nel momento in cui è iniziata la guerra contro l’Ucraina la classe operaia russa era in gran parte disorganizzata, senza la presenza di sindacati combattivi e reali organizzazioni dei lavoratori – che sono estremamente deboli e non rappresentative della maggioranza della classe operaia russa. Anche questo è il risultato dei vent’anni di governo di Putin e ancor prima del cattivo sviluppo del capitalismo russo in epoca sovietica e del sistema politico russo nel suo insieme.

Se quindi possiamo riconoscere l’esistenza di una classe operaia russa dal punto di vista economico e materiale, sul piano politico è del tutto inefficace e assente. Così il modello del capitalismo russo costruito negli ultimi trent’anni, basato sull’enorme disuguaglianza e su bassissime garanzie sociali per lavoratrici e lavoratori, prepara questi stessi lavoratori a essere solo vittime della situazione. La maggior parte dei lavoratori e delle lavoratrici sono vittime silenziose delle conseguenze di questa guerra.

È importante segnalare anche il carattere classista dell’esercito russo: in Ucraina sono già stati inviati migliaia di soldati russi di leva, giovani per lo più provenienti dalle città di provincia molto povere, dai villaggi dove l’unica opportunità per ottenere un lavoro o costruire qualche prospettiva per il futuro è quella di entrare nell’esercito. È evidente guardando le diverse aree di provenienza dell’alto numero di soldati russi uccisi in Ucraina, con un enorme squilibrio tra Mosca e San Pietroburgo da un lato e le regioni più povere della Russia dall’altro. In generale non ci sono molti soldati provenienti dalle grandi città: è un esercito di poveri, di persone provenienti dalla classe operaia che non hanno altre prospettive nella vita se non quella di arruolarsi. E nonostante che in Russia non ci sia ancora la mobilitazione generale della leva, i vertici militari hanno iniziato grandi campagne per reclutare nuovi volontari per l’esercito: il salario che propongono parte da 500 euro al mese per andare in Ucraina e probabilmente morire lì, ma questi 500, a volte anche 1.000 euro, sembrano uno stipendio fantastico per le regioni da cui proviene la maggior parte di questi soldati.

In Europa occidentale abbiamo qualche notizia sui più famosi dissidenti e oppositori del governo russo, ma sappiamo molto poco dei movimenti sociali e dei soggetti collettivi che si oppongono a Putin. Cosa si sta muovendo all’interno della società russa, sia dal punto di vista dell’opposizione politica diretta che di quella sociale e culturale?

Nelle prime due settimane di guerra ci sono state alcune proteste per le strade di Mosca, San Pietroburgo e poche altre grandi città; i principali partecipanti a queste proteste erano studenti, giovani non sostenuti dal resto della società russa. Chi ha manifestato è stato molto coraggioso e la loro iniziativa è stata molto importante perché ha reso visibile il dissenso esistente nella società russa. Purtroppo questi manifestanti erano abbastanza isolati socialmente e dopo l’ondata di brutale repressione del movimento contro la guerra, la resistenza all’aggressione in Ucraina si esprime soprattutto attraverso azioni individuali molto più clandestine: alcune persone di notte fanno dei graffiti, appendono manifesti o firmano delle petizioni collettive; e ancora, ci sono forme particolari e creative di resistenza, per esempio persone che scrivono sulle banconote slogan contro la guerra. Il sentimento contro la guerra c’è ancora e probabilmente sta anche crescendo, ma non è pubblico, non è offensivo, perché si esprime in un’atmosfera di paura: le persone temono di essere arrestate, di perdere il lavoro, di essere espulse dall’università e così via.

Si tratta di una situazione che potrebbe cambiare abbastanza rapidamente, perché la strategia principale del governo russo è stata quella di presentare questa guerra come un’operazione militare speciale molto rapida – come sapete anche il termine «guerra» non viene utilizzato, è persino proibito dalla legge, in base alla quale si rischia di essere arrestati se si descrive questa guerra come tale. Il governo sta cercando di vendere alla società russa la favola di un’operazione limitata nel tempo dopodiché tutto tornerà alla normalità. Per questo viene coperto il numero reale di perdite, che è davvero enorme. A fine aprile il ministero della difesa ammetteva la morte solamente di 1.300 soldati, un numero già molto grande ma decisamente più basso della realtà. Fonti indipendenti contavano già 16 mila soldati russi morti. Se pensiamo che durante gli otto anni di guerra in Afghanistan negli anni Ottanta erano stati uccisi 15 mila soldati russi, lo stesso numero è stato ora raggiunto in due mesi. Sappiamo bene che per l’Unione sovietica la guerra afghana è stata un fattore molto importante nella diffusione della disillusione verso il governo ed ebbe conseguenze importanti nella stessa fine dell’Urss. Penso quindi che non sarà possibile nascondere la reale portata della guerra alla società russa per un lungo periodo.

Prima della guerra quali erano i principali movimenti di opposizione e dissenso in Russia?

Nei due anni precedenti alla guerra, la maggior parte dell’opposizione organizzata era stata distrutta (specialmente i sostenitori di Naval’nyj); per questo ritengo che al momento dell’invasione dell’Ucraina qualsiasi percorso di dissenso e opposizione legale in Russia fosse già impossibile, questa formazione autocratica e repressiva era già presente e molto forte.

Tuttavia solo pochi mesi prima della guerra, nel settembre del 2021, nelle elezioni parlamentari il Partito comunista ha ottenuto ottimi risultati e una crescita del sostegno elettorale, non tanto per il suo programma o per le posizioni della sua leadership, ma perché appariva l’unica opportunità legale per esprimere una forma di protesta contro il governo. Nonostante la leadership del Partito comunista sia quasi completamente allineata con il Cremlino e giochi un ruolo vergognoso nel sostenere e promuovere questa guerra, ci sono alcune persone anche nel Partito comunista russo che si oppongono alla guerra. Quando è iniziata l’invasione dell’Ucraina solamente alcuni membri del parlamento russo hanno espresso apertamente il loro disaccordo e fatto dichiarazioni contro la guerra e la maggior parte di questi parlamentari erano del Partito comunista.

Per il resto le diverse aree della sinistra russa sono divise rispetto a questa guerra. Da un lato ci sono alcuni gruppi stalinisti che hanno apertamente sostenuto l’invasione con una posizione «antimperialista», perché considerano l’Ucraina uno stato nazista e perché sostengono che questo conflitto è anche contro il capitalismo occidentale e costituisce un’opportunità per una sorta di trasformazione socialista della società. Dall’altro lato esistono gruppi di sinistra antistalinisti e anarchici che si oppongono alla guerra, che hanno giocato un ruolo molto importante nelle mobilitazioni e che continuano la loro attività più o meno in modo clandestino.

Hai appena pubblicato un libro intitolato «Dissidents among Dissidents» (Verso, 2022): qual è l’esperienza storica dei dissidenti di sinistra in Russia?

Penso sia difficile paragonare l’esperienza dei dissidenti ai tempi dell’Unione sovietica e l’opposizione nella Russia di oggi, perché i dissidenti – specialmente i dissidenti socialisti – negli ultimi decenni di esistenza dell’Unione sovietica facevano soprattutto un lavoro intellettuale. Ora la nostra esperienza è diversa, in primo luogo perché il regime attuale non è ovviamente l’Unione sovietica con la sua stabilità e struttura consolidata, ed è basato su una disuguaglianza sociale molto profonda, su una divisione di classe molto evidente. Infatti non c’è un consenso sociale forte per il governo, come invece c’era anche nel periodo finale di esistenza dell’Urss.

Dovremmo imparare dai dissidenti socialisti del passato soprattutto le loro idee politiche, la loro critica verso l’Unione sovietica da una prospettiva marxista e di sinistra. Questa critica è stata molto importante per decostruire l’ideologia dell’élite. Oggi in Russia c’è una miscela ideologica molto eclettica e paradossale di imperialismo, nazionalismo e alcuni elementi di nostalgia sovietica e per questo l’eredità dei dissidenti socialisti ci aiuterà a lavorare e a criticare anche questo tipo di costruzione.

Cosa pensi che succederà nella politica e nella società russa come risultato della guerra in Ucraina? Si apriranno nuove prospettive per le opposizioni e le mobilitazioni potranno tradursi in una forma di soggettività stabile?

Questa guerra è già una sfida molto seria per l’élite russa, una sfida enorme per il modello politico creato da Putin, e se dovesse risolversi in una sconfitta aperta della Russia porterà sicuramente a dei cambiamenti nella società. Naturalmente saranno cambiamenti molto complicati, probabilmente una combinazione di alcune mosse all’interno dell’élite e alcune proteste dal basso. E questa combinazione potrebbe portare a una trasformazione della società russa. Le forze che saranno capaci di affrontare la diseguaglianza sociale e rivendicarne la fine potranno giocare sicuramente un ruolo importante in questi cambiamenti.

Negli ultimi anni sembra che le forme di internazionalismo siano quasi scomparse, a parte il sostegno all’esperienza del Rojava e altre iniziative occasionali di solidarietà con le discriminazioni storiche (soprattutto quella palestinese). In particolare qui in Occidente mancano quasi del tutto i rapporti con le esperienze antiliberiste, libertarie e di sinistra delle società post-sovietiche. Su quali basi pensi sia possibile costruire queste relazioni transnazionali?

In primo luogo la sinistra occidentale dovrebbe riconsiderare la sua visione della Russia, perché negli ultimi anni ci sono stati molti esempi di percezione della Russia come paese «antimperialista» o comunque che resiste all’ordine globale dominato dagli Stati Uniti. Si tratta di un modo per giustificare il regime russo, che non considera la natura di classe del paese e il pericolo dell’imperialismo russo per l’insieme della regione, non solo per l’Ucraina. Una visione e un’analisi completamente fuori strada e che va combattuta. Una visione, oltretutto, che non guarda all’esistenza e alla rappresentanza di paesi come l’Ucraina, gli stati baltici o altre repubbliche post-sovietiche che non attirano interesse e comprensione da parte della sinistra occidentale. Così ora, in Ucraina, dobbiamo considerare quella in corso come una lotta per l’autodeterminazione e l’autodifesa del paese, che dovrebbe essere sostenuta dalla sinistra esattamente come si è sostenuto il Rojava o la resistenza palestinese. Il fatto che il governo ucraino non sia progressista non dovrebbe essere una ragione per negare il sostegno alla loro autodeterminazione. Se vogliamo fare un’analogia, l’attuale direzione della resistenza palestinese da parte di Hamas non è decisamente progressista e di sinistra, ma questo non è un motivo per rifiutare di sostenerla.

Quale pensi possa essere il terreno comune di una relazione tra le sinistre antiliberiste e i movimenti sociali progressisti dell’Europa orientale e occidentale? Che tipo di iniziativa pensi si debba costruire per aiutare questi movimenti a incontrarsi?

In questo momento dobbiamo fare ogni sforzo per aiutare i e le rifugiate ucraine in Europa. Allo stesso tempo va sostenuta apertamente la sinistra ucraina – che esiste anche se è molto piccola – e il movimento russo contro la guerra. La sinistra radicale in Occidente può avere in questo senso un ruolo molto più attivo.

*Piero Maestri, attivista, è stato redattore di «Guerra&Pace» ed è coautore tra l’altro di #GeziPark (Alegre, 2013). Ilya Budraitskis è autore di Dissidents among Dissidents. Ideology, Politics and the Left in Post-Soviet Russia (Verso, 2022). Militante della sinistra radicale russa, scrive regolarmente di politica, arte, cinema e filosofia per le riviste «e-flux», «openDemocracy», «Jacobin» e altre. Insegna alla Scuola di scienze sociali ed economiche di Mosca e all’Istituto di arte contemporanea di Mosca


from Amassando ideas

Dentro de la comunidad de programación competitiva existen varias guías acerca de como mejorar y prepararse resolviendo problemas. Esta pequeña guía pretende hacer algo distinto, una lista de comprobación de cosas que hacer antes y durante una competencia de programación.

Antes del contest

  • No tener hambre ni sed
  • No tener ganas de ir al baño
  • Tener agua u otro bebestible a mano
  • Tener snacks a mano por si me de hambre
  • Entrar a Codeforces (o el sitio donde se aloje la competencia) e iniciar sesión.
  • Abrir un archivo de texto para cada problema con la plantilla a usar para la competencia
  • Abrir emulador de terminal en el directorio asignado para la competencia
  • Abrir esta lista de comprobación

Al resolver un problema

  • Leer el enunciado cuidadosamente
  • Determinar exactamente qué es lo que tiene que hacer el programa (matemáticamente si es posible)
  • Comprobar límites de la entrada, de tiempo y de memoria

Encontrar la solución

  • Buscar patrones (programación dinámica, búsqueda binaria, grafos, etc)
  • Reducir a casos sencillos

Implementar la solución

  • Escribir grandes pasos
  • Escribir el código
  • Probar con los casos de ejemplo
  • Probar con pequeños casos borde

Si da Wrong Answer

  • Probar con distintos casos de prueba en los que conozcamos la salida esperada. Si son grandes, generar los casos con números aleatorios y comparar nuestro programa con una solución de búsqueda exhaustiva
  • Inspeccionar el código en busca de errores
  • Intentar demostrar la solución
  • Cambiar los ints por long longs por si hay un overflow escondido.
  • Si todo lo anterior falla, implementar la solución de una forma diferente
  • Si aún así nada funciona, cambiar de problema.


  • Reducir constantes
  • Hacer pequeñas optimizaciones (arrays en vez de vectores, uso de variables globales, etc)
  • Si aún así nada funciona, cambiar de problema.

Si da RE

  • Fijarse en los subíndices de los arrays y vectores
  • Evitar divisiones por 0
  • Si todo lo anterior falla, implementar la solución de una forma diferente
Leer más...

from acqueagitate

«Non basta un po’ di pioggia per uscire dall’emergenza»

Intervista ad Antonello Pasini, fisico climatologo del Cnr – di Serena Tarabini, «Il manifesto».

La differenza fra la meteorologia e la climatologia sta nel fatto che mentre la prima studia le caratteristiche «momentanee» del tempo atmosferico in una determinata area geografica, la seconda fa la «media» degli eventi che si svolgono in un arco di tempo di minimo trenta anni. Clima e meteo non vanno quindi confusi e i climatologi stessi sono sempre molto cauti nell’attribuzione degli eventi estremi, ma sono sempre i climatologi a verificare se e quando eventi come il caldo e la siccità che stanno caratterizzando l’Italia e l’Europa in questo momento abbiano dei precedenti, per trarne le relative deduzioni. Ne discutiamo con il professor Antonello Pasini, fisico climatologo del Cnr e docente di fisica del clima e sostenibilità ambientale.

Caldo e siccità, queste condizioni meteorologiche come si inseriscono nelle dinamiche climatiche attuali?

Noi climatologi stiamo osservando che gli eventi siccitosi della portata di quello che ci sta colpendo negli ultimi 10-15 anni hanno assunto una frequenza più alta, quindi sta effettivamente cambiando qualcosa. La stessa cosa riguarda le ondate di calore del Mediterraneo: eravamo abituati a una circolazione che si dirige da ovest verso est, il ben noto anticiclone delle Azzorre, ma da qualche tempo a questa parte ci troviamo alle prese con gli anticicloni africani: quindi anche la circolazione atmosferica è cambiata.

Come si correlano questi due fenomeni con l’innalzamento della temperatura globale dovuto all’intensificarsi dell’effetto serra?

I gas serra intrappolano il calore che la terra dovrebbe riemettere verso l’esterno, e quindi è facile da collegare all’aumento della temperatura media globale. Il problema è che cambiando i flussi di calore e di aria si modificano gli estremi all’interno dei quali questa temperatura varia, in particolar modo nel Mediterraneo. È un rapporto causa-effetto meno diretto, ma lo vediamo dai nostri modelli: la maggior immissione di anidride carbonica unita al minore assorbimento causata dalla diminuzione della copertura vegetale ha amplificato quella che è la circolazione equatoriale-tropicale verso nord: è chiaro che poi quando arriva l’anticiclone di tipo africano, fa più caldo e non piove.

E per quanto riguarda la crisi idrica?

Dal mio punto di vista la causa principale di questa siccità non risiede tanto nell’estate, ma nell’inverno. La riserva idrica per la primavera e l’estate è rappresentata dalla fusione della neve che si è accumulata in inverno. La neve cade a quote sempre più alte: se prima nevicava a 1.400 metri di altitudine ed ora nevica solo fino ai 1.600, quei duecento metri che una volta erano neve, ora sono pioggia, e li abbiamo persi, perché la pioggia si accumula meno e finisce velocemente in mare: la vera ricchezza idrica è la neve che si fonde lentamente. Questo è un fattore molto importante che ci fa anche capire come non bastano quindici giorni di pioggia, quando arriverà, per risolvere quattro mesi di siccità. Anche perché il problema di questi anticicloni è duplice: quando si ritirano, lasciano la strada aperta alle correnti fredde, che quando arrivano su un mare e un suolo surriscaldati possono provocare disastri, come le alluvioni.

