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from 工人小记

女同事Gy:这个男的好会套话啊。他和我打电话,一直试图问出我方信息。真不知道他前妻是怎么和他过的那段时间。 男同事Yb:你心疼起他老婆来了?



from 工人小记

今天听说有个分公司的男主管Z把前台阿妹L骂了一顿,原因是她拒绝了两个没带证件自称警察的人查监控。 啊行了行了,知道你是男的,你慕强了。就算你是男的,你慕强,别人说什么就是什么?别人叫你吃屎,你吃吗?

组员男宝妈C又在说屁话,“男孩子不能哭”,什么毛病?无关性别,你是没情绪的机器人吗,不会哭?未成年人大脑没发育好,情绪控制不好很常见吧也? 这位估计是从另一个组员女宝妈G那学来的所谓“小朋友的事情就让小朋友之间解决”,问题人女宝妈G说的“小朋友自己解决”是适用于小朋友之间的聚会是否赴约,不看情景和梗小鬼有什么区别?(不如说这货就是梗小鬼) 说的明明就是校园霸凌抢东西,这还小孩解决?是要小孩用笔把对方刺瞎来解决? 我上小学也被人抢过文具,那可不是小孩解决。我姥来的,叫对方家长管好自己的手 XD 好笑的是,这是俩小男孩抢东西,塑料基友情2333



from jrab

다낭은 베트남의 도시 중에서 가장 인기 있는 관광지 중 하나입니다. 다낭은 해변과 역사적인 건축물, 그리고 맛있는 음식으로 유명합니다. 이곳에서는 멋진 풍경을 감상하며 여유로운 시간을 보낼 수 있습니다.

다낭은 베트남의 중앙부에 위치하고 있으며, 해변이 있는 대표적인 관광도시입니다. 이곳에서는 매년 많은 관광객들이 방문하여 여유로운 시간을 보내고 있습니다. 이곳에서는 아름다운 해변과 다양한 역사적인 건축물을 볼 수 있습니다. 또한, 맛있는 음식을 즐길 수 있는 레스토랑과 거리에서 쇼핑을 즐길 수 있는 상점들이 많이 있습니다. 이외에도, 다낭에서는 다양한 액티비티, 예를 들어 서핑, 스노클링, 다이빙, 자전거 타기 등을 즐길 수 있습니다.

이번에는 다낭에서 꼭 가볼만한 장소와 추천 맛집을 소개해드리겠습니다.

  1. 미켈레 호텔 (Mecure Danang French Village) 미켈레 호텔은 프랑스 양식으로 지어진 고급 호텔입니다. 프랑스 양식으로 지어져 있어 다낭의 아름다운 해변과 조화를 이루며, 고급스러운 분위기를 느낄 수 있습니다. 다낭 유흥 더보기

  2. 다낭 시장 (Danang Market) 다낭 시장은 다양한 물건들이 판매되는 시장으로, 다낭 여행객들의 필수코스 중 하나입니다. 시장에서는 다양한 식자재, 의류, 액세서리, 공예품 등을 구매할 수 있습니다.

  3. 드래곤 다리 (Dragon Bridge) 다낭의 드래곤 다리는 매우 유명한 관광지입니다. 밤에는 드래곤 다리 위에서 불꽃놀이가 열리며, 매우 아름다운 광경을 볼 수 있습니다. 다낭 황제투어 더보기

  4. 아시아 파크 (Asia Park) 아시아 파크는 다양한 놀이시설과 야외 공연장을 갖춘 대규모 테마파크입니다. 가족과 함께 즐길 수 있는 장소이며, 다양한 쇼와 먹거리를 즐길 수 있습니다.

  5. 명화 마을 (Mural Village) 명화 마을은 다양한 예술가들이 벽화를 그린 마을입니다. 벽화를 바라보면 다양한 이야기들을 느낄 수 있으며, 인스타그램 등에도 인기 있는 장소입니다.

