

A list of all postings of all blogs on Qua where the author has configured the blog to publish on this page.

from A new Japanese learner takes on JRPGs

While playing an RPG has been good for seeing new words, I'm finding it hard to glean the grammar and sentence structure from this exercise. So instead of continuing, I'm currently learning grammar from a textbook! I will return, once I can conjugate verbs at least.


from Finanzas Personales

Primer día acá. Veamos:

Metas: – Llegar a 2035 con plata suficiente para jubilarme y hacer lo que se me venga en gana – Salir pronto de deudas

Monto requerido: $250.000.000.-

Patrimonio actual: – Cuenta líquida: $70.000 en 2 cuentas – Cuenta de ahorros/inversiones: $436.317, en una cuenta Tenpo

Gastos mensuales: Promedio: No tengo a mano ahora la libretita, pero son como $1.950.000.-

Ingresos mensuales: Fijos: $1.000.000 Variables: ahí jugando a veces cumplo con la meta, a veces no

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from Vahid

این روز‌ها استقبال از شبکه های اجتماعی #آزاد و #نامتمرکز بیشتر شده و با اتفاق‌هایی که در #توییتر و #ردیت افتاده، مهاجرت کاربران به #فدیورس سرعت بیشتری گرفته. با توجه به اینکه اکثر کاربران از گوشی تلفن همراه و اپ رسمی #ماستودون برای ایجاد حساب کاربری استفاده می‌کنند، بدون اطلاع از ساختار شبکه‌های اجتماعی نامتمرکز و وجود نمونه‌های متعدد از سرورها و نرم‌افزارهای قابل استفاده؛ همگی بر روی سرور mastodon.social حساب ایجاد می‌کنند. این سرور بزرگ‌ترین و شلوغ‌ترین سرور ماستودونه که توسط خود توسعه دهنده ماستودون ایجاد شده و متاسفانه برای کاربران داخل ایران فیلتره. شاید با خودتون فکر کنید که بزرگ‌تر بودنش و اینکه سرور متعلق به خود توسعه دهنده است که خوبه و مزیتش حساب می‌شه. این فکر به این دلیل بوجود میاد که ذهنیتی که شما از شبکه‌های اجتماعی دارید، مربوط به شبکه‌های اجتماعی متمرکز مثل توییتر و #اینستاگرام و... است و ساختار فدیورس رو درک نکردید. پیشنهاد می‌کنم کمی درمورد فدیورس مطالعه کنید تا متوجه بشید مواردی که درمورد mastodon.social بیان شد، درواقع نقاط ضعف اونه و بهتره کاربران بین نمونه‌های کوچک‌تر، با قوانین و شرایط مناسب جمع و گروه کاربری خاص خودش تقسیم بشن. پس از گذشت مدت زمان کمی، تعدادی از کاربران متوجه این موضوع می‌شن و پرسشی که براشون پیش میاد اینه که حالا چه کنیم؟ در نرم‌افزار ماستودون قابلیتی برای انتقال حساب کاربری از نمونه‌ای به نمونه دیگر وجود داره که کار رو برای مهاجرت ساده می‌کنه. با انجام فرایند انتقال حساب، افرادی رو که پیگیری می‌کنید و افرادی که شما رو پیگیری می‌کنند، به صورت خودکار به حساب جدید منتقل می‌شن. دقت داشته باشید که فرایند انتقال به نمونه دیگری از ماستودون، پست‌های قبلی شما رو منتقل نمی‌کنه. درعوض حساب قدیمی شما رو با حساب جدید لینک می‌کنه و با انجام این کار، نیازی به انتقال پست‌های قدیمی ندارید.

نحوه انتقال حساب:

1- ابتدا حساب جدید رو در نمونه مورد نظرتون ایجاد کنید.

2- از قسمت Account گزینه Account settings رو انتخاب کنید. تصویر تنظیمات اکانت ماستودون

3- گزینه Moving from a different account رو انتخاب کنید. تصویر بخش انتقال حساب در ماستودون

4- در این بخش باید یک Alias از حساب قدیمیتون ایجاد کنید. دقت کنید که فرمت اون باید مشابه این باشه: user@domain.tld تصویر بخش ایجاد Alias در ماستودون

5- حالا وارد تنظیمات حساب قدیمیتون شده و به بخش Account settings برید.

6- گزینه Move to a different account رو انتخاب کنید.