Quali sono gli scenari possibili in caso di pioggia?

L’evaporazione intensa dovuta al calore determina piogge violente che quando arrivano trovano un terreno secco che assorbe pochissimo; la maggior parte dell’acqua, quindi, scivola in superficie e in poco tempo, tramite i fiumi, arriva in mare. Anche che se i millimetri di pioggia caduti fossero gli stessi di un anno non siccitoso, gli effetti sul territorio sono diversi, perché la qualità dell’acqua, diciamo così, è diversa.

Quanto è destinata a durare questa situazione anticiclonica?

Mentre in alcune parti del mondo, come l’Africa, è possibile fare previsioni stagionali accurate, sul nostro Mediterraneo è più difficile perché la circolazione a queste latitudini è più variabile e la geografia fisica più complessa; posso però dire che le previsioni stagionali della temperatura estiva formulate dal Centro meteorologico europeo sono sempre più affidabili: secondo gli ultimi dati forniti, il caldo estremo durerà fino ad agosto, con temperature al di sopra della media; per media mi riferisco a quella dell’ultimo periodo, non certo a quella pre-industriale, in tal caso non ci sarebbe da preoccuparsi.

C’è il rischio di un altro 2003?

Non solo, rispetto al 2003 abbiamo addirittura una situazione ancora più siccitosa; nel 2003 fu eccezionale la durata dell’onda di calore, da maggio a settembre, ecco siamo su quei livelli. E comunque in autunno quando questo anticiclone finalmente e ne andrà, rischiamo dei disastri notevolissimi: arrivano delle piogge violente, il mare è caldo e fornisce molto vapore acqueo ed energia all’atmosfera, i territori sono provati dalla siccità e dall’eccesso di calore: ci sono tutti i termini dell’equazione dei disastri che ho utilizzato in un mio libro per descrivere gli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici: quell’interazione di fattori che incide sull’esposizione al rischio nostra e delle nostre risorse. Dobbiamo stare attenti anche da qui a dieci giorni per quanto riguarda il nord Italia, quando è possibile che l’anticiclone cominci a cedere e che arrivino dei temporali violenti.

Lei è un osservatore non solo dei fenomeni fisici ma anche di quelli politico-sociali: che «clima» si respira?

Come sempre si rischia di agire solo in maniera emergenziale. Se non agiamo sulla base di un ragionamento a lungo termine, almeno trenta anni, questo problema non lo risolviamo. Queste ondate di calore e siccità ce le ritroveremo anche nel futuro: con la temperatura non si torna indietro, tant’è vero che l’obiettivo degli accordi di Parigi è il contenimento dell’aumento al di sotto di 1,5 gradi. Adesso siamo attorno a 1,2, una situazione ancora gestibile: dobbiamo evitare di andare oltre, perché diventerebbe ingestibile. Il che non può succedere se andiamo avanti con lo stesso modello di sviluppo. Questa situazione ci fa vedere che la possibilità di adattamento ha dei limiti: una volta superati, non c’è più nulla da fare. La dinamica naturale è lenta, ma inesorabile. Prendiamo per esempio i ghiacciai alpini: quello che vediamo è che la loro estensione e il loro volume non sono in equilibrio con la temperatura attuale, questo vuol dire che stanno ancora rispondendo al riscaldamento degli ultimi trenta-quaranta anni; i nostri modelli ci mostrano che se anche la temperatura rimanesse quella di adesso, i nostri ghiacciai alpini perderebbero il 30% della superficie e del volume. Se continuiamo come se nulla fosse, dal 30% passiamo al 95 e a quel punto è chiaro che non c’è adattamento possibile. Dobbiamo agire ora per vedere i risultati fra 20 anni. Pensiamoci quando parliamo di tornare alle centrali a carbone.

fonte: https://ilmanifesto.it/non-basta-un-po-di-pioggia-per-uscire-dallemergenza


from Lo spazio intermedio

(testo di Margherita Hack da Pietro Musilli)

La storia delle donne nella cultura e nella vita civile è stata una storia di emarginazione fino alla fine dell'Ottocento e in gran parte ancora fino alla metà del Novecento, almeno nei paesi industrializzati. In molti paesi in via di sviluppo, salvo rare eccezioni, le donne sono ben lontane non solo dall'aver raggiunto la parità con l'altro sesso, ma anche dal vedere loro riconosciuti i più elementari diritti di esseri umani. Quali possono essere le cause di questa situazione che risale indietro nei secoli? Forse già nelle epoche preistoriche, la forza fisica necessaria per sopravvivere, le numerose gravidanze e il lungo periodo di allattamento e di cura della prole hanno portato alla differenziazione dei compiti. Oggi, i progressi della scienza e della medicina, e le conseguenti applicazioni tecnologiche hanno annullato la condanna biblica – uomo lavorerai con fatica, donna partorirai con dolore – almeno nei paesi industrializzati. Per secoli le donne che potevano avere accesso all'istruzione erano quelle rinchiuse nei conventi. Forse per questo le donne che sono emerse nel passato erano soprattutto umaniste, pittrici, scrittrici, poetesse, ma molto più raramente scienziate. Infatti chi ha attitudini artistiche o letterarie può emergere anche senza una preparazione specifica, mentre le scienze, e in particolare le cosiddette scienze “dure” come matematica e fisica richiedono una preparazione di base, senza la quale è quasi impossibile progredire. Solo quelle poche favorite dall'avere un padre, un fratello o un marito scienziato disposto a condividere le proprie cognizioni, potevano farsi una cultura scientifica. Basta ricordare che ancora all'inizio del XX secolo in molti paesi europei alle ragazze era precluso l'accesso alle università ed anche ai licei. Perciò le donne, escluse dalle università, escluse dall'educazione scientifica, sono emerse là dove potevano emergere. Così è sorto il pregiudizio secondo cui le donne sarebbero più adatte alle materie letterarie e linguistiche che non a quelle scientifiche. Le stesse ragazze crescono in mezzo a questi pregiudizi e se ne lasciano influenzare, e scelgono le facoltà umanistiche anche contro le loro naturali inclinazioni, contribuendo così a rafforzare i pregiudizi stessi. Comunque oggi cresce sempre di più il numero di ragazze che scelgono materie ritenute tipicamente maschili come ingegneria. Malgrado le difficoltà incontrate, non sono poche le scienziate che hanno portato importanti contributi allo sviluppo della scienza. La storia ci tramanda i nomi di alcune famose scienziate. Ce ne furono una ventina nell'antichità, fra cui emerge il nome della matematica Ipazia; solo una decina nel medioevo, soprattutto nei conventi, quasi nessuna tra il 1400 e il 1500, 16 nel 1600, 24 nel 1700, 108 nel 1800. Oggi solo nel campo dell'astronomia sono più di 2000, ed in ogni campo dei sapere le ricercatrici universitarie superano il 50%, con punte dell'80% nelle facoltà umanistiche, del 60% in quelle di scienze biologiche, dal 30 al 40% nelle scienze abiologiche, più dei 50% nelle matematiche, mentre sono ancora al di sotto dei 20% in facoltà come ingegneria e agraria. Fra le matematiche va ricordata la già citata Ipazia (370-415 d.C.), figlia del matematico e filosofo Teone. Diventò capo di una scuola platonica di Alessandria d'Egitto frequentata da molti giovani. Fu uccisa barbaramente da un gruppo di fanatici cristiani, forse anche perché tanta genialità matematica in una donna poteva sembrare indice di empietà. Nel 1700 Maria Gaetana Agnesi (1718-1799) fu la prima donna ad essere chiamata a ricoprire una cattedra universitaria, all'Università di Bologna, e Sophie Germain (1776-1831) fu una riconosciuta esperta di teoria dei numeri e di fisica. Nel XIX secolo ci sono numerose grandi matematiche, fra le quali emergono soprattutto Sofia Kovaleskaja (1850-1891), professore all'Università di Stoccolma, e Emmy Noether (1882-1935), fondatrice dell'Algebra moderna. Fra le matematiche italiane di questo secolo ricordo Pia Nalli (1866-1964) professore ordinario di analisi matematica all'università di Cagliari e poi di Catania; Maria Pastori (1895-1975) ordinario di Meccanica Razionale all'università di Messina, Maria Cibrario Cinquini (1905-1992), ordinario di Analisi matematica a Cagliari e professore emerito dell'università di Pavia, Maria Biggiogero Masotti ordinario di geometria presso il Politecnico di Milano. Fra le fisiche e le astrofisiche vanno ricordate, naturalmente Marie Sklodwska Curie (1867-1934), premio Nobel per la fisica nel 1903 e per la chimica nel 1911, e prima donna professore alla Sorbona e la figlia Irene Curie (1897-1956) premio Nobel per la chimica nel 1935; Lise Meitner (1878-1856) premio Nobel per la chimica nel 1935 la quale scopre il fenomeno della fissione nucleare ed è la prima donna ad avere una cattedra universitaria di fisica in Germania; Marie Goeppert Mayer (1906-1968) premio Nobel per la fisica nel 1963 per la sua teoria sui “numeri magici” che determinano la stabilità degli atomi; Wu Chieng-Shiung (1913-1997), professore di fisica alla Columbia University, scopritrice della non conservazione della parità nelle interazioni deboli. Fra le astronome e astrofisiche va ricordata Caroline Herschel (1750-1848) che insieme al fratello William iniziò lo studio fisico del cielo, occupandosi di quello sfondo di stelle fino allora considerato poco più di uno scenario su cui si muovevano i pianeti. A loro si deve lo studio delle nubi interstellari, la scoperta di regioni apparentemente prive di stelle, che oggi sappiamo essere regioni ricche di polveri che ci nascondono le stelle retrostanti, e lo studio della distribuzione delle stelle sulla volta celeste. Maria Mitchell (1818-1889) è stata la prima famosa astronoma americana, docente di astronomia al Vassar College e direttrice dell'osservatorio, che ha preso il suo nome. Un terzetto di astronome americane che hanno legato il loro nome a scoperte e ricerche fondamentali per la moderna astrofisica sono Henrietta Swan Leavitt (1868-1921), Anne Cannon (1863-1941) e Antonia Maury (1866-1952). La prima scoprì la relazione che lega il periodo di variazione di luce di una classe di stelle variabili dette “Cefeidi” al loro splendore assoluto, facendo di questa classe di stelle uno dei migliori mezzi per la determinazione delle distanze delle galassie. Alla seconda si deve la classificazione degli spettri di più di 225.000 stelle; il risultato del suo lavoro è raccolto nel poderoso catalogo “Henry Draper” (dal nome dei finanziatone dell'opera) che è ancora oggi largamente consultato. La terza scoprì alcune caratteristiche degli spettri stellari, che permettevano di stabilire lo splendore assoluto di una stella, e quindi – misurato lo splendore apparente – risalire alla distanza. Essa ha anticipato di almeno due decenni il metodo di determinazione delle distanze dal semplice studio dello spettro. Una grande astrofisica, iniziatrice dei metodi di studio delle atmosfere stellari e della determinazione della loro composizione chimica è stata Cecilia Payne Gaposchkin (1890-1979). Iniziatrice dello studio dell'evoluzione chimica della Galassia è stata una giovane astrofisica, scomparsa prematuramente, Beatrice Tinsley (1941-1981). Oggi sono numerosissime le astrofisiche di fama internazionale che guidano gruppi di ricerca nei più svariati campi, dalla fisica stellare alla cosmologia, e delle più svariate nazionalità. Si può stimare che in tutto il mondo rappresentino dal 25 al 30% di tutti gli astronomi e astrofisici. Altrettanto numerose sono le scienziate nel campo della biologia e delle scienze mediche, molte insignite di premio Nobel. Per tutte ricordiamo Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909) premio Nobel per la medicina nel 1986. Sebbene oggi i contributi delle donne alla scienza vengano riconosciuti, resta il fatto che le scienziate per emergere devono generalmente lavorare di più dei loro colleghi e devono ancora superare numerosi pregiudizi, che, contrariamente a quanto si crede, sono maggiori nei paesi anglosassoni che non in quelli latini. Spesso mi viene chiesto se ho incontrato molte difficoltà nel corso della mia vita scientifica. Ritengo che molti degli ostacoli di cui si lamentano parecchie ricercatrici dipende anche dall'educazione ricevuta che, almeno fino a qualche decennio fa, tendeva a fare delle bambine persone arrendevoli e servizievoli, poco combattive e desiderose di protezione. Oggi mi sembra che le cose vadano cambiando, la vita e l'educazione comune a bambini e bambine li lascia più liberi di sviluppare le proprie attitudini naturali, senza imporre loro condizionamenti dovuti al sesso. Io ho avuto la fortuna di avere una famiglia in cui babbo e mamma erano perfettamente eguali, si dividevano i compiti in piena parità, e che non mi hanno mai imposto comportamenti o giocattoli legati a stereotipi sessuali. Anche lo sport che ho praticato per parecchi anni mi ha aiutato a sviluppare quella competitività che e necessaria per riuscire nell'atletica come nella scienza, per vincere sportivamente, allenandosi e studiando e avendo la costanza di perseguire lo scopo di battere un record o di ottenere un risultato scientifico, senza scoraggiarsi davanti agli insuccessi, perseverando con costanza. Credo perciò che l'ambiente familiare in cui ho avuto la fortuna di nascere sia stato estremamente importante per darmi fiducia nelle mie possibilità, e per non provare complessi di inferiorità che ho spesso notato in colleghe della mia generazione e anche più giovani. Malgrado i grandi progressi fatti dalle donne, ci sono ancora notevoli disparità nel mondo del lavoro, della politica e della ricerca. Nelle università per esempio le ricercatrici sono ormai più della metà di tutti i ricercatori, ma appena si passa al livello superiore, quello dei professori associati, le donne sono meno del 30% e al più alto livello dei professori ordinari sono appena il 10%. In politica è a tutti nota la scarsa rappresentanza femminile alla Camera dei deputati e al Senato. Al governo dei comuni sono ancora una minoranza le donne sindaco, mentre sono frequenti gli assessorati alla cultura assegnati a donne, il che mi fa malignamente pensare quanta poca importanza i politici tendono ancora a dare alla cultura, ritenuta un trascurabile centro di potere locale. Quasi sempre si attribuisce questa scarsa presenza femminile nei livelli più alti all'impegno familiare, alle cure dei marito e dei figli, e si chiede un maggiore impegno dello stato nel fornire asili nido, scuole materne, scuole a tempo pieno. Giustissimo! Però rarissimamente si afferma il diritto delle donne e il dovere degli uomini di dividersi al 50% le cure familiari, dalle più umili alle più importanti, anche se la legislazione familiare dà alle donne la possibilità di rivendicare questa reale parità. Sta alle giovani donne educare i propri compagni e ai giovani uomini di incitare le loro compagne ad affermarsi nella vita. Comunque ritengo che il crescente numero di donne affermate nella scienza, nella politica, nello sport e in tutti i campi dell'attività umana fornisca quei modelli che finora mancavano alle bambine, e che possono dar loro fiducia e stimoli ad eguagliarle.


from Parole alate

Troppe ferite di parole sconnesse dagli atti E di atti divisi dal cuore Mi rinchiudono in un'armatura di doloroso silenzio

I trasporti, il calore, gli abbandoni Per chi scalerà i muri delle mie paure E attraverserà il fossato della mia solitudine

Vergine di ferro


from veer66

(Posted on 2022-05-10)

I try to convert C-style for-loop in JS to Common Lisp's loop macro for a learning purpose.

for (i=0; i<10; i++) {

Above JS code can be converted to:

(loop with i = 0
      unless (< i 10) return nil
      do (print i)
      do (incf i))

And, of course, the version below is more appropriate.

(loop for i from 0 below 10 do
    (print i))

The first version looks more flexible in applying to another problem than the last one.


from auctor

Free Lunch

This is a list of free Windows software for normal users. It will be updated from time to time.