  6. 미스티 박물관 (Museum of Cham Sculpture) 미스티 박물관은 베트남의 역사와 문화를 보여주는 박물관입니다. 특히, 챔문화와 조선시대 유물 등 다양한 전시물을 감상할 수 있습니다.

  7. 소실 호수 (Sơn Trà Peninsula) 소실 호수는 다낭에 위치한 천혜의 자연경관입니다. 해안가를 따라 산책하며, 바다와 산, 자연을 모두 느낄 수 있습니다. 이곳에서는 다양한 해변과 해안 경치, 그리고 다양한 식물과 동물을 볼 수 있습니다.

  8. 바나힐스 (Bana Hills) 바나힐스는 다낭의 산중턱에 위치한 테마파크입니다. 일정한 시간마다 케이블카를 이용하여 산 정상에 위치한 테마파크로 이동할 수 있으며, 여러 가지 놀이기구와 다양한 테마 존, 그리고 맛집들이 위치해 있습니다. 다낭 골프 추천 더보기

  9. 해운대 (My Khe Beach) 해운대는 다낭에서 가장 유명한 해변 중 하나입니다. 넓은 백사장과 청명한 바다를 감상할 수 있으며, 다양한 물놀이나 서핑을 즐길 수 있습니다.

  10. 쿵푸파다오 (Kung Fu Panda) 쿵푸파다오는 중국 요리 전문점으로, 다양한 중국 요리와 마실거리를 즐길 수 있습니다. 중국 무술 영화인 '쿵푸팬더'의 캐릭터들이 디자인된 매우 독특한 분위기의 레스토랑입니다. 하노이 밤문화 더보기

  11. 님푸르 (Nem Restaurant) 님푸르는 다낭에서 유명한 분짜 전문점으로, 다양한 종류의 분짜를 맛볼 수 있습니다. 또한, 분짜 이외에도 다양한 베트남 요리를 즐길 수 있습니다.

  12. 블랙 머플린 (Black Sheep) 블랙 머플린은 다낭에서 인기 있는 바로, 다양한 칵테일과 맥주를 제공합니다. 또한, 고급스러운 분위기와 함께 다양한 안주도 맛볼 수 있습니다. 하노이 황제투어 더보기

다양한 관광지와 맛집이 위치해 있는 다낭에서는 즐길 거리가 많습니다. 다양한 관광지를 방문하며 지낼 수 있는 다낭의 매력적인 여행을 즐겨보세요!


from 工人小记

工作群 组长:刘大领导说取消周末休息

到工位后 陈Zh:Y姐,你明天(周六)打算几点过来?


天黑请闭眼 工人纠察队请睁眼 请挑选一个工贼 将工贼清除出队伍


from FS Fans

چند وقت پیش که درحال جابجایی کارساز رایت‌فریلی بلاگم بودم، برای بازیابی نسخه پشتیبان پست‌های وبلاگ که بصورت فایل #json هست، یک برنامه ساده پایتون نوشتم که تمام پست ها و پیش‌نویس ها رو بصورت خودکار و طبق زمان واقعی انتشارشون، مجددا در بلاگ جدید ارسال کنه. البته چون بصورت آزمایشی با jupyter-notebook روش کار می‌کردم، الآن فقط فایل نوت‌بوک توی مخزن قرار گرفته که سرفرصت بهبودش می‌دم و اسکریپت اصلی رو هم قرار می‌دم. از لینک زیر می‌تونید این برنامه رو ببینید و ازش استفاده کنید: Git Repository

#writefreely #رایت‌فریلی

بیشتر بخوانید...

from FS Fans

امروز کارساز¹ خانگیم رو بازنشسته کردم. شاید با خواندن واژه #کارساز تصویر مجموعه‌ای از تجهیزات #شبکه و رایانه های قدرتمند در ذهنتون شکل بگیره. اما اشتباه نکنید! تصویر مودم روتر و کوبی‌بورد

این دستگاه کوچکی که در تصویر بالا زیر مودم مشاهده می‌کنید، کارساز خانگی من بود! یک #رایانه تک بورد². نسخه سوم از سری کوبی‌بورد. این فسقلی برای چند سال آزمایشگاه من بود و همچنین کارساز سرویس های زیادی بوده که من به صورت خودمیزبان³ اجرا کرده بودم. سرویس‌هایی مانند: #Pleroma, #Gitea, #NextCloud, WriteFreely. خیلی هم خوب و کار راه انداز بود. اما این اواخر دچار‌ مشکلاتی شده که دیگه نمی‌شه ازش بهره برداری مفیدی کرد. مهم‌تر از همه اشکال سخت افزاری‌ای که باعث هنگ کردن دستگاه می‌شه.