7- در فیلد Handle of the new account آدرس نمایه جدیدتون رو مانند مثال وارد کرده و رمز فعلی حساب قدیمی رو در فیلد Current password وارد نمایید. حالا گزینه Move followers رو کلیک کنید. بخش ایجاد Handle حساب جدید در ماستودون

تمام! بعد از مدت کمی مخاطبان حساب قبلی به حساب جدید منتقل خواهد شد. تصویر وضعیت نمایه بعد از انتقال حساب در ماستودون

در ادامه می‌تونید بعضی از داده‌ها مثل Bookmarks یا بلاک لیست و... رو از بخش Import and Export استخراج کرده و در حساب جدید بارگذاری کنید.

امیدوارم این پست بتونه توی انتقال حساب در ماستودون بهتون کمک کنه.

برای آشنایی بیشتر با فدیورس پیشنهاد می‌کنم نحوه عملکردش رو از لینک های زیر مطالعه کنید: – English by Alireza Hayatiترجمه فارسی از پارسا رنجبر

#mastodon #fediverse

بیشتر بخوانید...

from diorama

The group of people that administer MastodonUno and the Diggitaverse is known under the name of Devol. The group grows up in the shadow of filippodb – former web 2.0 sorcerer, prodigal techbro, and de facto Devol group leader. It is an error to infer a 100% overlap between their own thoughts and filippodb’s since the group shows some degree of independent judgement. However, this is not the case we discuss today. It seems a ChatGPT-like stochastic parrot was trained on filippodb’s messages and wrote an appeal on Devol’s official blog. The group makes accusations against the author of the blog you are currently reading, against people in the fediverse sharing its posts, and against fediverse instances hosting those people. At the moment being, their accusations are made of informal, both public statements and private messages.

Their words are made to let people think they will promote legal actions against them. As far as I know, nobody has received a formal cease-and-desist letter by their lawyer. However, the use of pettifoging language is intended to “persuade” people to stop keeping themselves informed and it similarly affects the public discourse as legal bullying (a sort of para-legal bullying?). You can find a few words about 101 Criminal Law as bonus part at the bottom of the post.

Instead of preventive self-censorship, one should do the opposite, documenting and sharing information. The key is solidarity, so that one will not feel alone and isolated by such baseless accusations. Do not trust Devol’s reconstructions and wanna-be quotes. Always read the context where words are written. Several examples as follows: – The fact that «Filippo Della Bianca himself enthusiastically rolled out the red carpet to Claudio Messora [...] one of Della Bianca’s old acquaintances, from the days when Byoblu was “yet another” HIV/AIDS denialist blog under the Diggita umbrella» becomes – in Devol’s words – that Filippo Della Bianca is accused of belonging to a sort-of “HIV/AIDS denialist” sect, and of supporting these theories («parte di una sorta di setta di “ HIV/AIDS denialist” e appoggiare queste teorie»). It is a straw man to avoid criticism.

Figure 1: Diggita sharing button on young Byoblu website. October 2008.

Figure 2: Diggita sharing button on Byoblu website before the 2019 restyling. February 2018, ten years later.

Figure 3: “Hello, world. Welcome, Freedom!”. filippodb boosts Byoblu admin account (which belongs to Messora). 15/04/2020.

Figure 4: filippodb’s enthusiasm about 10k new users in the fediverse cannot be undermined by Byoblu node spreading fake news. 19/04/2020.

Figure 5: Byoblu looking for experts for a video. 21/04/2020.

Figure 6: “Byoblu got everybody in the line!”. filippodb’s enthusiasm is actually esteem (envy?). 09/05/2020.

  • The fact that «Mastodon Uno silences critics against their “welcoming behaviour” towards fascists-and-the-like, [N.A.: the reference is the sentence before, i.e. Byoblu itself that at the time has already fully developed a red-brown third-positioning] mainly the accounts of isolateByoblu and isolateGab. (screenshot)» becomes that Filippo Della Bianca is accused of having a site doing [sic] “welcoming behaviour” “towards fascists-and-the-like” («avere un sito che fa “welcoming behaviour” “towards fascists-and-the-like”»). Another straw man.

Figure 7: MastodonUno instance silences isolateByoblu and isolateGab counter-information initiatives, which used the tag #byoblu to spread awareness about Byoblu instance. In the meantime, posts by Byoblu supporters were visible. That way, no one in the MastodonUno could be reached by isolateByoblu and isolateGab. 06/08/2020.