Please note the following points:

  • This list contains the great built-in apps in Windows.
  • Strikethrough text is used to show that something is not recommended. These apps aren't private or reliable enough compared to similar apps, although they are cool!
  • Some apps could possibly infringe copyright or other laws.
  • Microsoft Store Apps may not have all the features of Desktop Apps.
  • microsoft store – Microsoft Store
  • repository – Repository
  • openOpen Source license compliant
  • ❤️ – My Favorites




Audio Editors

  • ❤️ Audacity – An easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder. repo open
  • AudioMass – Free full-featured web-based audio & waveform editing tool. repo
  • ❤️ Tenacity – An easy-to-use, privacy-friendly, FLOSS, cross-platform multi-track audio editor/recorder. repo open
  • ❤️ fre:ac – A free audio converter and CD ripper with support for various popular formats and encoders. repo store open

Audio Players

  • ❤️ AIMP – A full-featured music player. store
  • DeaDBeeF – A modular cross-platform audio player. repo
  • ❤️ Dopamine – An elegant audio player which tries to make organizing and listening to music as simple and pretty as possible. repo open
  • ❤️ foobar2000 – An advanced freeware audio player. store
  • Harmonoid – Elegant music app to play & manage music library. repo
  • Moosync – A customizable desktop music player with a clean interface. repo open
  • Museeks – A simple, clean and cross-platform music player. repo open
  • ❤️ MusicBee – A music manager and player. store
  • Musicpod – Music, radio, television and podcast player for Ubuntu, Windows, MacOs and Android. open
  • Strawberry Music Player – A music player and music collection organizer. repo open
  • Tauon Music Box – The desktop music player from the future! repo open
  • CPOD – A simple, beautiful podcast app. open

Music Production

  • AudioStellar – Open source data-driven musical instrument for latent sound structure discovery and music experimentation. repo open
  • BeepBox – An online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental melodies. repo open
  • Bespoke Synth – Bespoke is a software modular synthesizer. repo open
  • Helio Workstation – One music sequencer for all major platforms, desktop and mobile. repo open
  • Jamulus – A networked music performance software allowing musicians to rehearse, perform and play in real-time. repo
  • ❤️ LMMS – Cross-platform music production software. repo open
  • ❤️ Mixxx – Free DJ software that gives you everything you need to perform live mixes. repo
  • ❤️ MuseScore – Create, playback, and print sheet music for free. repo store
  • OpenMPT (ModPlug Tracker) – Sample-based music production program in the style of trackers such as Impulse Tracker and FastTracker. repo open
  • Sonic Pi – A code-based music creation and performance tool. repo open

Music Streaming

  • Cider – An open source and community oriented Apple Music client. repo open
  • Lofi – A mini Spotify player with WebGL visualizations. repo open
  • muffon – Music streaming browser. repo open
  • ❤️ nuclear – Streaming music player that finds free music for you. repo open
  • Spotube – A lightweight free Spotify crossplatform-client which handles playback manually, streams music using Youtube & no Spotify premium account is needed. repo
  • YouTube Music Desktop – A Desktop App for YouTube Music.
  • YouTube Music – YouTube Music Desktop App bundled with custom plugins (and built-in ad blocker / downloader). repo open

Music Tag Editors

  • Kid3 – An open-source cross-platform audio tag editor for many audio file formats. repo open
  • Mp3tag – A powerful and easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of audio files. store
  • ❤️ MusicBrainz Picard – An open-source cross-platform music tagger. repo store open
  • OneTagger – The ultimate music tagger for DJs. repo open

Sound Equalizers

  • ❤️ Equalizer APO – A system-wide equalizer. open
  • FxSound – A digital audio program built for Windows PC's. repo open
  • ❤️ Peace Equalizer – A Windows PC interface for Equalizer APO. open

Volume Control

  • ❤️ EarTrumpet – A powerful volume control app for Windows. repo store open
  • SoundSwitch – SoundSwitch offers you the opportunity to switch your playback and recording devices using simple hotkeys. repo open
  • Volumey – Volume mixer that allows you to set up global hotkeys to control your Windows audio system. store open
  • WinMute – WinMute can automatically mute all sound devices on your PC. open


  • AirConnect – Use AirPlay to stream to UPnP/Sonos & Chromecast devices.
  • AirPodsDesktop – AirPods desktop user experience enhancement program. open
  • Audio Band – Display and control songs from the Windows taskbar. open
  • AudioPlaybackConnector – Bluetooth audio playback (A2DP Sink) connector for Windows 10 2004+. open
  • Buzz – Transcribe and translate audio offline on your personal computer. open
  • Carla – A fully-featured audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. repo open
  • ❤️ Figaro – Real-time open-source voice modification program & sound board. open
  • Friture – An application to visualize and analyze live audio data in real-time. store open
  • Mechvibes – Adds sound feedback any keyboard. repo
  • MicMute – Control your microphone using keyboard and mouse hotkeys.
  • Neothesia – Flashy Synthesia Like Software For Linux, Windows and macOS. open
  • Piano Trainer – A music practice program w/ MIDI support. repo open
  • projectM – The most advanced open-source music visualizer. store
  • Real-time Noise Suppression Plugin – Noise suppression plugin based on Xiph's RNNoise. open
  • Sonic Visualiser – Visualisation, analysis, and annotation of music audio recordings. repo open
  • SonoBus – A real-time network audio streaming collaboration tool. repo open
  • Soundux – A cross-platform soundboard that features a simple user interface. repo open
  • Spek – Free Acoustic Spectrum Analyser. repo open
  • SpleeterGUI – Music source separation desktop app. open
  • Sunamu – Show your currently playing song in a stylish way! open
  • Audio Share – Audio Share can share Windows/Linux computer's audio to Android phone over network, so your phone becomes the speaker of computer. open
  • swyh-rs – Stream What You Hear written in rust, inspired by SWYH. open
  • VB-CABLE – VB-CABLE is a virtual audio device working as virtual audio cable.

Backup and Sync

Cloud Storage

  • ❤️ Nextcloud – A suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services. repo
  • ❤️ MEGA – A secure, user-controlled end-to-end encrypted cloud storage and communications service with 20 GB free storage space. repo
  • ❤️ Proton Drive – Secure your files, documents and photos with end-to-end encryption. open
  • ❤️ Sync – A file storage and document collaboration platform.
  • ❤️ Tresorit – Tresorit is the ultra-secure place in the cloud to store, sync, and share files within your organization and with external partners.
  • Internxt Drive – A zero-knowledge cloud storage service based on best-in-class privacy and security. repo


  • Cyberduck – A libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3, Backblaze B2, Azure & OpenStack Swift browser. repo open
  • Duplicacy – A new generation cloud backup tool. repo
  • Duplicati – Store securely encrypted backups in the cloud! open
  • FreeFileSync – Folder comparison and synchronization software that creates and manages backup copies of all your important files.
  • Kopia – A simple, cross-platform tool for managing encrypted backups in the cloud. repo open
  • ❤️ Rclone – A command-line program to sync files and directories to and from different cloud storage providers. repo open
  • restic – Fast, secure, efficient backup program. repo open
  • ❤️ Syncthing – A continuous file synchronization program. repo open
  • ❤️ ChoEazyCopy – Simple and powerful RoboCopy GUI. open
  • Ultracopier – Ultracopier acts as a replacement for files copy dialogs. repo open
  • Ludusavi – A tool for backing up your PC video game save data. open

Browsers and Extensions


  • ❤️ Brave – A fast, private and secure web browser. repo store open
  • Chromium – The free and open-source project behind Google Chrome. repo open
  • ❤️ Firefox – Get the browser that protects what’s important. store open
  • ❤️ LibreWolf – A fork of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom. repo open
  • ❤️ Mullvad Browser – Privacy-focused browser for Linux, macOS and Windows. repo open
  • ❤️ Tor Browser – A web broswer that anonymizes your web traffic using the Tor network. repo
  • Min – A fast, minimal browser that protects your privacy. repo


New Tab Page

  • Mue – Fast, open and free-to-use new tab page for modern browsers. repo open
  • nightTab – A neutral new tab page accented with a chosen colour. repo open
  • Tabliss – A beautiful, customisable New Tab page for Firefox and Chrome. repo open

Privacy Extensions

  • AdNauseam – Fight back against advertising surveillance. repo open
  • ClearURLs – This extension will automatically remove tracking elements from URLs to help protect your privacy when browsing the Internet. repo open
  • ❤️ FastForward – FastForward automatically skips annoying link shorteners. repo
  • ❤️ LibRedirect – A web extension that redirects popular sites to alternative privacy-friendly frontends and backends. repo open
  • ❤️ LocalCDN – A web browser extension that emulates Content Delivery Networks to improve your online privacy. repo open
  • Mailvelope – Browser extension for OpenPGP encryption with Webmail. open
  • ❤️ uBlock Origin – An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean. open

Bookmark Managers

  • Floccus – Sync your bookmarks privately across browsers. repo open
  • Sidebery – Firefox extension for managing tabs and bookmarks in sidebar. open
  • xBrowserSync – Free and open source tool for syncing your browser data between browsers and devices whilst maintaining your privacy and anonymity. repo open


  • ❤️ Automa – A chrome extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks. repo
  • BetterViewer – A replacement for the image viewing mode built into Firefox and Chrome-based web browsers. open
  • Bypass Paywalls – A web browser extension to help bypass paywalls for selected sites.
  • ❤️ Dark Reader – Dark Reader analyzes web pages and aims to reduce eyestrain while browsing the web. repo open
  • Gesturefy – A customizable Firefox mouse gesture add-on with a variety of different commands. open
  • Marinara – A time management assistant for Chrome that follows the Pomodoro Technique. open
  • ❤️ Omni – The all-in-one tool to supercharge your productivity keyboard. open
  • Read Aloud – A Text to Speech Voice Reader extension for your browser! repo open
  • ❤️ Screenity – The most powerful screen recorder & annotation tool for Chrome. open
  • Search by Image – A browser extension that makes effortless reverse image searches possible, and comes with support for more than 30 search engines. open
  • ❤️ Translate Web Pages – Translate your page in real time using Google or Yandex. open
  • uBlacklist – Blocks specific sites from appearing in Google search results. repo open
  • Unclutter – A modern reader mode and article library for your browser. repo open
  • ❤️ Violentmonkey – An open source userscript manager. repo open
  • Web Scrobbler – Web Scrobbler helps online music listeners to scrobble their playback history. repo open



Email Clients

  • Delta Chat – Chat over e-mail. repo store open
  • Mailspring – A beautiful, fast and fully open source mail client. repo open
  • ❤️ Thunderbird – A free email application that’s easy to set up and customize. open

Email Forwarding Services

  • ❤️ AnonAddy – Anonymous Email Forwarding. repo open
  • ❤️ Firefox Relay – Keep your email safe from hackers and trackers. repo open
  • ❤️ SimpleLogin – Receive and send emails anonymously. repo open

Email Providers

  • ❤️ Protonmail – An email provider/service that respects privacy and puts people first. repo
  • ❤️ Tutanota – A secure email service. repo open

Temporary Email Services


  • ❤️ Element – Secure and independent communication, connected via Matrix. repo open
  • Session – An end-to-end encrypted messenger. repo open
  • ❤️ Signal – A messaging app with an unexpected focus on privacy, combined with all the features expected from a modern IM app. repo open
  • ❤️ SimpleX – The first messenger without user IDs. repo open
  • Ferdium – A desktop app that helps you organize how you use your favourite apps by combining them into one application. repo open
  • Hamsket – Free messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications into one. open
  • Jitsi Meet – Free Jitsi Meet instance, provising state-of-the-art video conferencing. repo
  • Revolt – User-first chat platform built with modern web technologies. repo

Social Media

  • Glimesh – A next generation live streaming platform built by the community, for the community. repo
  • LBRY – A decentralized video sharing network. repo
  • ❤️ PeerTube – A free, decentralized and federated video platform. repo open
  • Lemmy – A link aggregator / Reddit clone for the fediverse. repo open
  • ❤️ Mastodon – Globally interconnected microblogging community. repo open
  • ❤️ WriteFreely – A clean, simple publishing platform made for writers. repo open


Statistical Analysis

  • GNU PSPP – A program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It is a free as in freedom replacement for the proprietary program SPSS. open
  • gretl – A cross-platform software package for econometric analysis, written in the C programming language. repo open
  • jamovi – A free and open statistics package, which is easy to use, and designed to be familiar to users of SPSS. repo open
  • JASP – JASP is an open-source statistics program that is free, friendly, and flexible. repo open
  • RStudio – RStudio provides open source and enterprise-ready professional software for data science. repo open

Terminal Emulators

  • Fluent Terminal – A Terminal Emulator based on UWP and web technologies. store open
  • ❤️ PowerShell – A task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. repo store
  • Tabby – A highly configurable terminal emulator, SSH and serial client. repo open
  • WezTerm – GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer made with Rust. repo open
  • WindTerm – A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Serial terminal. repo
  • ❤️ Windows Terminal – A modern, fast, efficient, powerful, and productive terminal application for users of command-line tools and shells like Command Prompt, PowerShell, and WSL.
  • Oh My Posh – A prompt theme engine for any shell. repo store open

Text Editors

  • Brackets – Brackets is a modern text editor that makes it easy to design in the browser. repo
  • GNU Emacs – An extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor — and more. repo open
  • ❤️ Kate – A multi-document text editor. store
  • Lapce – Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust. repo open
  • Lite XL – A lightweight text editor written in Lua. repo open
  • ❤️ Notepad++ – A free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. repo open
  • ❤️ Notepads – A modern, lightweight text editor with a minimalist design. repo store open
  • Visual Studio Code – A free, lightweight, and extensible code editor. repo store open
  • ❤️ VSCodium – A community-driven, freely-licensed binary distribution of Microsoft’s editor VS Code. repo open


  • ❤️ adb – A programming tool used for the debugging of Android-based devices.
  • ❤️ DevToys – A Swiss Army knife for developers. repo store open
  • massCode – A free and open source code snippets manager for developers. repo
  • WinMerge – An Open Source differencing and merging tool for Windows. repo open
  • freeCodeCamp.org – Learn to code for free with millions of other people around the world. repo
  • The Odin Project – An open-source curriculum for learning full-stack web development. repo


Download Managers

  • AriaNg-Native – A better aria2 desktop frontend than AriaNg, containing all features of AriaNg and more features for desktop. repo open
  • ❤️ Free Download Manager – A powerful modern download accelerator and organizer.
  • Gopeed – A modern download manager that supports all platforms. repo open
  • ❤️ JDownloader – A free, open-source download management tool.
  • ❤️ Motrix – A full-featured download manager. open
  • Persepolis – A download manager & a GUI for Aria2. repo open
  • XDM – Powerfull download accelerator and video downloader. repo open

Media Downloaders

  • ❤️ Streamlink – A CLI utility which pipes video streams from various services into a video player. repo open
  • ❤️ Lux – A fast and simple video downloader built with Go. open
  • ❤️ You-Get – A tiny command-line utility to download media contents (videos, audios, images) from the Web. repo open
  • ❤️ youtube-dl – Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites. repo
  • ❤️ YT-DLP – A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes.
  • ❤️ Hitomi Downloader – Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
  • ❤️ Media Downloader – A Qt/C++ front end to youtube-dl.
  • Open Video Downloader – A cross-platform GUI for youtube-dl made in Electron and node.js. repo store open
  • Tartube – A GUI front-end for youtube-dl. open
  • Video Downloader – A video and channel downloader that supports 110 websites.
  • YoutubeDownloader – An application that lets you download videos from YouTube. open
  • HakuNeko – A cross-platform downloader for manga and anime from various websites. repo
  • N_m3u8DL-CLI – A command line tool for downloading m3u8. repo open
  • SCrawler – Media downloader from any sites, including Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, TikTok, PornHub, XHamster, XVIDEOS etc. open
  • SpotiFlyer – Kotlin Multiplatform Music Downloader ,supports Spotify, Youtube, Gaana, Jio-Saavn and SoundCloud. open
  • Twitch Leecher – An extremely fast and easy to use Twitch VOD downloader. open
  • Ytmdl – A simple app to get songs from YouTube in mp3 format with artist name, album name etc from sources like iTunes, Spotify, LastFM, Deezer, Gaana etc. repo open
  • gallery-dl – Command-line program to download image galleries and collections from several image hosting sites. open

Torrent Clients

  • Instant.io – Streaming file transfer over WebTorrent (torrents on the web). repo open
  • PicoTorrent – A tiny and minimal BitTorrent client. repo
  • PikaTorrent – A modern, simple, connected, and electric BitTorrent app. repo store open
  • ❤️ qBittorrent – qBittorrent aims to be a good alternative to all other bittorrent clients out there. repo open
  • ❤️ Transmission – A fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client. repo
  • WebTorrent – The streaming torrent app. repo open


Online Education Services

  • Coursera – Free and paid courses on a wide variety of subjects from scholastic to technical and more.
  • edX – Free online courses by Harvard, MIT.
  • Khan Academy – A personalized learning resource for all ages.