تصویر یک سیستم دسکتاپ با استفاده از کوبی‌تراک

درکنار خداحافظی با این دوست قدیمی، هدف من این بود که بگم اجرای یک یا چند سرویس بصورت #خودمیزبان برای استفاده شخصی، خیلی هم کار پیچیده و هزینه‌بری نیست. برای مثال با راه اندازی یک نمونه از #نکست‌کلاود بر روی یک رزبری‌پای⁴ می‌تونید بسیاری از نیازهای خودتون و خانواده به فضای ابری رو برطرف کنید. در پست دیگری درمورد این #نرم‌افزار_آزاد بیشتر خواهم گفت. اما اگر به حریم شخصی خودتون اهمیت می‌دید، خودمیزبانی و تمرکز زدایی رو باید در دستور کار قرار بدید. در پایان این مطلب اما، از این دوست خوبم خداحافظی کرده و خاموشش می‌کنم. بدرود کوبی عزیز...!

1- Server. 2- Single Board Computer(SBC). 3- Self Host. 4- Raspberry Pi.

بیشتر بخوانید...

from Lo spazio intermedio

(articolo precedentemente pubblicato su Medium – avrei voluto ripubblicarlo il 21 dicembre del 2022, ma alla fine è andata così...)

Stavo leggendo gli Appunti sul fumetto fascista di Stelio Millo sulla ristampa anastatica di Linus #10 (gennaio 1966) quando a un certo punto viene citato Guido Fantoni, fumettista italiano, e accreditato come autore della storia Sul trono di Titania, che Millo supponeva essere riscrittura e ridisegno di una avventura di Brick Bradford.

Cercando maggiori informazioni sulla storia, mi imbatto in un’altra opera di Fantoni, una prosecuzione delle avventure di Flash Gordon, all’epoca pubblicato dalla Nerbini:

flash gordon via La testa delle nuvolette

La storia, che forse è stata scritta da Federico Fellini e forse no, nasce come diretta conseguenza della perdita dei diritti di pubblicazione del personaggio da parte dell’editore toscano.

A ogni buon conto, tornando a Fantoni, su di lui si trovano ben poche informazioni. Ad esempio sul sito della Fondazione Franco Fossati si legge quanto segue:

Disegnatore, padre di Liliana e Mario. Nel dopoguerra disegna un seguito delle avventure di Flash Gordon per l’editore Mario Nerbini. Realizza poi alcune avventure a fumetti di Capitan Walter, su testi di Mario Basari. Per Topolino giornale disegna alla fine del 1945 L’isola dei pinguini, dal romanzo di Pina Ballario.

In effetti anche gli episodi conclusivi di Sul trono di Titania vennero pubblicati su Topolino, nella sua versione giornale, dopo una prima pubblicazione sull’Avventuroso. Maggiori informazioni biografiche su Fantoni le fornisce egli stesso sul Vittorioso:

Padre dei suoi due fedeli collaboratori, ha avuto una giovinezza movimentata come produttore di giornali illustrati. “Fin dalle elementari scoprii in me il pallino dello scrittore e del disegnatore. Con una chiara calligrafia a stampatello, compilai un intero romanzo d’avventure L’Aquila della partica corredandolo di illustrazioni a colori. Ogni settimana una dispensa, che poi distribuivo a turno ai compagni di classe, dietro versamento di un soldo.” Ed allora, senza trascurare gli studi, il nostro scrittore-disegnatore-editore in erba, approfondisce la sua cultura in materia, passando in rassegna Cooper e Wells, Verne e Rosny, non trascurando le principali relazioni di viaggi intorno al mondo. “Forte della scienza acquisita, accolsi con entusiasmo l’invito rivolto agli alunni dal prof. Matini, insegnante di italiano, su una monografia a piacere, corredata da figure o da cartoline illustrate. Ero appena arrivato alle Scuole Medie. Con passione scrissi un fascicolo sui Mayas, i Toltechi, gli Aztechi et similia, roba che a quell’epoca non era certamente all’ordine del giorno nè agli onori della cronaca, corredando le trenta pagine di testo con illustrazioni “originali” in tocco di penna.” L’episodio caratteristico si concluse con una sospensione di tre giorni, per il nostro genio incompreso in quanto alcuni disegni erano stati ritenuti troppo e macabri dall’insegnante. Tali… successi giovanili lo invogliarono a dirigere più tardi, un proprio stabilimento di Smaltaggio Artistico. Addestrando i propri dipendenti ebbe occasione di aiutare e consigliare un giovane apprendista che collabora con vignette ad un settimanale illustrato. “La riuscita del giovane m’invogliò a… seguirlo. Con novelle, romanzi ed illustrazioni collaborai poi per molti anni, a buona parte di periodici adatti alla gioventù, finchè m’imbattei con il Vitt ed ebbi l’incarico di studiare la realizzazione del famoso personaggio Capitan Walter. Ma per una settimanale produzione cosi impegnativa non potevo certo disimpegnarmi da solo. Invitai quindi i miei figli a collaborare con me.”

(scan dell'articolo via Fumetti classici)

#GuidoFantoni #fumetti #FlashGordon


from diorama

[published on 2023-04-06]

Since Mastodon Uno is turning into a suite of software as a service, it is appropriate to spend some word about.

Mastodon Uno is a predatory Italophone instance that indulges in aggressive marketing strategies and, by design, gets people mystified about its goals, ownership, and approach to the fediverse. The project is deeply against the concept of federation itself, and is intended to seize the relational and structural capital of other Italian-speaking instances towards a local centralization. The same applies to all the nodes of mainly-federating software maintained by the Devol group, led by the de facto leader filippodb account a.k.a. Filippo Della Bianca, a so-called “ethical entrepreneur” or simply techbro, former Google intermediary and founder of Mastodon Uno.

We call that network of instances “Diggitaverse”, from filippodb’s “Diggita”, which on turn brand-jacks the well-known citizens’ journalism software Digg and propagates by the means of SEO automated translations from the Spanish equivalent Menéame. (further info) To name a few: Mastodon Uno, Peertube Uno, Pixelfed Uno, Funkwhale It, Mobilizon It, and Noblogo Org belong to the Diggitaverse.

Devol and filippodb misappropriate other software identities as elected predatory marketing strategy, often declined in the Italian-speaking context. Similarly to other instances of the Diggitaverse, Mastodon Uno is misconceived as “the flagship instance of the Italic [sic] Fediverse”, “the first [whatever it means] Mastodon instance in the Italian Fediverse”, a sort of Italian chapter of Mastodon approved by the main Mastodon developers. That happened many times, and not without controversy. They show themselves as if they lead a grassroots project, also mimicking the discourse and the language of the self-organised instances. This practice is called “astroturfing”, from the commercial name of a synthetic grass. However, strengthened by their past as web 2.0 sorcerers, they are perfectly aware of how to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) towards grassroots instances, even with McCarthyist and slanderous intents of dire consequences putting both hosts and guests of self-organised instances at perils.