Figure 8: such abused Martin Niemöller’s sermon, adapted for Byoblu, the time self-organised instances de-federated Byoblu. filippodb boosts the toot, roughly meaning “We will not de-federate it”. 20/04/2020.

Figure 9: filippodb defies criticism. “If MastodonSocial does not de-federate Byoblu, therefore MastodonUno will not take responsibilities.” 17/04/2020.

Figure 10: again, filippodb defies criticism. The fact that Byoblu spreads out the fediverse was not enough to de-federate it. Byoblu promised they will block far-right content (!) so that is enough for MastodonUno. 19/04/2020.

Figure 11: again x2, filippodb defies criticism. Byoblu updated policy to block fascist content. That is enough for MastodonUno. 24/04/2020.

Figure 12: 6 months later, MastodonUno had still been federating Byoblu. Since isolateByoblu accounts outside MastodonUno were silenced by MastodonUno, the initiative made a brand-new account on MastodonUno. The day after, isolateByoblu on MastodonUno was silenced, so that its messages could not go in the MastodonUno home and federated timeline. 18/10/2020.

  • Conversely, the fact that the brand owners do not file a complaint against Devol does not mean that their websites are authorised by the brand owners («I siti mastodon(dot)uno, peertube(dot)uno, pixelfed(dot)uno, funkwahale(dot)it [sic] mobilizon(dot)it ecc. sono tutti autorizzati dai rispettivi proprietari dei brand»). This is just a blatant lie.

Figure 13: Funkwhale developers collective blocks FunkwhaleIt. 02/04/2020.

Figure 14: Framasoft (the NGO developing Mobilizon and Peertube) warns against country-based or language-based centralising strategies. In reply to people asking for the officialism of MobilizonIt and PeertubeUno. 16/11/2020.

If Devol made arguments of this kind, I hope you would not mind some suggestion: – Do not give in to provocation. Aggressive stances are made on purpose to attract any kind of criticism, so that they can cherry-pick which kind of criticism and deflect criticism as a whole with whataboutism. Don’t give them a chance. – Consider to de-federate MastodonUno. Federation means trust. It is not the first time you expose your user base and your server to legal action, and professional data harvesters are fed by your user base (unencrypted!) messages, interactions, and metadata. For such a long time, we have lost the focus that this para-legal bullying puts the existence of self-organised instances and the lives themselves of both hosts and guests at perils.

I am sorry for technicalities but I think knowing some basics of Criminal Law helps us to face that kind of accusations. ⚠️ N.B.: do not take my words as legal advice.

First of all, just for the sake of example, let us assume the conducts we treat here are relevant in Italy and Italian jurisdiction holds, according to electronic commerce regulations. Do not take that assumption for granted: consider it as a worst case scenario.

The concept of freedom of speech in Italy is different from other countries, e.g. U.S.A.: there is no absolute right to tell the truth. The Court of Cassation (the Italian court of last resort) identified the following 3 criteria to discriminate freedom of speech from defamation, which is a criminal offence: 1- countenance of language 2- truthfulness of the events narrated 3- public relevance of the fact So, as long as the 3 criteria are fulfilled, one can sleep soundly. For further information, read Casarotti’s recap here (N.B.: Italian). Can these 3 criteria be applied in our case? Who reads is left to make their own judgement. If that is the case, who admin the Diggitaverse are fully responsible of bad reputation with their conducts.

Last but not least, if: 1- anyone accuses – even informally – someone of a criminal offence, 2- the events narrated are false, and 3- that might provoke an investigation by Italian authorities, then it is calumny (the “formal slander”) and it is on turn a criminal offence. The “might provoke” part is the key, since it is a crime even if the act itself did not cause harm to the protected interests: it is a “crime of danger” (“Gefährdungsdelikt”). Words written on a fairly unknown blog have – even abstractly – zero risk to start an investigation by Italian authorities. Consider that, the post you are currently reading is the first where the criminal relevance of brandjacking conducts is discussed, not because we have ever had some sort of interest in criminal prosecution. We are forced to discuss it because we are on turn accused of another crime – calumny. And the discussion is trivial: copyright infringement (the umbrella term for brandjacking etc.) shall be filed by the copyright holder as a complaint, otherwise there is no criminal relevance. And all the offences that are prosecuted on complaint cannot be the premise of a calumny, unless the complaint is filed and investigations are needed to check whether the offence itself is punishable only by complaint (some clue here, page 10, N.B.: Italian), which is totally not the case for copyright infringement.


from Lo spazio intermedio

Mentre sto consultando le fonti dell'articolo sul multiverso appartenente alla serie Quelli che cavalcano il fulmine, mi rendo conto che sono passati 10 anni dalla prima “foto” di un atomo di idrogeno. E allora vale la pena estrarre quel pezzettino da un articolo scritto per il mio blog DropSea qualcosa come 5 anni fa.