Reference Management

  • JabRef – An open-source, cross-platform citation and reference management tool. repo open
  • Qiqqa – A free research and reference manager. repo open
  • ZoteroBib – ZoteroBib helps you build a bibliography instantly from any computer or device.
  • ❤️ Zotero – A free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources. repo open



  • Anki – Powerful, intelligent flash cards. repo open
  • Avogadro – An advanced molecular editor designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas. repo open
  • BOINC – Open-source software for volunteer computing and grid computing. repo open
  • Converter NOW – A flexible unit converter. repo store open
  • GCompris – A high quality educational software suite. store
  • GNU Octave – A programming language for scientific computing.
  • GeoGebra – Free digital tools for class activities, graphing, geometry, collaborative whiteboard and more. repo
  • Gramps – Research, organize and share your family tree with Gramps.
  • LanguageTool – Checks your writing in more than 20 languages. repo open
  • Monkeytype – The most customizable typing website with a minimalistic design and a ton of features. repo open
  • Orange Data Mining – A data mining and visualization toolbox for novice and expert alike. repo open
  • Qalculate! – A multi-purpose cross-platform desktop calculator. repo open
  • Scilab – Open source software for numerical computation. repo open
  • Scratch – With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations. store
  • Tabby– Simple timetable desktop app to track your school schedule. open

File Management

Duplicate File Finders

  • ❤️ Czkawka – Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
  • ❤️ dupeGuru – A cross-platform GUI tool to find duplicate files in a system. repo open
  • Video Duplicate Finder – A cross-platform software to find duplicated video (and image) files on hard disk based on similiarity.

File Archivers

  • ❤️ 7-Zip – A file archiver with a high compression ratio.
  • NanaZip – The 7-Zip derivative intended for the modern Windows experience. store
  • ❤️ PeaZip – A free file manager and file archiver. repo open

File Converters

  • Convertio – Easy tool to convert files online.
  • ❤️ Dangerzone – Take potentially dangerous PDFs, office documents, or images and convert them to a safe PDF. repo open
  • ❤️ File Converter – A very simple tool which allows you to convert and compress one or several file(s) using the context menu of windows explorer. repo open
  • ❤️ Pandoc – Universal markup converter. repo

File Managers

  • ❤️ Double Commander – A free cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side. repo
  • Far Manager – A program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. repo open
  • ❤️ Files – A modern file manager. repo store open
  • FreeCommander – An easy-to-use alternative to the standard windows file manager.
  • Sigma File Manager – A free, open-source, quickly evolving, modern file manager app. store
  • Xplorer – A customizable, modern and cross-platform File Explorer. repo open

File Renamers

  • Ant Renamer – A free program that makes easier the renaming of lots of files and folders by using specified settings.
  • File Renamer Diff – A File Renamer App featuring a difference display before and after the change for Windows. store open
  • ❤️ Szyszka – A simple but powerful and fast bulk file renamer. open

File Sharing

File Sharing Web Apps

  • Lufi – Anonymous file sharing services with temporary storage. repo open
  • ❤️ Send – Simple, private file sharing. repo open
  • ❤️ Tresorit Send – Send big files up to 5 GB securely.
  • Wormhole – Simple, private file sharing.
  • SwissTransfer – Send files up to 50 GB free of charge.
  • pic.infini – A free and anonymous image hosting service.
  • Blaze – A P2P file sharing web app. repo open
  • FilePizza – Peer-to-peer file transfers in your browser. repo
  • ❤️ ShareDrop – Easy P2P file transfer powered by WebRTC. repo open
  • ❤️ Snapdrop – A Progressive Web App for local file sharing. repo open
  • libcimbar – Optimized implementation for color-icon-matrix barcodes. repo open

LAN File Sharing

  • ❤️ OpenSSH – Windows Optional Features. OpenSSH is a complete implementation of the SSH protocol (version 2) for secure remote login, command execution and file transfer.
  • Flying Carpet – Wireless, encrypted file transfer over automatically configured ad hoc networking. open
  • ❤️ LocalSend – An open source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop. repo store open
  • SFTPGo – Fully featured and highly configurable SFTP server with optional HTTP/S, FTP/S and WebDAV support. repo open
  • ❤️ Sharik – An open-source, cross-platform solution for sharing files via Wi-Fi or Mobile Hotspot. store open
  • ❤️ WinSCP – A popular free SFTP and FTP client for Windows. repo open
  • ❤️ Winpinator – Send and receive files across a local network. repo open
  • miniserve – A CLI tool to serve files and dirs over HTTP. open


  • Magic Wormhole – Get things from one computer to another, safely. open
  • ❤️ OnionShare – An open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network. repo
  • RiftShare – Easy, Secure, and Free file sharing for everyone. repo store open
  • ❤️ Rymdport – A GUI for the Magic Wormhole. repo open
  • croc – A CLI file-transfer tool. repo open

Games and Tools

Game Launchers

  • Heroic Games Launcher – A Native GOG and Epic Games Launcher for Linux, Windows and Mac. repo open
  • Nostlan – Nostlan is a game launcher for emulators! repo open
  • Pegasus – A cross platform, customizable graphical frontend for launching emulators and managing your game collection. repo open
  • ❤️ Playnite – An open source video game library manager and launcher with support for 3rd party libraries like Steam, GOG, Origin, Battle.net and Uplay. repo open
  • RetroArch – A frontend for emulators, game engines and media players. repo open

Game Stores

  • GOG GALAXY – Truly gamer friendly, DRM-free online gaming platform.
  • ❤️ Game Jolt – Game Jolt is one of the largest communities in existence for video games and the millions of people around the world who love them. repo open
  • ❤️ itch.io – An online game marketplace and community. repo open


  • 0 A.D. – A free, open-source game of ancient warfare.
  • Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead – A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world. repo
  • Cockatrice – A cross-platform virtual tabletop for multiplayer card games. repo open
  • Endless Sky – A space exploration and combat game similar to Escape Velocity. repo open
  • FlightGear – An open-source flight simulator.
  • Lichess – The complete chess experience, play and compete with friends and others around the world. repo
  • Mindustry – A sandbox tower defense game written in Java. repo open
  • Minetest – An open source voxel game engine. repo
  • OpenDuelyst – A digital collectible card game. repo open
  • OpenTDD – OpenTTD is a business simulation game in which players try to earn money by transporting passengers and freight via road, rail, water and air. repo open
  • Rigs of Rods – An open-source soft-body vehicle simulator. repo open
  • SuperTuxKart – A free kart racing game. repo
  • Thrive – A free, open-source game about the evolution of life. repo
  • Unciv – Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V. open
  • Warzone 2100 – A ground-breaking and innovative 3D real-time strategy game. repo
  • Wesnoth – An open source, turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme. repo open
  • Widelands – A free, open source real-time strategy game with singleplayer campaigns and a multiplayer mode. repo open
  • Xonotic – An addictive, arena-style first person shooter with crisp movement and a wide array of weapons. repo open
  • osu! – A free-to-win rhythm game. Rhythm is just a click away! repo open

Gaming Utilities

  • AntiMicroX – Graphical program used to map keyboard buttons and mouse controls to a gamepad. open
  • CrossOver – A Crosshair Overlay for any screen. repo store
  • Moonlight – An open source implementation of NVIDIA's GameStream. repo open
  • Sunshine – Host for Moonlight Streaming Client. repo open


2D and 3D

  • ❤️ Enve – Open-source 2D animation software. repo open
  • ❤️ OpenToonz – An open-source full-featured 2D animation creation software. repo
  • Pencil2D – An easy, intuitive tool to make 2D hand-drawn animations. repo open
  • Seamly2D – Open source patternmaking software. open
  • ❤️ Synfig Studio – A free and open-source 2D animation software. repo open
  • Wick Editor – A free and open-source tool for creating games, animations and everything in-between! repo open
  • ❤️ Blender – Free and Open Source 3D creation suite. repo store open
  • Blockbench – A low poly 3D model editor. repo open
  • F3D – A fast and minimalist 3D viewer. repo open
  • FreeCAD – An open-source parametric 3D modeler made primarily to design real-life objects of any size. repo open
  • MeshLab – The open source mesh processing system. repo open
  • OpenSCAD – The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller. repo open
  • Sweet Home 3D – A free interior design application which helps you draw the plan of your house, arrange furniture on it and visit the results in 3D.

Design Tools

  • Motionity – The web-based motion graphics editor for everyone. repo open
  • Penpot – The Open-Source design & prototyping platform. repo open
  • Polotno Studio – Free online design editor. repo
  • Screenshot.rocks – An online tool which allows you to create beautiful mobile & browser mockups from screenshots. repo open

Digital Painting

  • AutoDraw – An intuitive drawing tool for everyone.
  • Drawpile – A collaborative drawing program. repo open
  • FotoSketcher – Turn your photos into beautiful paintings, sketches or drawings in seconds.
  • ❤️ Inkscape – A free and open-source vector graphics editor. repo store open
  • ❤️ Krita – A free and open source digital painting application. repo
  • Milton – A free and open-source infinite canvas paint program. repo open
  • Pinta – A free, open source program for drawing and image editing. repo
  • tldraw – A tiny little drawing app. repo open

Image Editors

  • Converseen – A batch image converter and resizer. repo open
  • ❤️ GIMP – A cross-platform image editor. repo store open
  • ❤️ PhotoGIMP – A patch for optimizing GIMP 2.10+ for Adobe Photoshop users. open
  • ImageMagick – A software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. repo
  • ❤️ Paint.NET – Free image and photo editing software.
  • PhotoDemon – A portable photo editor. repo
  • Pixelitor – A desktop image editor. repo open
  • miniPaint – Online image editor lets you create, edit images using HTML5 technologies. repo
  • ❤️ Photopea – Online photo editor.
  • Xpano – Automated photo stiching tool. repo store open
  • ❤️ darktable – An open source photography workflow application and raw developer. repo open
  • ❤️ digiKam – An advanced digital photo management application. repo
  • Filmulator – Simplified raw editing with the power of film. repo open
  • ❤️ RawTherapee – A powerful cross-platform raw photo processing program. repo open

Image Optimizers

  • Caesium Image Compressor – An image compression web app.
  • Caesium – A cross-platform image compression software. repo open
  • ❤️ Imagine – A desktop app for compression of PNG and JPEG, with a modern and friendly UI. open
  • ❤️ Squoosh – An image compression web app that reduces image sizes through numerous formats. repo open

Image Viewers

  • ❤️ FastStone Image Viewer – A fast, stable, user-friendly image browser, converter and editor.
  • ❤️ ImageGlass – A lightweight, versatile image viewer. repo open
  • ❤️ IrfanView – A very fast, compact and innovative FREEWARE image viewer/converter. store
  • JPEGView – A lean, fast and highly configurable viewer/editor for JPEG, BMP, PNG, WEBP, TGA, GIF and TIFF images with a minimal GUI. open
  • NeeView – A Free and Open Source, modern and powerful image viewer and a manga/comic reader. store open
  • ❤️ nomacs – A free, open source image viewer. repo open
  • qimgv – Image viewer. Fast, easy to use. open
  • Quick Picture Viewer – Lightweight, versatile desktop image viewer. repo store open
  • qView – Practical and minimal image viewer. repo open


  • Capture2Text – Quickly OCR part of the screen and save resulting text to clipboard. open
  • gImageReader – A simple Gtk/Qt front-end to tesseract-ocr. open
  • NAPS2 – Scan documents to PDF and more, as simply as possible. repo open
  • NormCap – OCR powered screen-capture tool to capture information instead of images. repo
  • Paperwork – Paperwork is a personal document manager. It manages scanned documents and PDFs. repo open
  • ❤️ Text Grab – A quick app to grab any on screen text using the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) built into Windows 10. open

Pixel Editors

  • LibreSprite – A free and open source program for creating and animating your sprites. repo open
  • Piskel – A simple web-based tool for Spriting and Pixel art. repo open
  • Pixelorama – A free & open-source 2D sprite editor. repo open
  • PixiEditor – A lightweight pixel art editor. repo store open
  • Shape Shifter – A web-app that simplifies the creation of icon animations for Android, iOS, and the web. repo open

Remove Image Background

  • BackgroundRemover – A free web application that lets you Remove Background from images and video. repo open
  • BgSub – A website that uses AI technology to automatically remove or replace image backgrounds.
  • Cleanup.Picture – A free web application that lets you quickly cleanup or remove objects in any image.
  • Lama Cleaner – Image inpainting tool powered by SOTA AI Model. open
  • Rembg – A command line tool to remove images background. open
  • Remove.bg – Remove background from images 100% automatically in 5 seconds without a single click.

Screen Annotation Tools

  • ❤️ gInk – An easy to use on-screen annotation software inspired by Epic Pen. open
  • LiveDraw – A tool allows you to draw on screen real-time. open
  • Pensela – The Swiss Army Knife of Screen Annotation Tools.

Screen Recorders

  • ❤️ Captura – Capture Screen, Audio, Cursor, Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes. repo open
  • ❤️ Fluent Screen Recorder – A simple screen recorder built with UWP and featuring Fluent Design. store open
  • ❤️ OBS Studio – Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording. repo store open
  • ScreenREC – A really simple web screen recorder. repo open
  • ❤️ ScreenToGif – Screen, webcam, and board recorder with an integrated editor. repo store open
  • ❤️ ShareX – A free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. repo store open
  • Streamlabs – Free and open source streaming software built on OBS and Electron. repo open


  • ❤️ Flameshot – Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software. repo open
  • ❤️ Greenshot – A light-weight screenshot software tool. repo open
  • Ksnip – A Qt-based cross-platform screenshot tool that provides many annotation features for your screenshots. open
  • ❤️ Snipaste – A simple but powerful snipping tool. store
  • gifcap – Capture your screen to a GIF in your browser. repo open
  • LICEcap – LICEcap simple animated screen capture tool for Windows (gif recorder). repo


  • Kalidoface 3D – A web app that brings support for 3D Vtuber avatars. repo open
  • Kalidoface – Become a virtual character with just your webcam! repo open
  • SysMocap – A real-time motion capture system for 3D virtual character animating. open
  • Vignette – The open source VTuber software. repo open

Webcam Recorders

  • Mini Video Me – A small webcam player focused on providing an easy way to add and control your webcam during recordings. repo open
  • Webcamoid – A full featured and multiplatform webcam suite. repo open


  • ❤️ Excalidraw – Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams. repo open
  • ❤️ OpenBoard – A cross-platform interactive whiteboard application intended for use in a classroom setting. repo open
  • WBO – Online collaborative Whiteboard that is simple, free, easy to use and to deploy. repo open


  • Anime4KCPP – A high performance anime upscaler. open
  • Stable Diffusion UI – Provides a browser UI for generating images from text prompts and images. repo
  • Upscayl – Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler. open
  • Allusion – A free and open source desktop application for managing your visual library. open
  • AndreaMosaic – With AndreaMosaic you can create your own photographic mosaics made with your own pictures.
  • Celestia – Real-time 3D visualization of space. repo open
  • Colorpicker – A mininal but complete colorpicker desktop app. repo open
  • Gephi – Gephi is the leading visualization and exploration software for all kinds of graphs and networks. repo
  • Graphviz – Open source graph visualization software. repo open
  • Stellarium – A free open source planetarium for your computer. repo open
  • ❤️ Storyboarder – Storyboarder makes it easy to visualize a story as fast you can draw stick figures. repo
  • Tropy – Research photo management. repo open
  • Avataaars generator – Simple generator React app for avataaars. repo open
  • Personas by Draftbit – A delightful avatar generator by the folks at Draftbit. repo open
  • macOS Big Sur – Replacements Icons – Replacement icons for popular apps in the style of macOS Big Sur. repo open

Health and Fitness

  • Ambie – The best white noise app on Windows. repo store open
  • UBPM – Manage your blood pressure data on Windows/Linux/macOS. open
  • Eyes Guard – A Windows application for protecting your eyes when you are working with your PC or Laptop. repo store open
  • Pomatez – An open-source Pomodoro timer application aimed for simplicity and productivity. repo open
  • Pomotroid – Simple and visually-pleasing Pomodoro timer. repo open
  • Stretchly – The break time reminder app. repo open
  • Workrave – A free program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). repo open
  • OpenStreetMap – A collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world.
  • QMapShack – An intuitive and efficient tool for route planning and GPS recordings visualization. open

Network and Admin

Network Monitors

  • Angry IP Scanner – Fast and friendly network scanner. repo open
  • Fiddler – A Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet.
  • GlassWire – A network security monitoring tool and analyzer.
  • ❤️ NETworkManager – A powerful tool for managing networks and troubleshoot network problems. repo open
  • Sniffnet – Comfortably monitor your Internet traffic. repo open
  • Wireshark – The world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer. repo open
  • OpenNetMeter – A simple program to monitor your network/data usage. open
  • TrafficMonitor – A network monitoring suspension window software on Windows platform.