On the one hand they make false accusations, on the other hand they unscrupulously had facilitated fascists “with suit and tie” in the fediverse for half a year, i.e. until most of the information capital had been extracted from fascists’ instance. In fact, Filippo Della Bianca himself enthusiastically rolled out the red carpet to Claudio Messora, owner of Byoblu, an Infowars-like media company with tentacles in television, publishing, and marketplaces. Please consider that, Messora is one of Della Bianca’s old acquaintances, from the days when Byoblu was “yet another” HIV/AIDS denialist blog under the Diggita umbrella, i.e. when Byoblu’s red-brown third-positioning wasn’t fully developed. In the meantime, Mastodon Uno silences critics against their “welcoming behaviour” towards fascists-and-the-like, mainly the accounts of isolateByoblu and isolateGab. (screenshots) Eventually, after the cordone sanitaire around Byoblu instance succeded and Masto Host (which hosted Byoblu and hosts Mastodon Uno) changed its policy, Mastodon Uno de-federated Byoblu. Mastodon It, which is under the hood the guide of Mastodon Uno to Mastodon... Uno, cured a so-called “black list” of “problematic instances”. The list has been uncritically and implicitly adopted by the de facto “decoy guides” Mastodon Link and Fediverso Info too. Mastodon It and Mastodon Link had been listed as “External links” in the Mastodon page of the Italophone Wikipedia for a while.

Mastodon It threw all the Italophone self-organised instances in the “black list” cauldron, putting them at the same level of e.g. the fascist Byoblu. Notwithstanding, they did not defederate the self-organised instances, whereas the ghost of Byoblu [cf. above] became another vessel of defamation. However, although Mastodon Uno federates the grassroots instances, we have proof of Mastodon Uno silencing or suspending 100+ accounts hosted by grassroots instances – 60+ of which belong to individuals. Not by chance, these accounts are also among the long-running ones on the Italophone fediverse, aware of Mastodon Uno astroturfing, and critical to their centralization strategy. That is a dangerous transparency sinkhole for Mastodon Uno users, fooled by the misleading motto “There is no algorithm on Mastodon”.

Most of the other Italian-speaking nodes, whether convincing or not, did not isolate Mastodon Uno and other Diggitaverse instances. The approach was partly due to explain who was on the Diggitaverse what kind of instance they were into. Also, there was a concrete fear of isolating themselves from the rest of the fediverse. But Mastodon Uno admin silences all those critical voices of their predatory strategies, in order to mask their original intent, and to keep their users in a golden cage. It is a way of engineering the filter bubble around their users, covering up all the “holes” of the bubble.
The results are, some people dropped Mastodon and the fediverse, convinced that Mastodon was Mastodon Uno, in some way indistinguishable from Twitter and therefore preferring the original. Others abandon social networking as a whole... which in principle is not a bad idea, but should be decided on different basis than experiencing a faux fediverse onboarding.

Tags: Brandjacking, Astroturfing, FUD, McCarthyism PredatoryStrategies, AggressiveMarketing, Fediverse, Centralisation


from Gaias Traum

Seit dem 22.11.2022 ist das Mahatma-Energiefeld wieder verstärkt wahrnehmbar. Wir waren an diesem Tag am Salto Cristal in Paraguay und haben das Drachenportal geöffnet. Es kamem viele Goldweiße Mahatmadrachen heraus und ich habe sie über die ganze Erde geschickt. Sie werden weiterhin zahlreich herausströhmen und die Energieanhebung weiter unterstützen.

Die Mahatmadrachen entsprechen den Golden-atlantischen Drachen nach Diana Cooper. Sie sind die Hüter des Großen Kristall von Atlantis und ist es nicht ein bemerkenswerter Zufall, dass ausgerechnet am Salto Cristal ein großes Portal der Atlantischen Drachen ist...

Es waren außerdem viele Erd- und Wasserdrachen da und in einer Vision am nächsten Morgen habe ich gesehen, dass die bisherigen Hüter, eine kleine Indiofamilie, ihren Platz am Wasserfall über eine große, breite Holztreppe links neben dem Wasserfall verlassen haben.

Aufgrund der Energieerhöhung am 22.11. durch die Portalöffnung wird der Platz um das Portal jetzt wieder von Erddrachen bewacht.