Remote Desktop

  • Chrome Remote Desktop – The easy way to remotely connect with your home or work computer, or share your screen with others.
  • DWService – Remotely access your devices from a Web browser.
  • Microsoft Remote Desktop – Use the Microsoft Remote Desktop app to connect to a remote PC or virtual apps and desktops made available by your admin.
  • QtScrcpy – Android real-time display control software. open
  • RustDesk – Yet another remote desktop software. repo open
  • ❤️ scrcpy – Display and control your Android device. open
  • TigerVNC – A free remote desktop software server and client application. repo open
  • TightVNC – A free remote desktop application.
  • Quick Assist – A new app in Windows 10 that enables you to receive or provide assistance over a remote connection.
  • Tailscale – A mesh VPN alternative that makes it easy to connect your devices. repo open
  • ZeroTier – A smart programmable Ethernet switch for planet Earth. repo
  • mRemoteNG – An open source, multi-protocol, tabbed remote connections manager. repo open
  • PRemoteM – A modern personal remote session manager and launcher. store
  • Veyon – Cross-platform computer monitoring and classroom management. repo open
  • Weylus – Use your tablet as graphic tablet/touch screen on your computer. open

Screen Sharing

  • Deskreen – A desktop app that turns any device with a web browser into a secondary screen for your computer over WiFi. repo open
  • Screego – Screego allows you to share your screen with good quality and low latency. repo open
  • ❤️ ScreenTask – Share your screen across local devices without internet. repo


  • Docker – Enterprise-focused container platform for building, sharing, and running any application. repo
  • Podman – A tool for managing OCI containers and pods. repo open
  • ❤️ Hyper-V – Hyper-V is Microsoft's hardware virtualization product.
  • ❤️ VirtualBox – A powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use.
  • ❤️ WSL – Windows Subsystem for Linux.
  • WSA – Windows Subsystem for Android.
  • wsa_pacman – A GUI package manager and package installer for Windows Subsystem for Android. open
  • ❤️ Sandboxie – A sandbox-based isolation software for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows NT-based operating systems. repo open
  • ❤️ Windows Sandbox – Windows Sandbox provides a lightweight desktop environment to safely run applications in isolation.


  • LibreSpeed – This is a very lightweight Speedtest implemented in Javascript, using XMLHttpRequest and Web Workers. repo open
  • SwitchHosts – An App for managing hosts file. repo open
  • Wifinian – A Windows desktop tool to enable user to actively control Wi-Fi connections. store open

News and Books


  • ❤️ Okular – A universal document viewer. store
  • Sumatra PDF – A free PDF, eBook (ePub, Mobi), XPS, DjVu, CHM, Comic Book (CBZ and CBR) viewer. repo
  • Sioyek – A PDF viewer designed for reading research papers and technical books. repo open
  • Alexandria – A minimalistic cross-platform eBook reader built with Tauri, Epub.js, and Typescript. open
  • ❤️ calibre – An e-book manager. repo open
  • ❤️ Koodo Reader – A modern ebook manager and reader. repo open
  • Thorium Reader – The best free reading application for EPUB, PDF and DAISY 3 ebooks, audiobooks and digital comics. repo store open
  • YACReader – Yet another comic reader. repo open
  • AudiobookSuite – A WPF application with the goal of providing an easy to use local audiobook library and player for modern Windows systems. open
  • Libation – Audible audiobook manager. open
  • Sigil – A multi-platform EPUB ebook editor. open
  • Kiwix – An offline reader for online content like Wikipedia, Project Gutenberg, or TED Talks. repo store open
  • Internet Archive – A non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
  • Library Genesis – A file-sharing based shadow library website.
  • Open Library – An open, editable library catalog.
  • Project Gutenberg – A library of over 60,000 free eBooks.
  • Sci-Hub – A shadow library website that provides free access to millions of research papers and books.
  • ZLibrary – The world's largest ebook library.
  • Books – Awesome Book Lists.
  • Mind Expanding Books – Books everyone should read! repo


  • ❤️ Fluent Reader – Modern desktop RSS reader. repo store open
  • QuiteRSS – Free news feeds reader. open
  • ❤️ Raven Reader – A open source desktop news reader with flexible settings to optimize your experience. repo open
  • RSS Guard – Feed reader which supports RSS/ATOM/JSON and many web-based feed services. open

Online Services

App Discovery Services

  • ❤️ AlternativeTo – A website which lists alternatives to web-based software, desktop computer software, and mobile apps.
  • Product Hunt – A website that lets users share and discover new products.
  • Slant – A product recommendation community with the goal of making it effortless to find the best product, app or game for you.

Privacy and Security Guides

  • Anonymous Planet – The comprehensive guide for online anonymity and OpSec. repo
  • Awesome Privacy – A curated list of privacy & security-focused software and services. repo
  • Awesome Privacy – List of free, open source and privacy respecting services and alternatives to privative services.
  • EFF – The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.
  • Personal Security Checklist – A curated checklist of 300+ tips for protecting digital security and privacy. repo
  • PRISM Break – Privacy/security-oriented software recommendations. repo
  • ❤️ Privacy Guides – Protect your data against global mass surveillance programs. repo

Search Engines

  • Brave Search – The user-first and privacy-focused search engine that uses its own index making it an independent search engine.
  • DuckDuckGo – The search engine that doesn't track you.
  • ❤️ SearXNG – Privacy-respecting metasearch engine. repo open
  • ❤️ Whoogle Search – A self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine. repo open

Secret Sharing

  • One-Time Secret – Keep sensitive info out of your email & chat logs. repo open
  • Password Pusher – A dead-simple application to securely communicate passwords over the web. repo open
  • PrivateBin – A minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. repo
  • Yopass – Secure sharing of secrets, passwords and files. repo open

Survey Tools

  • Framadate – Schedule a meeting or create an opinion poll.
  • Framaforms – Design your online surveys easily while respecting your audience.
  • LimeSurvey – The most popular FOSS online survey tool on the web. repo open

URL Shorteners

  • anon.to – An anonymous URL redirector and shortener. repo open
  • ❤️ Kutt – A modern URL shortener with support for custom domains. repo open
  • Lstu – A nice and open source url shortener. repo open
  • MagLit – Privacy Respecting Encrypted Link Shortener with Password Protection and Torrent Magnet Links support. repo open
  • Reduced.to – Free Modern URL Reducer. repo open
  • ZWS – Shorten URLs using invisible spaces. repo open


  • ❤️ Disroot – A platform providing online services based on principles of freedom, privacy, federation and decentralization.
  • Framasoft – A not-for-profit popular educational organization.
  • Awesome Windows – An awesome & curated list of best applications and tools for Windows.
  • switching.software – Ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to well-known software.
  • Opensource.Builders – A website to find and request open-source alternatives to popular software you already use. repo open
  • ❤️ Mostly Free Resources for Almost Everyone – A list of mostly free resources for almost anyone.
  • Awesome Piracy – A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links.
  • Piracy Index – This website is a collection of the best digital piracy resources. repo open
  • degoogle – A huge list of alternatives to Google products. repo
  • Awesome Fediverse – A curated, collaborative list of awesome Fediverse resources.
  • ❤️ Awesome-Selfhosted – A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers.

Personal Finance

  • ❤️ Budget Badger – A simple Personal Budgeting cross-platform app built on top of Xamarin.Forms. repo store open
  • Denaro – A personal finance manager. store open
  • ❤️ GnuCash – A personal and small-business finance manager. repo open
  • HomeBank – Free personal finance software, money management for everyone. repo
  • KMyMoney – A cross-platform personal finance manager.
  • Money Manager Ex – A free, open-source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance software. repo open
  • Money – Personal Expense Manager. repo store open
  • My Budget – Free, open source offline cross-platform budgeting solution built with Electron. open
  • Frappe Books – Free Desktop book-keeping software for small businesses and freelancers. repo open
  • grocy – A web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home. repo store open
  • rotki – A portfolio tracking, analytics, accounting and tax reporting application that protects your privacy. repo open


Desktop Mascot

  • Desktop Pet (eSheep) – This project gives you the possibility to add a pet to your desktop. repo store
  • RunCatforwindows – A cute running cat animation on your windows taskbar. open
  • Spirit – A modern and hackable desktop mascot. repo open

Taskbar Tweakers

  • RoundedTB – Add margins, rounded corners and segments to your taskbars! store open
  • TaskbarXI – An application written in C++ to modify the Windows 11 Taskbar. repo open
  • TaskbarX – TaskbarX gives you control over the position of your taskbar icons. repo open
  • TranslucentTB – TranslucentTB offers you control over the appearance of your taskbar. store open

Wallpaper Management

  • Aerial – Apple TV screen saver for Windows. open
  • AlbumPaper – An app for Windows that will change your desktop wallpaper to the album art of the song you are listening to. open
  • AutoWall – Live wallpapers on Windows 10/11 using open-source wallpaper engine. open
  • ❤️ Lively Wallpaper – Free and open-source software that allows users to set animated desktop wallpapers and screensavers. repo store open
  • ScreenPlay – Modern, Cross Plattform, Live Wallpaper, Widgets and AppDrawer! repo open
  • SpaceEye – Make live satellite imagery your desktop background with SpaceEye. store open
  • Superpaper – A cross-platform multi monitor wallpaper manager. open
  • WinDynamicDesktop – WinDynamicDesktop ports the Dynamic Desktop feature from macOS Mojave to Windows 10. store open


  • BeautySearch – Windows 10+ Search Window appearance tweaker. open
  • Bibata Cursor – Opensource, compact, and material-designed cursor set. open
  • ElevenClock – Have a customizable clock on your Windows 11 displays. repo store open
  • ExplorerPatcher – This project aims to enhance the working environment on Windows. open
  • Mica for Everyone – A tool to enable backdrop effect on titlebar of win32 apps on Windows 11. open
  • ModernFlyouts – A modern Fluent Design replacement for the old Metro themed flyouts present in Windows. repo store open
  • Open-Shell-Menu – Classic Shell Reborn. open
  • ❤️ Rainmeter – Desktop customization tool for Windows. repo open
  • Taskbar Groups – Lightweight utility for organizing the taskbar through groups. open
  • TileIconifier – Creates tiles for most Windows 8.1 and 10 start menu icons. open
  • Windows Auto Dark Mode – Switches between the dark and light theme of Windows at scheduled times. store open

Privacy and Security


  • ❤️ VirusTotal – Free online malware detection service for analyzing suspicious files and URLs.
  • ❤️ Windows Security – Windows 10 and 11 include Windows Security, which provides the latest antivirus protection.

Decentralized Networks

  • Freenet – A peer-to-peer platform for censorship-resistant and privacy-respecting publishing and communication.
  • I2P – The Invisible Internet Project (I2P) is a fully encrypted private network layer.
  • IPFS – A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open. repo open

Encryption Tools

Disk Encryption Tools

  • ❤️ Bitlocker – A Microsoft Windows security and encryption feature.
  • ❤️ VeraCrypt – Disk encryption with strong security based on TrueCrypt. repo open

Steganography Tools

  • OpenStego – An open-source steganography tool. repo open
  • StegCloak – Hide secrets with invisible characters in plain text securely using passwords. repo open


  • Age – A simple, modern and secure encryption tool. repo open
  • ❤️ cppcryptfs – An implementation of the gocryptfs encrypted overlay filesystem in C++ for Windows. open
  • ❤️ Cryptomator – Multi-platform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud. repo open
  • ❤️ Gnupg – A complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by PGP. open
  • Hat.sh – Encrypt and Decrypt files securely in your browser. repo open
  • Horcrux – Split your file into encrypted horcruxes so that you don't need to remember a passcode. open
  • Kryptor – A simple, modern, and secure encryption and signing tool that aims to be a better version of age and Minisign. repo open
  • Minisign – A dead simple tool to sign files and verify digital signatures. repo
  • ❤️ Picocrypt – A very small, very simple, yet very secure encryption tool. open
  • ❤️ SiriKali – A Qt/C++ GUI front end to sshfs, ecryptfs-simple, cryfs, gocryptfs, securefs, fscrypt and encfs. repo open


  • ❤️ Portmaster – Monitor all network activity. repo open
  • ❤️ Simplewall – Simple tool to configure Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) which can configure network activity on your computer. repo open
  • Windows Defender Firewall – A stateful host firewall.

Password Managers

  • ❤️ Bitwarden – An open source password manager. repo store open
  • ❤️ KeePassXC – A modern, secure, and open-source password manager that stores and manages your most sensitive information. repo store open
  • KeeWeb – This webapp is a browser and desktop password manager compatible with KeePass databases. repo open
  • ❤️ Ente Auth – An end-to-end encrypted, cross platform and free app for storing your 2FA codes with cloud backups. repo open
  • Diceware Passphrase Generator – A tool for generating strong Diceware passwords, with entropy and crack time estimates. repo open
  • LessPass – A stateless password manager. repo

Remove EXIF Data

  • ❤️ ExifCleaner – Cross-platform desktop GUI app to clean image metadata. repo open
  • ExifTool – ExifTool is a platform-independent Perl library plus a command-line application for reading, writing and editing meta information in a wide variety of files.
  • jExifToolGUI – Graphical frontend for the excellent command-line ExifTool by Phil Harvey. repo open

System Tweakers

  • ❤️ O&O ShutUp10++ – Free antispy tool for Windows 10 and 11.
  • Optimizer – The finest Windows Optimizer. open
  • Privatezilla – Performs a privacy & security check of Windows 10. repo open
  • Winpilot – Your everyday Windows companion. repo open


  • ProtonVPN – High-speed Swiss VPN that safeguards your privacy. repo open
  • Windscribe – Free VPN and Ad Blocker. repo open


  • Blacklight – A Real-Time Website Privacy Inspector.
  • Image Scrubber – This is a tool for anonymizing photographs taken at protests. repo



  • Alpha Clicker – Windows Autoclicker with a modern ui. open
  • Auto Screen Capture – Automated screen capture utility. repo open
  • AutoActions – Application-based actions to change Windows settings (display, audio) or run any program or action. open
  • ❤️ AutoHotkey – A free, open source macro-creation and automation software utility that allows users to automate repetitive tasks. repo open
  • ❤️ Beeftext – A text snippet tool for Windows. repo open
  • ❤️ espanso – A cross-platform Text Expander written in Rust. repo open
  • Macro Deck – A open source software to use your smartphone, tablet or almost any touch screen device with a internet browser as a simple macro pad or even as an powerful automation solution for streaming, gaming, content creation and more. repo open
  • Mouse Jiggler – A very simple piece of software whose sole function is to “fake” mouse input to Windows, and jiggle the mouse pointer back and forth. open
  • Power Automate – Power Automate allows you to automate web and desktop applications on your Windows desktop by mimicking the user interface actions like clicks, and keyboard input.
  • Shutdown Timer Classic – Pick a time and let your computer shutdown itself. store open
  • SikuliX – SikuliX automates anything you see on the screen of your desktop computer running Windows, Mac or some Linux/Unix. repo open

Clipboard Managers

  • Clipboard Canvas – A tool that helps you be productive, preview multiple files on Infinite Canvas, save storage space with smart Reference Files, and work uninterruptibly with Autopaste. store open
  • ❤️ CopyQ – An advanced clipboard manager with powerful editing and scripting features. repo open
  • ❤️ Ditto – An extension to the standard windows clipboard. repo store
  • XClipper – A clipboard manager for Windows & Android which helps to track clipboard activities and makes it easier to interact with them. repo open
  • ❤️ Everything – Locate files and folders by name instantly.
  • ❤️ EverythingToolbar – Everything integration for the Windows taskbar.
  • Orange – A cross-platform desktop application for searching local files. repo open
  • Spyglass – A personal search engine, crawl & index websites/files you want with a simple set of rules. repo open
  • Cerebro – Open-source productivity booster with a brain. repo open
  • ❤️ Flow launcher – Quick file search & app launcher for Windows with community-made plugins. repo open
  • LaunchyQt – LaunchyQt is a fork of the keystroke launcher program Launchy but modernized. open
  • Pinpoint – Keystroke launcher and productivity tool. open
  • SystemTrayMenu – Browse and open your files easily. store open
  • Tabame – Tabame is an alternative to Windows Taskbar. open
  • ❤️ ueli – A keystroke launcher for Windows and macOS. repo open
  • ❤️ dnGrep – dnGrep allows you to search across files with easy-to-read results. repo open
  • ❤️ grepWin – A powerful and fast search tool using regular expressions. repo open


  • linked – Daily journaling without distraction. repo open
  • ❤️ Mini Diary – Simple and secure journal app. repo open
  • RedNotebook – A modern desktop journal. repo open

Markdown Editors

  • Dillinger – A cloud-enabled, mobile-ready, offline-storage compatible. repo open
  • ❤️ MarkText – A simple and elegant markdown editor. repo open
  • MindForger – Thinking notebook and Markdown editor with LLM wingman. repo open
  • ❤️ PanWriter – Markdown editor with pandoc integration and paginated preview. repo open
  • StackEdit – In-browser Markdown editor. repo open AngularJS-powered HTML5 Markdown editor. repo open