Nachdem ich mit meinem Mann durchs Becken geschwommen bin und die hohen Energien unter dem Fall kaum noch auszuhalten waren, kam auch die Sonne noch raus. Wir danken von Herzen für diese wundervolle Erfahrung.


from Lobo ético

Tomaré esta oportunidad para volver a empezar, a ser más curioso y tratar de encontrarme a mí mismo y a lo que he perdido a través de los años.

Leer más...

from 1Te blog

Idézetek. Gondolkodjatok egyéb mikrohullámokban is, mint az 5G.

A tünetek súlyossága a fájdalomtól és a fülcsengéstől a kognitív nehézségekig terjed.

A Nemzeti Tudományos, Mérnöki és Orvosi Akadémiák szakértői bizottsága 2020 decemberében arra a következtetésre jutott, hogy a mikrohullámú energia (konkrétan az irányított impulzus RF energia) “tűnik a legvalószínűbb mechanizmusnak az ilyen esetek magyarázatában azok közül, amelyeket a bizottság figyelembe vett”.

Az érintettek olyan tüneteket írtak le, mint halláskárosodás, memóriavesztés és hányinger. A spekulációk középpontjában egy hangfegyver állt, egyes kutatók az infrahangot jelölték meg lehetséges okként.

A tünetek első fázisa (néha szorosan egy hallási vagy érzékelési esemény után) a következő tünetek közül egy vagy több tünetből állt: fejnyomás, dezorientáció, hányinger vagy fejfájás, egyensúlyzavar, vagy hallási vagy látási szindróma. A tünetek második, valamivel később jelentkező fázisa kognitív hiányosságokból, egyensúlyzavarokból vagy mindkettőből állt.

Impulzus elektromágneses energia és ultrahang

2022 február 1-én egy titkosítás alól feloldott amerikai hírszerzési jelentés (IC Experts Panel on Anomalous Health Incidents) az impulzusos elektromágneses energiát és az ultrahangot nevezte hihető okoknak, és azt mondta, hogy léteznek olyan elrejthető eszközök, amelyek előidézhetik a megfigyelt tüneteket.


2018-ban Douglas H. Smith, a Pennsylvaniai Egyetem 21 érintett havannai diplomatát vizsgáló, a JAMA-ban megjelent tanulmányának vezető szerzője egy interjúban azt mondta, hogy a mikrohullámokat “fő gyanúsítottnak tekintik” a jelenség hátterében. A Neural Computation című folyóiratban Beatrice Alexandra Golomb által 2018-ban közzétett tanulmány elutasította azt az elképzelést, hogy hangtámadás lenne a tünetek forrása, és arra a következtetésre jutott, hogy a tények összhangban vannak az impulzusos rádiófrekvenciás/mikrohullámú sugárzásnak (RF/MW) való kitettséggel. Golomb azt írta, hogy (1) a diplomaták által jelentett zajok jellege összhangban volt az impulzus RF/MW által a Frey-effektuson keresztül okozott hangokkal; (2) a diplomaták által jelentett jelek és tünetek megegyeztek az RF/MW-expozícióból eredő tünetekkel (alvási, megismerési, látási, egyensúlyi, beszédproblémák; fejfájás; nyomás- vagy rezgésérzet; orrvérzés; agykárosodás és agyduzzanat); (3) “az oxidatív stressz az RF/MW-károsodás dokumentált mechanizmusa, amely összeegyeztethető a jelentett jelekkel és tünetekkel”; és (4) a múltban a Moszkvában lévő amerikai nagykövetséget a Moszkvai Jelnek nevezett mikrohullámú sugárzásnak tették ki. A Moszkvai Jelet egy szovjet kémkedési technikának vélték, amely egészségügyi hatásokkal is járhatott. Allan H. Frey idegtudós, akiről a Frey-effektust elnevezték, életképesnek tartja a mikrohullámú elméletet.