Mind Mapping

  • ASCIIFlow – A client-side only web based application for drawing ASCII diagrams. repo open
  • ❤️ draw.io – Free online diagram software.
  • ❤️ drawio-desktop – An open source technology stack for building diagramming applications. repo store open
  • Gaphor – A UML and SysML modeling application written in Python. repo open
  • Heimer – A simple cross-platform mind map, diagram, and note-taking tool written in Qt. open
  • mindmaps – An open source, offline capable, mind mapping application leveraging HTML5 technologies. repo open
  • My Mind – A web application for creating and managing Mind maps. repo open
  • Wireflow – Flow chart collaboration app. repo open

Note Taking

  • AFFiNE – Affine is a next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all together. repo open
  • Anytype – With Anytype, you can build digital spaces around your interests.
  • Cryptee – A privacy focused, encrypted and secure documents, notes, files and photos service. repo open
  • ❤️ Joplin – A free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. repo open
  • ❤️ Notesnook – A fully end-to-end encrypted note taking alternative to Evernote. repo open
  • SilentNotes – A simple note taking app which respects your privacy. repo store open
  • ❤️ Standard Notes – A free, open-source, and completely encrypted notes app. repo
  • Simplenote – The simplest way to keep notes. store
  • ❤️ AppFlowy – An open-source alternative to Notion. repo open
  • Athens – An open-source knowledge graph that helps individuals and organizations solve complex problems by enabling them to capture, compose, and recombine ideas. repo open
  • Foam – A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode. repo open
  • ❤️ Logseq – A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. repo open
  • Notes – An open source and cross-platform note-taking app that is both beautiful and powerful. repo open
  • ❤️ Obsidian – A powerful knowledge base on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files.
  • Reor – Self-organizing AI note-taking app that runs models locally. repo open
  • ❤️ QOwnNotes – A plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with markdown support and Nextcloud / ownCloud integration. repo open
  • ❤️ Trilium Notes – A hierarchical note taking application with focus on building large personal knowledge bases. open
  • ❤️ Zettlr – A Markdown Editor for the 21st century. repo open
  • Butterfly – Powerful, minimalistic, cross-platform, opensource note-taking app. repo open
  • Lorien – An infinite canvas drawing/note-taking app that is focused on performance, small savefiles and simplicity. open
  • Microsoft Journal – A notetaking application that focuses on the inking experience.
  • Rnote – Sketch and take handwritten notes. repo open
  • ❤️ Xournal++ – A handwriting notetaking software with PDF annotation support. repo open


  • ❤️ CryptPad – A collaboration suite that is end-to-end-encrypted and open-source. repo open
  • Grist – A modern relational spreadsheet. repo open
  • ❤️ LibreOffice – A free and powerful office suite. repo repo open
  • ONLYOFFICE – A powerful online editor for text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms and PDF for the platform you use. open
  • mobslide – Turn your smartphone into presentation remote controller. repo open
  • Pympress – A simple yet powerful PDF reader designed for dual-screen presentations. repo open
  • Sozi – A presentation tool for SVG documents. repo open
  • Google Docs – Free online document editor.
  • Microsoft Office Online – Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote.

Task Management

  • Focalboard – An open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana. repo store open
  • Kanban Tasker – A simple personal kanban board. store open
  • sleek – A todo app based on todo.txt. store open
  • Super Productivity – To-do list & time tracker for programmers & designers. store
  • WeekToDo – A free minimalist weekly planner app focused on privacy. repo open

Time Tracking

  • ActivityWatch – The best free and open-source automated time tracker. repo open
  • Nomie – Open-source mood and life tracking. repo open
  • Strategr – No-Fuss Time Management App. repo open
  • Tockler – An application that tracks your time by monitoring your active window title and idle time. repo open
  • ididit! – The procrastination friendly habit tracker. repo store open
  • Habitica – A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game. repo


  • FluentWeather – A beautiful & modern UWP weather app for Windows. store open
  • Lively Weather – Windows native weather app powered by DirectX12 animations. repo store open

Writing Tools

  • bibisco – An open source application for writing novels. repo open
  • ghostwriter – A cross-platform, aesthetic, distraction-free Markdown editor. open
  • KIT Scenarist – Simple and powerful application for writing screenplays. repo open
  • Manuskript – A open-source tool for writers. repo open
  • novelWriter – An open source plain text editor designed for writing novels. repo open


  • PDF Arranger – Small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface. open
  • PDFsam – A desktop application to extract pages, split, merge, mix and rotate PDF files. repo open
  • PdfScribe – A PDF virtual printer for 64-bit Windows / .NET 4.8 or later. open
  • Scribus – An open source desktop publishing software. repo open
  • ❤️ TeXstudio – A fully featured LaTeX editor. repo open
  • Typst – A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn. repo open
  • Knowledge – Knowledge is a tool for saving, searching, accessing, and exploring all of your favorite websites, documents and files. open
  • TagSpaces – An offline, open source, document manager with tagging support. repo open
  • Datawrapper – An open source tool helping everyone to create simple, correct and embeddable charts in minutes.
  • RAWGraphs – An open web tool to create custom vector-based visualizations on top of the amazing d3.js library. repo open
  • Reactive Resume – A free and open source resume builder. repo open
  • Resumake – A website for automatically generating elegant LaTeX resumes. repo open
  • ❤️ KDE Connect – Enabling communication between all your devices. repo store open
  • Phone Link – Link your Android phone and PC to view and reply to text messages, make and receive calls, view your notifications, and more.
  • ClickPaste – Windows 10 notification area app in C# that can paste clipboard contents as keystrokes to whatever location you click. open
  • DropPoint – Make drag-and-drop easier using DropPoint. repo open
  • ❤️ QuickLook – Bring macOS “Quick Look” feature to Windows. repo store open


Context Menu Managers

  • ContextMenuManager – A program to manage the Windows right-click context menu. repo open
  • Custom Context Menu – Add Custom Context Menu For Windows11. store open
  • Shell – Powerful context menu manager for Windows File Explorer. repo open

Disk Imaging

  • DISMTools – A front-end for DISM that lets you manage your Windows Imaging (WIM) files and a whole lot more. open
  • ❤️ Macrium Reflect Free – The complete backup solution for personal use.
  • UrBackup – An easy to setup Open Source client/server backup system. repo open
  • ❤️ Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows Free & Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition – The free backup software to protect virtual, physical and cloud workloads.
  • ❤️ Etcher – A powerful OS image flasher. repo open
  • ❤️ Rufus – A utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives. repo store open
  • UNetbootin – UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu and other Linux distributions without burning a CD. repo
  • USBImager – A very minimal GUI app that can write compressed disk images to USB drives.
  • ❤️ Ventoy – A Multiboot Bootable USB Creation Tool. repo open
  • ❤️ UUP dump – Download UUP files from Windows Update servers with ease. repo open
  • UUP Media Creator – An utility to convert Unified Update Platform file sets into Windows Media files. store open

Disk Usage Analyzers

  • Filelight – An application to visualize the disk usage on your computer. store
  • ❤️ TreeSize Free – The disk space manager TreeSize Free tells you where precious disk space has gone. store
  • ❤️ WizTree – The fastest disk space analyzer.

File Recovery

  • ❤️ DMDE – A powerful tool for data searching, editing, and recovery on disks.
  • ❤️ TestDisk – A powerful free data recovery software. repo open
  • Windows File Recovery – A command-line software utility from Microsoft to recover deleted files.

File Shredders

  • BleachBit – BleachBit cleans files to free disk space and to maintain privacy. repo open
  • ❤️ Eraser – A secure data removal tool for Windows.
  • Permadelete – An easy to use and beautiful app for shredding files and folders permanently. repo store open
  • Turbo Delete – A blazing fast alternative to the default Windows delete. open

Hardware Monitoring

Fan Control

  • ❤️ Fan Control – A focused, highly customizable fan controlling software for Windows. repo
  • FanCtrl – FanCtrl is a software that allows you to automatically control the fan speed on your PC. open
  • NBFC – A cross-platform fan control service for notebooks. open

RGB Lighting Control

  • Artemis – Provides advanced unified lighting across many different brands RGB peripherals. repo open
  • OpenRGB – Open source RGB lighting control that doesn't depend on manufacturer software. repo open


  • ❤️ CrystalDiskInfo – A HDD/SSD utility software which supports a part of USB, Intel RAID and NVMe. store
  • ❤️ CrystalDiskMark – A simple storage benchmark.
  • GSmartControl – Hard disk drive and SSD health inspection tool. repo open
  • ❤️ HWiNFO – Comprehensive Hardware Analysis, Monitoring and Reporting for Windows and DOS.
  • ❤️ Libre Hardware Monitor – A fork of Open Hardware Monitor. open
  • Open Hardware Monitor – A free open source software that monitors temperature sensors, fan speeds, voltages, load and clock speeds of a computer. repo
  • Sidebar Diagnostics – A simple sidebar for Windows desktop that displays hardware diagnostic information. open
  • Winfetch – A command-line system information utility written in PowerShell. open

Package Managers

  • Chocolatey GUI – A delicious GUI for Chocolatey. open
  • ❤️ Chocolatey – The package manager for Windows. repo open
  • ❤️ Scoop – A command-line installer for Windows. repo
  • Fluent Store – A unifying frontend for Windows app stores and package managers. open
  • ❤️ WingetUI – A graphical user interface for Winget and Scoop. open
  • ❤️ winget – Microsoft's open-source CLI packager manager for Windows. store open
  • winstall – A web app for browsing and installing Windows Package Manager apps. repo open
  • PortableApps.com – A website offering many free, commonly used Windows applications that have been specially packaged for portability.
  • ❤️ BCUninstaller – A free program uninstaller. repo open
  • ❤️ GeekUninstaller – A portable software uninstaller.

Screen Dimmers

  • f.lux – f.lux warms up your screen at night to help you relax and wind down before bed. store
  • LightBulb – An application that reduces eyestrain produced by staring at a computer screen when working late hours. open
  • ❤️ Monitorian – A Windows desktop tool to adjust the brightness of multiple monitors with ease. store open
  • Twinkle Tray – Easily manage the brightness of your monitors in Windows from the system tray. repo store open

System Administration

  • Sysinternals Suite – A bundle of the Sysinternals utilities including Process Explorer, Process Monitor, Sysmon, Autoruns, ProcDump, all of the PsTools, and many more.
  • System Informer – A free, powerful, multi-purpose tool that helps you monitor system resources, debug software and detect malware. repo open

Window Managers

  • AltSnap – Easily drag windows when pressing the alt key. open
  • Amethyst Windows – Automatic tiling window manager for Windows 10/11. repo open
  • ❤️ PowerToys – Windows system utilities to maximize productivity. store open
  • RBTray – RBTray allows almost any program to be minimized to the system tray by right clicking its minimize button. open
  • SmartSystemMenu – SmartSystemMenu extends system menu of all windows in the system. open
  • workspacer – A tiling window manager for Windows. repo open


  • AltStore – An alternative app store for non-jailbroken iOS devices. repo open
  • ❤️ Barrier – Open-source KVM software. open
  • Lan Mouse – Mouse & keyboard sharing via LAN. open
  • CompactGUI – Visual Interface for the Windows 10 Compact Function.
  • ❤️ Driver Store Explorer – Driver Store Explorer [RAPR] makes it easier to deal with Windows driver store. open
  • FontForge – Free (libre) font editor for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU+Linux. repo open
  • GestureSign – A gesture recognition software for Windows tablet. open
  • Html5-QRCode – A cross platform HTML5 QR code reader. repo open
  • Key'n'Stroke – Displays Keystrokes in an overlay window and visualize mouse clicks. open
  • ❤️ Keyviz – A free and open-source tool to visualize your keystrokes keyboard in real-time. repo open
  • NVDA – The free and open source Screen Reader for Microsoft Windows. repo
  • Nyrna – Suspend games and applications. repo open
  • Plover – Open source stenotype engine. repo open
  • Scanner – An all-in-one scanner app built for the Universal Windows Platform. repo store open
  • Screen Ruler – A lightweight and configurable ruler tool for Windows Desktop. repo open
  • ❤️ SharpKeys – A utility that manages a Registry key that allows Windows to remap one key to any other key. repo open
  • Ten Hands – Simplest way to organize and run command-line tasks. repo open
  • Universal Android Debloater Next Generation – Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted android devices. open
  • WinCompose – A compose key for Windows. repo
  • X-Mouse Controls – Windows utility to enable or disable active window tracking, raising and also the delay in milliseconds. repo open


Media Servers

  • Go2TV – Cast media files to UPnP/DLNA Media Renderers and Smart TVs. open
  • ❤️ Jellyfin – A personal media server and client. repo open
  • ❤️ Kodi – An award-winning free and open source software media player and entertainment hub for digital media for HTPCs (Home theater PCs). repo store
  • Macast – A menu bar application using mpv as DLNA Media Renderer. repo open
  • Universal Media Server – A DLNA, UPnP and HTTP(S) Media Server. repo open

Subtitles Tools

  • pyTranscriber – An application that can be used to generate automatic transcription / automatic subtitles for audio/video files through a friendly graphical user interface. repo open
  • Subliminal – A command line tool to search and download subtitles. repo open
  • SubSync – An automatic movie subtitle synchronization tool. repo open
  • ❤️ Subtitle Edit – A free editor for video subtitles. repo open

Video Converters

  • av-converter – Convert audio/video files to another format. repo open
  • ❤️ FFmpeg – A collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content such as audio, video, subtitles and related metadata. repo open
  • ❤️ HandBrake – An open-source video transcoder. repo
  • ❤️ LosslessCut – The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing. repo store open
  • VidCoder – An open-source DVD/Blu-ray ripping and video transcoding application. repo store open

Video Editors

  • Auto-Editor – Auto-Editor is a command line application for automatically editing video and audio by analyzing a variety of methods, most notably audio loudness. repo open
  • ❤️ DaVinci Resolve – A color grading and non-linear video editing application.
  • Hitfilm Express – Free video editing software with professional-grade VFX tools and everything you need to make awesome content, films or gaming videos.
  • Kdenlive – Free and open source video editor. repo open
  • Olive – Free open-source non-linear video editor. repo open
  • OpenShot – An award-winning free and open-source video editor. repo open
  • ❤️ Shotcut – A free, open source, cross-platform video editor. repo open
  • StaxRip – Video encoding GUI for Windows. open
  • Kinovea – A video annotation tool designed for motion analysis. repo open
  • MKVToolNix – A set of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files under Linux, other Unices and Windows. repo
  • Natron – Open-source video compositing software. repo open
  • ❤️ Astrofox – A motion graphics program that lets turn audio into amazing videos. repo open
  • Mediabits.io – Mediabits.io lets anyone create engaging videos for their audio, perfect for sharing on social media. repo open
  • Clipchamp – Free online video editor.

Video Players

  • ❤️ Media Player – Media Player is designed to make listening to and watching your multimedia content more enjoyable.
  • Rise Media Player – One media player for everything you own or stream. open
  • MPC-BE – A free and open source audio and video player. open
  • ❤️ MPC-HC – A free and open-source video and audio player. open
  • ❤️ mpv.net – A modern media player for Windows based on the popular mpv player. store open
  • mpv – A free, open source, and cross-platform media player. repo open
  • SMPlayer – Free Media Player with built-in codecs. repo store open
  • VLC – A cross-platform media player software and streaming media server developed by the VideoLAN project. repo store open
  • GridPlayer – Simple VLC-based media player that can play multiple videos at the same time. open
  • Kawaii-Player – Multimedia player, media library manager and portable media server with PC-To-PC casting feature. open
  • Screenbox – LibVLC-based media player for the Universal Windows Platform. store open
  • QMPlay2 – A video and audio player which can play most formats and codecs. open
  • IPTVnator – A video player application that provides support for the playback of IPTV playlists (m3u, m3u8). repo open
  • Vodon Pro – A video player designed for esports coaches to review footage of players. repo open
  • Pennywise – Cross-platform application to open any website or media in a floating window. open

Video Streaming

  • ❤️ FreeTube – An Open Source YouTube app for privacy. repo open
  • Invidious – An alternative front-end to YouTube. repo open
  • ❤️ Piped – An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design. repo open
  • Streamlink Twitch GUI – A multi platform Twitch.tv browser for Streamlink. open
  • MotionMonkey – A semantic video player designed to stream Internet videos from a single query. store
  • Popcorn Time – A free BitTorrent client that includes an integrated media player.

Watch Videos Together

  • ❤️ Metastream – Watch streaming media with friends. repo
  • OpenTogetherTube – The easy way to watch videos with your friends. repo open
  • ❤️ Syncplay – Syncplay synchronises the position and play state of multiple media players so that the viewers can watch the same thing at the same time. repo open
  • WatchParty – A website for watching videos together. repo open


  • DVDStyler – A cross-platform free DVD authoring application.
  • Gyroflow – Video stabilization using gyroscope data. repo open
  • IPTV – Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world.
  • MediaInfo – MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. repo open
  • Mediarepo – A tool for managing media files. repo open
  • QPrompt – Personal teleprompter software for all video creators. repo
  • Radarr – A movie collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. repo open
  • Stash – An organizer for your porn, written in Go. repo open

References & Acknowledgements

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from Sickness

วันเกิดปีนี้ได้เจอแอลสักที หลังจากไม่ได้เจอกันนานมาก เรานัดเจอกันที่เซนเวิล ระหว่างที่รอแอลก็คือเดินตามหาชาตรามือเพราะอยากกินชาพีชมากๆๆ ในที่สุดก็เจอเนอะ เจอด้วยความบังเอิญเพราะแอลบอกว่าที่นี่ต้องมีเรพาะมีคนถือกินอยู่ เราก็นั่งเม้ามอยไปเรื่อย ชอบที่ได้คุยกับแอลเพราะรู้สึกสบายใจในการพูดคุยทุกเรื่อง สากกะเบือยันเรือรบของจริง ตั้งแต่เรื่องมัน เรื่องเรา สุขภาพ ธุรกิจ เพื่อนๆ ไปหมด คุยไปเรื่อยๆจนเริ่มเย็นละ เราก็เลือกร้านรอเอิร์นด้วย กิ๊กแวบมาแปปนึง สุดท้ายเราเลือกกับข้าวกับปลา ก็สั่ง ปลากะพงทอดน้ำปลา ปลาหมึกผัดไข่เค็ม กุ้งทอดซอสมะขาม หมูกรอบคั่วพริกเกลือ คุยไปเม้ามอยไปเรื่อย ก็เหมือนทำให้เราได้รู้จักเอิร์นมากขึ้นด้วย เพราะบางเรื่องเราไม่เคยถามเอิร์นเลย กลับมาดึกเพราะเป็นห่วงลูกๆ เนื่องจากเมื่อวานไปนอนห้องเอิร์นมา เพราะว่าสอนเอมี่ เย็นนั้นก็กินเยอะเหมือนกันนะ ไข่ดาวสองฟอง ข้าวกะเพราหมูสับซเว่น แล้วก็ผัดเห็ดหมูสับเต้าหู้ กินไม่หมดเลยบอกพี่หนิงให้เก็บไว้กินวันพฤหัส 55555 หลังจากนั้นรู้สึกปวดข้อเท้ามากๆ ข้างขวา (แต่ที่สะดุดข้างซ้ายนะ) สรุปก็ปวดสองข้าง ด้วยความไม่อยากไปหาหมอวันเกิด สอนเสร็จเลยเข้าไปหาหมอที่รพ สุขุมวิท หมอให้คำแนะนำดีมาก แต่ก็นะ ดูค่าหมอ 2000 จ้าา โหดแท้นะหมอนะ แต่ข้อเท้าแพลงนั่นแหละ เอ็นอักเสบ ตอนกลับไม่ได้บอกเอิร์นแล้วเผลอไปพูดให้เอิร์นรู้สึกไม่ดี เพราะไม่อยากให้เป็นห่วง เอิร์นเลยหายไปเลย กะว่าเข้าห้องมาเอิร์นต้องบ่นเรื่องขาแน่ๆ สรุป เอิร์นกลีบสี่ทุ่ม ดึกกว่าอีกกก เอิร์นก็เลยบอกว่าจะได้รู้ว่ารู็สึกยังไง ไม่บอกเป็นห่วงกว่าอีก โอเค ไม่ทำแล้วจ้าาาาาา พอถึงเที่ยงคืนเราเอิร์นก็ปลุกขึ้นมาแฮปปี้เบิร์ดเดย์ โถ ก็อุตส่าห์ปลุกมาเนาะ มีเค้กสามชิ้น ร้านทื่ส่งให้เอิร์นเอง พร้อมกับสร้อยข้อมือที่เอิร์นถักให้เอง ว้าวววววว เป็นเชือกสำหรับนักไต่เขาสักอย่าง สีดำแดง ใหญ่ๆเหมือนกัน เสร็จก็คือนอนต่อเพราะต้องตื่นเช้าไปดูห้องที่คอนโด เหนื่อยมากๆๆ

กลับมาที่คืนวันเกิด กลับมาก็คือทำความสะอาด ซักผ้า ตากผ้า ดูดฝุ่น ถูบ้าน เก็บขี้แมว เรียกเอิร์นขึ้นไปนอน แล้วดันนอนไม่หลับ ตอนตี1 เริ่มพะอืดพะอม ลมตี อ่ะก็ข่มนอนไป ตอนเช้าตื่นมา รีบทำไข่ตุ๋นให้เอิร์นกิน แต่รู้สึกเลยว่าไม่มีแรง ไม่หิว หน้ามืด เวียนหัว ก็เลยพยายามนอน สรุป นอนไม่ได้ จะอ้วกตลอด ทั้งวันอ้วกไป 7 รอบ ตอนเช้าอ้วกไปนิดนึง กินไรก็อ้วก กินไม่ลง ได้แต่นอนถึงบ่าย ตื่นมาลองกินก็อ้วก กินน้ำเปล่ราก็อ้วก คุยกับเอิร์นพอดี เอิร์นเลยรีบกลับมาบ้านมาดู เลยไล่เอิร์นไปจัดการพาแมวไปฉีดยาก่อน แล้วค่อยมาดู เอิร์นก็ซื้อเกลือแร่มาให้ อ้วกอีก อ้วกจนมีแต่น้ำย่อย น้ำเปล่าก็อ้วก จนม้ากลับมาจากเที่ยวตกใจเพราะนึกว่าไปสอน สรุปนอนอยู่บ้าน ตอนดึกๆเริ่มไม่ไหวแล้วจริงๆก็เลยไปนอนรพ พญาไท 3 ให้น้ำเกลือ หมอบอกว่าน่าจะอาหารเป็นพิษ ลำไส้อักเสบ อ่ะจัดไป การแอดมิดครั้งแรกที่ไม่ใช่ผ่าตัดจ้า

แจ็กพ็อตมาก ได้ห้องเด็กเพราะห้องผู้ใหญ่เต็มแล้ว เข้าไปได้ธีมเต่าทะเล พร้อมถังขยะแปะสติกเกอร์เป็นตัวการ์ตูนต่างๆ น่าร้ากกกกก ก่อนจะเข้าห้องก็ต้องตรวจ swab covid ไป อย่างเจ็บ ทั้งคอทั้งจมูก แต่อ่ะรอดไม่เป็นอะไร คืนนั้นก็คือน่าจะเหนื่อยมาก น้ำเกลือคือให้ไปถุงนึง พร้อมยาแก้อาเจียน ตอนเช้ายังปวดหัว มึนหัว แต่ไม่ได้หน้ามืด หมอบอกอาจจะอาเจียนหนักมาก เลยมีอาการ อ่ะพักไป นอนไปอีกวัน วันนั้นก็ยังมึนๆ เดินทรงตัไม่ได้ กินได้บ้าง ไม่ได้บ้าง ส่วนใหญ่มื้อเย็นจะกินไม่ลง แต่ไม่ได้ินอาหารรพ นะ เพราะว่าประหยัดค่าใช้จ่ายไป ค่าอาหารมันแพง วันแรกผ่านไปโอเค วันที่สอง หมอมาตรวจใหม่ บอกยังปวดหัว เวียนหัว เดินเซๆอยู่ หมอบอกโอเคถ้าไม่ดีขึ้นต้องให้หมอทางประสาทมาดูแล้ว แต่วันนั้นผ่านไปด้วยดี คิดว่าโอเค พรุ่งนี้ได้กลับละ สรุปตื่นมา หมอกระเพาะบอกโอเคกลับบ้านได้ ถ้ามีอาการเวียนหัวนิดหน่อย ดูโอเคแล้ว ตกบ่าย อ่าวปวดหัวอีกละ เลยบอกขอแอดมิดอีกคืนนะ เพราะกลัวกลับบ้านไปไม่ไหวต้องมาใหม่ วันนั้นเลยถูกส่งหมอกายภาพมา หมอบอกตึงมากกก คอบ่าไหล่ตึงมาก ทนมาได้ไง เลยอัลตร้าซาวพร้อมประคบเย็น (มันดีมาก เป็นแผ่นเจลยาวๆประคบพันคอเลยทีเดียว) หมอบอกโอเค ต้องยืดกล้ามเนื้อบ้างเพราะตึงมากจริงๆ คืนนั้นเอิร์นกลับบ้านไปเก็บของ ม้าเลยมานอนเฝ้าแทน แต่เอิร์นก็รีบมาตอนตี1 กว่าแล้ว อ่ะ เช้ามา อาการดีขึ้นละ แต่เสือกหูอื้อ แบบเสียงตัวเองก้องในหัวตลอดเวลา หมอแกเลยส่งไปหาหมอหูคอจมูกเลย คราวนี้ลองตรวจ อ่ะหูมีขี้หูนิดหน่อย หมอแกดูดออกให้ละสองข้าง คราวนี้หมอบอกในหูมีสูญากาศ อาจจะเกิดจากอาเจียนหนัก เดี๋ยวขอดูจมูกก่อน สรุปจมูกบวมมาก หมอบอกโอเค จมูกบวมเพราะอ้วกหนัก เสร็จทำให้หูอื้อ แล้วนี่บวมมาก น่าจะบวมมาก่อนหน้านี้แล้ว เหมือนเกิดจากภูมิแพ้ ลองตรวจคอดู โอ้โห ต่อมทอนซิลบวม อักเสบเรื้อรังเชียว อ่ะ หมอพาไปส่องกล้องให้ดูเลย เอาเหม็นท่อนเหล็กบางๆแหย่เข้าไป ไม่เจ็บนะ ดห็นชัดเลย จมูกบวมระยะ 4 แนะนำให้ทำผ่าตัด แต่อันนี้กินยาได้ ลดไปสักระยะนึง ไปดูคอบ้าง ดูสิ นิ่วในทอนซิลเต็มเลย มันอักเสบเรื้อรัง แสดงว่าเจ็บคอบ่อยใช่มั้ย หมอเลยจัดมาเลย ยาฆ่าเชื้อ เพราะอักเสบเกิ้น หมอบอกแนะนำว่าถ้าอยากหายขาดให้เอาออก แต่หมอมีวิทยาการใหม่ ชื่อว่า intracapsular laser tonsillectomy เป็นการเลเซอร์ออกเฉพาะส่วนที่อักเสบ ไม่ได้ตัดทั้งต่อมเหมือนเมื่อก่อน เพราะอยากให้มีต่อมไว้ดักเชื้อก่อนลงปอด เป็นวิทยาการที่อเมริกาใช้กัน ในไทยมีหมอแกทำคนเดียว ให้ไปเสิชชื่อได้ แล้วก็มีแกทำคนเดียวจริงๆ แลอ้วเข้ารพเดียวด้วย ค่าใช้จ่ายพยาบาลบอก 180,000 +– 20% ค่าผ่าอย่างเดียวนะ ได้ยินแล้วจะเป็นลม เลยโทรไปปรึกษาแบงค์ แบงค์บอกก็ทำสิ ประกันน่าจะครอบคลุม ก็เลยบอกว่าไว้ก่อน หมอบอกค่อยมาทำหลังจากหายอันนี้ก่อน ยังทำไม่ได้ ถ้ามาหมอก็ยินดี ประกันเคลมได้แน่นอน เราก็อ่ะโอเค กลับห้องไปบอกป๊าม้า ม้าถึงกับปวดหัวกุมขมับ เสร็จตอนบ่ายๆหมอประสาทมาหา เช็คว่าทำไมยังเวียนหัวอยู่ ลองตรวจก็ไม่น่ามีปัญหาอะไร เอานิ้วจิ้มตาและจิ้มนิ้วหมอ หมอแกย้ายนิ้วไปเรื่อยๆ อ่ะปกติ แต่ถ้าไม่ดีขึ้นให้กลับมาหา เพราะปวดหัวเวียนหัวอาจจะบ้านหมุนหรือ ไมเกรน หรือ มีชั้นตะกอนในหู หรือน้ำในหูไม่เท่ากัน คิดว่ากินยาก่อนอาทิตนึง ถถ้าไม่ดีขึ้นเสาร์นี้กลับมาหาหมอ อาจจะต้องทำ ct scan / MRI เลย แต่นนี่ยังไม่เร่งด่วน อีกอย่างอาจจะเกินวงเงินประกัน ไว้ไปเคสหน้าจะดีกว่า อ่ะโอเค กลับบ้านไป กลับมาบ้านหัวยังหมุนเด้อ เวียนๆ เซ ทรงตัวไม่ได้ จนถึงเช้าจ้ะ เหนื่อยแท้ โชคดีประกัน AIA + ไทยประกันจ่ายครอบคลุม ตัดจากเอไอเอก่อนสี่หมื่นกว่า หลังจากนั้นไทยประกันจ่ายต่อ เหลือแค่ค่ายา 917 บาท รอดตัวไปจ้าาา


from 1Te blog

Barátom és kollégám, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden nemrég tette fel ezt a fontos kérdést, amely a világjárvány idején sokakat zavarba ejtett: “Egy 5 éves korom óta barátom nem akar velem semmit sem kezdeni most a Covid nézeteim miatt. Tudom, hogy ezt mindannyian megtapasztaltuk már. @akheriaty meg tudod magyarázni a pszichopatológiát?”

Azt javaslom, hogy a szociálpszichológia két beszámolója – Matthias Desmet tömegalakítási elmélete és Rene Girard mimetikus fertőzéselmélete – segít megválaszolni ezt a kérdést. Ez a két elmélet nagymértékben hozzájárul a világjárvány során kialakuló néhány rejtélyesebb viselkedésforma magyarázatához.

Az első elmélet, a tömegalakítás, akkor került a nyilvánosság elé, amikor Robert Malone röviden összefoglalta Joe Rogan podcast-jében. Az internet felrobbant, ahogy az emberek többet akartak megtudni a koncepcióról. A Google technikai főnökei közbeléptek, hogy eltemessék az elméletről szóló információkat, amikor az emberek a “tömegalakításra” kerestek. Ez az interjú miatt Malone állandó Twitter-börtönbe került, Rogan-ra pedig dühösek lettek.

Desmet elmélete azonban az elmúlt száz évben felhalmozott szilárd társadalomelméleti és pszichológiai ismereteken alapul. Ahogy Desmet, a Genti Egyetem professzora leírja, a tömegalakítás feltételei között az emberek nem azért vesznek be egy narratívát, mert az igaz, hanem mert az bebetonoz egy társadalmi köteléket, amelyre nagy szükségük van.

A tömeg- (vagy közönség-) formálás egy társadalomban nagyon sajátos feltételek mellett alakul ki. Az első feltétel az, hogy az emberek a más emberekhez való kötődés hiányát, az értelmes társadalmi kötelékek hiányát tapasztalják. Gondoljunk csak a magány járványára, amelyet a bezárások csak súlyosbítottak. Az egyetlen kötődésünk virtuális volt, ami a valódi emberi kapcsolatok elszegényedett helyettesítője.

A második állapot az élet értelmének hiánya, ami közvetlenül következik a társadalmi hálózatokba – családi, szakmai, vallási stb. hálózatokba – való beágyazottság hiányából. Desmet ezzel kapcsolatban megemlíti, hogy a Gallup 2017-es felmérése szerint az emberek 40%-a teljesen értelmetlennek élte meg a munkáját, további 20% pedig arról számolt be, hogy a munkájának erős értelemhiánya van. Mindössze 13% találta értelmesnek a munkáját.

Más társadalomelméleti szakemberek Max Weber-től Emile Durkheim-ig dokumentálták ezt a társadalmi atomizálódás és a vallási dimenzió elvesztésének tendenciáját az elmúlt két évszázadban Nyugaton. A tömegalakítás előfordulása tehát a 19. és 20. században vált gyakoribbá, amikor az ember és a világ mechanisztikus szemlélete kezdett uralkodóvá válni.

A tömegképződés harmadik feltétele a népességben szabadon lebegő szorongás magas szintje. Nincs szükség tanulmányokra, diagramokra és grafikonokra – bár most már rengeteg van belőlük –, hogy ezt az állapotot a világjárvány idején világszerte bebizonyítsuk. A szabadon lebegő szorongás a félelem egy olyan formája, amely nem irányul egy konkrét tárgy vagy helyzet felé. Ha félek a kígyóktól, tudom, hogy mitől félek, és így tudom kezelni ezt azáltal, hogy nem megyek el az állatkert hüllőosztályára, és nem túrázom a sivatagban.