2020 decemberében a Külügyminisztérium megbízásából az Egyesült Államok Nemzeti Tudományos, Mérnöki és Orvosi Akadémiáinak szakértői bizottsága által készített tanulmány közzétette jelentését, amely a következő következtetést vonta le: “Összességében az irányított impulzus RF energia ... tűnik a legvalószínűbb mechanizmusnak az esetek magyarázatában azok közül, amelyeket a bizottság figyelembe vett”, de “minden lehetséges ok spekulatív marad”, és “a jelentés nem tekinthető véglegesnek”. A David Relman által elnökölt bizottság tagjai Linda Birnbaum, Ronald Brookmeyer, Caroline Buckee, Joseph Fins, David A. Whelan és mások voltak. A bizottság megállapította, hogy az információ és a közvetlen bizonyítékok (például az érintett személyek orvosi vizsgálati adatai) hiánya korlátozta azt, hogy a jelenség magyarázatára vonatkozóan milyen következtetéseket tudott levonni. Egy 2021-es interjúban, amelyet Sarah McCammon-nak, az NPR műsorvezetőjének adott, Relman elmondta, hogy a bizottság a sérülések “legvalószínűbb” mechanizmusaként az “impulzusos vagy időszakos formában előforduló mikrohullámú sugárzást” azonosította, de nem tudott magabiztosan azonosítani semmilyen okot, mivel nem állt rendelkezésre “közvetlen bizonyíték arra, hogy ez biztosan megmagyarázná az egész történetet, vagy akár csak annak egy részét”. Relman elmondta, hogy a bizottságnak nem állt rendelkezésére elegendő információ annak értékeléséhez, hogy “mik lehetnek az ilyen impulzusos mikrohullámú energia különböző forrásai”, de a tények alapján a bizottságnak “az a nagyon is nyugtalanító elképzelése maradt, hogy ezt szándékosan állították elő más szereplők, akiknek a céljait nem igazán vagyunk abban a helyzetben, hogy megfejtsük”. Relman szerint “a lényeg az, hogy ez még mindig egy zavarba ejtő történet, amely további vizsgálatokat igényel”.

Több történet különböző, a tengerentúlon, köztük Oroszországban állomásozó nyugati diplomatáktól olyan rejtélyes betegségekről számol be az elmúlt évtizedek során, amelyek a mikrohullámú eszközöknek tulajdoníthatóak. 2014-ben egy nem titkosított NSA-jelentés szerint az 1990-es években egy ellenséges ország rendelkezett egy “nagy teljesítményű mikrohullámú fegyverrendszerrel, amely képes lehet arra, hogy idővel és bizonyítékok hátrahagyása nélkül meggyengítse, megfélemlítse vagy megölje az ellenséget”.

Havana syndrome

The symptoms range in severity from pain and ringing in the ears to cognitive difficulties

an expert committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine concluded in December 2020 that microwave energy (specifically, directed pulsed RF energy) “appears to be the most plausible mechanism in explaining these cases among those that the committee considered”

Affected people described symptoms such as hearing loss, memory loss, and nausea. Speculation centered around a sonic weapon, with some researchers pointing to infrasound as a possible cause.

The first phase of symptoms (sometimes closely after an auditory or sensory event) consisted of one or more of the following symptoms: head pressure, disorientation, nausea or headache, vestibular disturbance, or auditory or visual syndromes. The second phase of symptoms, occurring sometime later, consisted of cognitive deficits, vestibular disturbances, or both.

Pulsed electromagnetic energy and ultrasound

On February 1, 2022, a declassified US intelligence report (IC Experts Panel on Anomalous Health Incidents) called pulsed electromagnetic energy and ultrasound plausible causes and said that concealable devices exist that could produce the observed symptoms.