A szabadon lebegő szorongás, mint például a láthatatlan vírus által keltett szorongás, rendkívül elviselhetetlen, mert az embernek nincsenek eszközei arra, hogy szabályozza vagy kontrollálja. Az ebben az állapotban krónikusan megrekedt emberek kétségbeesetten keresnek valamilyen eszközt, amivel kiszabadulhatnak belőle. Tehetetlennek érzik magukat, mert nem tudják, hogy mit kerüljenek vagy mi elől meneküljenek, hogy ezt az ellenszenves lelkiállapotot kezelni tudják.

A negyedik állapot, amely az első háromból következik, a frusztráció és az agresszió magas szintje a lakosság körében. Ha az emberek úgy érzik, hogy szociálisan elszakadtak, hogy az életüknek nincs értelme vagy jelentősége (esetleg azért, mert nem tudnak dolgozni, vagy iskolába járni a bezártság körülményei között), hogy szabadon lebegő szorongás és pszichológiai szorongás gyötri őket, amelynek nincs egyértelmű oka, akkor frusztráltnak és dühösnek is fogják érezni magukat. És nehéz lesz tudni, hogy hová irányítsák ezt a dühöt, ezért az emberek olyan tárgyat keresnek, amelyhez szorongásukat és frusztrációjukat kapcsolhatják.

Ha ilyen körülmények között a tömegmédián keresztül egy olyan narratívát terjesztenek elő, amely a szorongás tárgyát jelzi, és stratégiát kínál e célpont kezelésére. Ez azonban nagyon veszélyes: az emberek feltűnően hajlandóak lesznek részt venni egy olyan stratégiában, amely a narratívában jelzett szorongás tárgyának kizárására vagy akár elpusztítására irányul.

Mivel sok ember kollektíven vesz részt ebben a stratégiában, egy újfajta társadalmi kötelék – egy új szolidaritás – jön létre. Az új társadalmi kötelék az embereket egy erősen averzív mentális állapotból szinte eufórikus megkönnyebbülésbe viszi, ami arra sarkallja őket, hogy részt vegyenek egy társadalmi tömeg kialakításában. Az emberek újra elkezdik érezni az összetartozást, és ezzel a válság egy része megoldódik. Az életnek ezzel a közös kötődéssel kezd értelmet adni, megoldva az értelem problémáját azáltal, hogy egyesülnek a szorongás tárgya ellen, ami egyben a frusztrációjuk és agressziójuk levezetését is lehetővé teszi. De a tömeg álszolidaritása így mindig egy megbélyegzett külső csoport ellen irányul; az övék a harag és az undor által bebetonozott közös kötelék.

Az emberek nem azért veszik be a narratívát, mert hisznek benne, még akkor is, ha az abszurddá válik, és nem áll kapcsolatban a tényekkel, hanem éppen azért, mert az olyan társadalmi köteléket teremt, amelyről nem akarnak lemondani. Mint a hipnózisban, látóterük túlzottan beszűkül, és kizárólag az elfogadott narratíva elemeire összpontosít. Lehet, hogy halványan tudatában vannak a járulékos károknak vagy az ellentmondó tényeknek, de ezeknek alig vagy egyáltalán nincs kognitív vagy érzelmi hatásuk – a bizonyítékok egyszerűen megszűnnek számítani.

Az új társadalmi tömeg haragja pontosan azok ellen az emberek ellen irányul, akik nem akarnak részt venni a tömegalakításban, akik elutasítják az új társadalmi kötelék alapját. Hónapokig, amikor az elnöktől kezdve a közegészségügyi tisztviselőkig magas rangú személyiségek panaszkodtak a “be nem oltottak világjárványa” miatt, világossá vált, hogy ki volt a kijelölt célpont: azok, akik elutasították a társadalmi távolságtartást, a maszk viselését, a védőoltást vagy más kovid intézkedéseket.

Az ezen intézkedések köré csoportosuló tömeg számára ezek rituális viselkedéssé válnak, amelyek megszilárdítják a társadalmi köteléket.

A rituáléban való részvétel, amely nélkülözi a pragmatikus előnyöket és áldozatot követel, azt bizonyítja, hogy a kollektíva magasabb rendű, mint az egyén. A lakosság ezen része számára nem számít, hogy az intézkedések abszurdak-e. Gondoljunk például arra, hogy egy étterembe maszkkal a fejünkön sétálunk be, és amint leülünk, azonnal levesszük.

Desmet kutatásai szerint a teljes népesség körülbelül 30%-a, jellemzően azok, akik temperamentumilag hajlamosak a hipnózisra, teljes mértékben elfogadják azt a narratívát, amely ezt a tömegalakítási folyamatot irányítja. További 40-50% nem fogadja el teljesen a narratívát, de nem is akar nyilvánosan ellenállni, és nem akarja magára vonni az igaz hívők 30%-os szegmensének elmarasztalását. A lakosság további 10-20%-a nem könnyen hipnotizálható, és továbbra is nagyon ellenáll a tömegformálás folyamatának, sőt, megpróbál ellenállni annak romboló túlkapásainak. Az egyén intelligenciaszintje nem korrelál azzal, hogy melyik csoportba kerül, bár néhány személyiségtényező valószínűleg igen.

A tömegbe tartozó egyének áthatolhatatlanok a racionális érvelésre, és ehelyett az élénk vizuális képekre reagálnak, beleértve a grafikonokon és diagramokon bemutatott számokat és statisztikákat, valamint a narratívában központi szerepet játszó üzenetek ismétlését. Desmet továbbá azt állítja, hogy – akárcsak a hipnotizált állapotban, ahol az ember érzéketlen lehet a fájdalomra, ami még az érzéstelenítés nélküli műtétet is lehetővé teszi – a tömegalakítás folyamatába belekerült valaki radikálisan érzéketlenné válik az élet egyéb fontos értékei iránt. Mindenféle javakat elvehetnek tőle, beleértve a szabadságát is, és ő alig vesz tudomást ezekről a veszteségekről és károkról.

Szélsőséges esetekben a tömegek képesek lesznek atrocitások elkövetésére, miközben azt hiszik, hogy szinte szakrális kötelességet teljesítenek a nagyobb jó érdekében. Ahogy Gustave Le Bon, az 1895-ben megjelent klasszikus mű, “A tömeg: A népszerű elme tanulmánya” című könyv szerzője rámutatott: ha az ébren lévők megpróbálják felébreszteni az alvajárókat, kezdetben kevés sikerrel fognak járni; azonban továbbra is békésen és erőszakmentesen kell próbálkozniuk, hogy megakadályozzák a legrosszabb kimeneteleket. Minden erőszakot ürügyként fognak felhasználni az agresszorok, hogy fokozzák üldözésüket és elnyomásukat. Ezért fontos, hogy továbbra is kimondjuk az igazságot és erőszakmentes ellenállást gyakoroljunk.

A tömegalakulás elmélete mellett a jelenség megértéséhez hasznosak a 20. század egyik legnagyobb gondolkodójának, Rene Girard stanfordi professzornak a mimetikus fertőzésről és a bűnbakképző mechanizmusról szóló meglátásai. Ez sok tekintetben kiegészíti a tömegképződési elméletet. Girard úgy látta, hogy nemcsak egymás viselkedését, hanem egymás vágyait is utánozzuk. Végül is ugyanazt (ugyanazokat) a dolgot (dolgokat) akarjuk, például: “Elsőnek kell beállnom a sorba a védőoltásért, ami lehetővé teszi, hogy visszakapjam az életemet”.

Ez mimetikus rivalizáláshoz vezethet, és növelheti a társadalmi feszültséget és konfliktust. Az a mechanizmus, amelyet a társadalmak e konfliktus feloldására használnak, a bűnbakképzés. A társadalmi feszültséget (amelyet a bezárások során és a félelemalapú propagandával felerősítenek) egy személynek vagy személycsoportnak tulajdonítják, azzal a javaslattal, hogy ha csak megszabadulunk a [töltse ki az üres mezőt “tisztátalan” társadalmi tag(ok)kal], akkor a társadalmi feszültség feloldódik.

A bűnbak (ebben az esetben az oltatlanok) száműzése vagy megsemmisítése hamisan azt ígéri, hogy a társadalom visszatér a harmonikus állapotba, és eloszlatja az erőszakos konfliktus veszélyét. Bár a bűnbakképzés némileg enyhíti a társadalmi feszültségeket, ez mindig csak átmeneti. A mimetikus rivalizálás folytatódik, a társadalmi feszültségek ismét felerősödnek, és újabb bűnbakot kell keresni (pl. most az ellenség az állítólagos dezinformációk terjesztői). A körforgás folytatódik.

Érdekes mellékes megjegyzésként Girard azt állította, hogy Krisztus keresztre feszítése leleplezte ezt a bűnbakképző mechanizmust, és egyúttal meg is szüntette annak hatalmát, mivel felfedte, hogy a bűnbak ártatlan áldozat – ezzel megfosztva a bűnbakképző mechanizmust ideiglenes hatalmától. A bűnbak áldozatának ártatlansága, a mimetikus fertőzés végső fázisa olyan lecke, amelyet még mindig nem tanultunk meg.



from لونا

شرایط خوب نیست. مجبور ام یه مدت که معلوم نیست چقدر، دوباره همه چیز رو متوقف کنم. فعلا باید زندگی رو سر و سامون بدم.

امیدوار ام زود بتونم کنترل کنم همه چیز رو.

بیشتر بخوانید...

from Amassando ideas

Hoy termina mi cuarta semana estudiando en la FCFM. Como prometí que haría, escribiré sobre mi experiencia y mis impresiones de la universidad. El post no está tan estructurado como otros artículos porque lo escribo con menor planificación.

Primeros días

El primer día amanecí antes de las 6AM. Estaba muy emocionado, en contraste con los días previos en los que no tenía ganas de nada. Ordené mis cosas y me dirigí a caminando a la facultad (afortunadamente vivo relativamente cerca).

Como me había levantado temprano, aproveché de pasear por la facultad. Me encantó el edificio antiguo de Beauchef y el patio que tenía adentro. El problema era que no encontraba la sala y llegué un poco tarde a mi primera clase. Tuve que haber intuido que la “G” como la primera letra del nombre de la sala era de “Geología”.

Cerca del mediodía tuve clase en el edificio nuevo. Me gustó el contraste entre ambos edificios aunque no me gustó tanto la idea de tener que salir de la facultad hacia la calle para luego volver a entrar.

En los días siguientes pasaron hartas cosas buenas pero tenía una ensalada de emociones. Conocí en persona a algunos compañeros de programación en el patio. También pude colarme en el DCC (Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación) y sentí que era mi lugar, como que pertenecía ahí. No obstante, me sentía algo irritado y con pocas ganas de esforzarme, lo que hizo que me atrasara en algunos ramos.

Tengo muchos problemas para concentrarme en clase. Mi cerebro se distrae fácilmente pensando en cualquier otra cosa. Últimamente he estado pensando mucho en mi propósito y en cómo aportar de la mejor manera al mundo con algo que me guste. Y parece bastante complicado.

Impresiones de los ramos

Tengo una carga académica normal (30 créditos), pero siento que me quita demasiado tiempo. A continuación los ramos que tomé para este semestre:

Cálculo Avanzado y Aplicaciones

Aquí vemos Cálculo vectorial, Variable Compleja, series de Fourier y ecuaciones en derivadas parciales. Parece que se aplica mucho en física, pero parece una excusa para aplicar lo que vimos en Cálculo en Varias Variables y en Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias.

Sobre mi desempeño en el ramo, no hemos tenido evaluaciones aún pero voy bastante atrasado y me cuesta entender la materia del apunte.

Inglés 4

Estas clases son como las que tenía en el instituto de idiomas, sólo que esta vez son con más gente. La profesora es chilena pero eso no es un problema para mí. Creo que el nivel que busca que obtengamos es B2 en todo excepto en escritura, pero no estoy completamente seguro.

Introducción a la Física Moderna

Aquí estudiamos ondas, sonido, relatividad, etc. El profesor es algo sarcástico y honestamente no aprendo mucho con él en clase. Afortunadamente los tests son fáciles y me ha ido muy bien en ellos.

Probabilidades y Estadística

El curso está dictado por un profesor que ganó el premio nacional en ciencias exactas. El profesor dio una motivadora primera clase explicando varios casos y situaciones que inspiraron la creación de distintas teorías de probabilidad. Sus clases se basan en copiar texto del pizarrón pero se toma el tiempo de explicar los conceptos. Quiere que preguntemos sobre nuestras dudas pero suele regañar a algun@s que lo hacen, ya sea porque el o la estudiante asume algo que no sale escrito o por otros motivos que no recuerdo. Aún así me cae muy bien.

Proyecto de innovación en Ingeniería y Ciencias

Tod@s parecen odiar este ramo, pero a mi me gusta la idea de aprender cómo aportar a la sociedad mediante la ingeniería. Uno de l@s profesores es muy agradable de escuchar, hace aportes entretenidos e interesantes.


Tod@s parecen odiar este ramo también. Me tocó con un profesor francés y se le nota al hablar, pero eso me agrada. Lamentablemente me fue mal en la primera tarea, pero no sé por qué pues no he visto la corrección. Espero que me la den para la revisión, porque creo que merezco una mejor nota aunque no esté seguro.

Taller de Inducción a Competencias Docentes para Auxiliares

La docencia me llama la atención así que decidí pedirle al CAD que me inscribiera a este ramo para ser auxiliar. Me he imaginado siendo auxiliar de Intro al Álgebra y de Intro a la Progra. Lo malo es que es necesario ver vídeos de Youtube por EOL, lo que requiere descargar JavaScript privativo, por lo que le pedí a los profesores que enviaran los enlaces a los vídeos directamente para poder verlos desde Invidious.

Leer más...

from لونا

نمی‌دونم این دیرکردها رو بذارم روی چه حسابی؟ آیا واقعا دلم می‌خواد خیلی جدی وارد این راه بشم یا مثل خیلی از تصمیمات دیگه فقط جوگیر شدم.

البته اینطور نیست که فراموش کنم که درس بخونم. بیشتر فرصت نمی‌کنم. این ده روز اخیر مشغول کار خودم بودم، خونه‌تکونی، عیددیدنی داشتم، و یه کتاب هم خوندم.

درس خوندن نیاز به فضای آروم داره که اصلا گیر نیومد. اما امروز از وقتی بیدار شدم، حداقل ۴ ساعت مفید مشغول این موضوع بودم.

امروز ساختار directory‌های لینوکس رو نگاه انداختم. به نظرم واقعا مبهم و پیچیده بود. و بعد از اینکه مرور و یادداشت می‌کردم و هزار بار جست‌وجو می‌کردم و سر درنمیاوردم، آخر به خودم گفتم: حتما بعدا که پیش برم دوباره برمیگردم بهشون.

به نظرم یادگیری یه فعالیت خطی نیست. نمیشه به چیزی مسلط شد، پرونده‌ش رو بست و رفت سراغ مرحله بعد. باید همیشه برگشت و چیزایی که فکر می‌کنیم یادگرفتیم رو مرور کنیم چون قطعا موضوعات تازه‌ای که یاد می‌گیریم، به فهم موضوعات قبلی کمک می‌کنه. (نمیدونم چقدر این باورم درسته).

بعد رفتم سراغ ls command و cd. بیشترش رو سعی کردم توی ترمینال خودم امتحان کنم. اونقدی که توی یادم بمونه.

دستور ls پیچیده‌تر بود. مجبور شدم خیلی قسمتای مبهم رو جست‌جو کنم.

برای هرکدوم بخش man رو هم یه نگاه می‌نداختم و اونایی که جذاب بودن رو امتحان می‌کردم. ولی گمونم لازمه کتاب این دستورها رو پرینت بگیرم و مث کتاب مقدس بذارم کنار دستم. چرا پی‌دی‌اف نه؟ چون من با کاغذ راحت‌‌تر ام. روی کاغذ راحت‌تر می‌تونم یادداست بردارم. و خطر کپی-پیست وجود نداره:).

و اینجا این کتاب رو پیدا کردم‌. واقعا پیدا کردنش خیلی شادم کرد. https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/

متاسفانه آخراش خسته شدم و کتاب دبیان رو نخوندم. دارم همه‌ی تلاشم رو می‌کنم که برنامه‌ریزی پربازده رو پیدا کنم.

کتابی که دقیقا شب عید، عیدی گرفتم و خیلی زود خوندمش، حسابی کمکم کرده و دلم نمیاد معرفیش نکنم. برنامه‌ریزی به روش بولت ژورنال

میدونم شاید اسمش کمی زرد به نظر برسه، اما ظاهربین نباشید. کتاب بیشتر جنبه‌ی خودشناسی و خودکاوی داره. و شک ندارم یه بار خوندنش قطعا می‌ارزه.

سعی می‌کنم گزارش بعدی بهتر باشه. سعی می‌کنم زود به زود مطالعه کنم و گزارش بدم.

فعلا انگیزه کافی برای ادامه‌دادن دارم.

راستی! نوروزتون نو-روز باشه واقعا

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