In 2018, Douglas H. Smith, the lead author of a University of Pennsylvania study of 21 affected diplomats in Havana published in JAMA , said in an interview that microwaves were “considered a main suspect” underlying the phenomenon. A 2018 study published in the journal Neural Computation by Beatrice Alexandra Golomb rejected the idea that a sonic attack was the source of the symptoms and concluded that the facts were consistent with pulsed radiofrequency/microwave radiation (RF/MW) exposure. Golomb wrote that (1) the nature of the noises the diplomats reported was consistent with sounds caused by pulsed RF/MW via the Frey effect; (2) the signs and symptoms the diplomats reported matched symptoms from RF/MW exposure (problems with sleep, cognition, vision, balance, speech; headaches; sensations of pressure or vibration; nosebleeds; brain injury and brain swelling); (3) “oxidative stress provides a documented mechanism of RF/MW injury compatible with reported signs and symptoms”; and (4) in the past, the U.S. embassy in Moscow was subject to a microwave beam called the Moscow Signal. The Moscow Signal was inferred to be a Soviet espionage technique that might have also had health effects. Neuroscientist Allan H. Frey, for whom the Frey effect is named, considers the microwave theory viable.

In December 2020, a study by an expert committee of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, commissioned by the State Department, released its report, concluding, “Overall, directed pulsed RF energy ... appears to be the most plausible mechanism in explaining these cases among those that the committee considered” but that “each possible cause remains speculative” and that “the report should not be viewed as conclusive”. Chaired by David Relman, the committee included Linda Birnbaum, Ronald Brookmeyer, Caroline Buckee, Joseph Fins, David A. Whelan, and others. The panel stated that a lack of information and direct evidence (such as medical testing data about affected persons) limited what it could conclude about explanations of the phenomenon. In a 2021 interview with NPR's Sarah McCammon, Relman said that the committee identified “microwave radiation that occurs in a pulsed or intermittent form” as “the most plausible” mechanism for the injuries, but that it could not confidently identify any cause given the lack of “direct evidence that this could explain the entire story for sure or even parts of it.” Relman said the committee lacked information to assess “what the various sources of such pulsed microwave energy might be” but that the facts left the committee “with this very sort of disconcerting notion that it had been produced deliberately by other actors whose purposes we really weren't in a position to fathom.” Relman said that “the bottom line is that this is still a perplexing story that still needs further investigation.”

Multiple anecdotes from various Western diplomats stationed overseas, including in Russia, describe mysterious ailments during past decades that might be due to microwave devices. In 2014, an unclassified NSA report indicated a hostile country in the 1990s possessed a “high powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate or kill an enemy over time and without leaving evidence.”



A nem halálos elektromágneses fegyverek néhány gyakori biológiai hatása a következő: – légzési nehézségek – tájékozódási zavar – hányinger – fájdalom – szédülés – egyéb szisztémás panaszok

Some common bio-effects of non-lethal electromagnetic weapons include: – Difficulty breathing – Disorientation – Nausea – Pain – Vertigo – Other systemic discomfort






from Lo spazio intermedio

Aaron Hillel Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, political organizer, and Internet hacktivist. He was involved in the development of the web feed format RSS, the Markdown publishing format, the organization Creative Commons, the website framework web.py, and joined the social news site Reddit six months after its founding. He was given the title of co-founder of Reddit by Y Combinator owner Paul Graham after the formation of Not a Bug, Inc. (a merger of Swartz's project Infogami and Redbrick Solutions, a company run by Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman). Swartz's work also focused on civic awareness and activism. He helped launch the Progressive Change Campaign Committee in 2009 to learn more about effective online activism. In 2010, he became a research fellow at Harvard University's Safra Research Lab on Institutional Corruption, directed by Lawrence Lessig. He founded the online group Demand Progress, known for its campaign against the Stop Online Piracy Act. In 2011, Swartz was arrested by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) police on state breaking-and-entering charges, after connecting a computer to the MIT network in an unmarked and unlocked closet, and setting it to download academic journal articles systematically from JSTOR using a guest user account issued to him by MIT. Federal prosecutors, led by Carmen Ortiz, later charged him with two counts of wire fraud and eleven violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, carrying a cumulative maximum penalty of $1 million in fines, 35 years in prison, asset forfeiture, restitution, and supervised release. Swartz declined a plea bargain under which he would have served six months in federal prison. Two days after the prosecution rejected a counter-offer by Swartz, he was found dead in his Brooklyn apartment. In 2013, Swartz was inducted posthumously into the Internet Hall of Fame.

(from en.wiki)

#aaronswartz #wikipedia #internet