La struttura dell'atomo

Gli esperimenti di Millikan del 1916 e di Compton del 1921 fornirono indizi sulla natura dell'elettrone e delle sue interazioni con la materia. Sono del 1924 i due lavori indipendenti di Albert Einstein e di Louis de Broglie che suggeriscono l'esistenza di onde di materia le cui frequenza e lunghezza d'onda sono definite dalle due relazioni:

$\nu = \frac{E}{c}$ $\lambda = \frac{h}{p}$

L'anno dopo ecco arrivare la famosa equazione di Erwin Schroedinger, che può essere intesa come una sorta di generalizzazione matematica dell'equazione di Planck-Einstein. E infine nel 1927 ecco l'esperimento di Davisson e Germer dove un cristallo di nichel viene fatto attraversare da un fascio di elettroni. Ci sono tutti gli ingredienti per suggerire una descrizione il più accurata possibile dell'atomo. Il primo a lanciarsi in tale impresa fu Niels Bohr con il suo famoso modello planetario dell'atomo di idrogeno; a seguire quello che potremmo chiamare l'atomo di de Broglie, dove l'elettrone si muove oscillando intorno al nucleo guidato da un'onda di materia; infine ecco arrivare l'atomo di Schrodinger, dove l'elettrone è visto come un'onda la cui struttura è simile a una sfera di densità. L'elettrone è così delocalizzato intorno al nucleo. Tale descrizione è stata verificata nel 2013 con la prima osservazione degli orbitali dell'atomo di idrogeno.

atomo di idrogeno eccitato

#meccanica-quantistica #atomo-di-idrogeno #fisica


from manunkind

me (human) ≠ you (machine)

if NLP ≠ NLU

are you a you?

how is it me a me?

will we ever meet? (in the flow of active inferences?)

[but: will we be able to imagine alien intelligences?]

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from Vahid

آدم‌ها همیشه اونی که خوبه رو زیر پا له می‌کنند. چون خیالشون از این بابت راحته که درمقابل بدی خودشون پاسخ بدی دریافت نمی‌کنند. بهشون احترام کم‌تری می‌گزارند، چون فکر می‌کنند طرف وظیفشه که همیشه بهشون احترام بگزاره. همیشه سعی می‌کنند ازش سواستفاده کنند، چون بخشش وگذشتش رو حماقت تعبیر می‌کنند. اما در عوض توقع زیاد‌تری نسبت به بقیه ازشون دارند. چرا؟ چون همیشه لطف تبدیل به وظیفه می‌شه. متاسفانه این رویکرد غلط در فرهنگ متلاشی ما نهادینه شده. تا جایی که مردم در روابط خانوادگی هم از این رفتار زشت دریغ نمی‌کنند. روزها به همین شکل سپری می‌شه، تا یک روز اون شخص خوب به خودش می‌گه: «خوبی که از حد بگذرد، نادان خیال بد کند. خوب بودن، باگذشت بودن، صبور بودن دیگه بسه...». و اون شخص خوب هم روزی همرنگ جماعت رند و خودخواه می‌شه. آره؛ به همین دلیله که این روزها از افراد بیشتری متنفر می‌شیم و لیست سیاهمون بلند و بلندتر می‌شه. چون خوب بودن دیگه یه صفت زیبا نیست، بلکه نشانه حماقته! در مقابل خودخواهی، دروغگویی، بی‌چشم و رویی و... به عنوان زیرکی و زرنگی قلمداد می‌شه.


بیشتر بخوانید...

from c10

Vos “incongruences historiques” s'expliquent par deux facteurs :

D'une part, la géométrie temporelle complexe -que vous commencez à comprendre et à utiliser pour certains- rend possible la réécriture constante de ce que, dans la pensée linéaire habituelle, vous nommiez “le passé”. Ceci, par voie de conséquence, change régulièrement “votre moment présent”, car toute la séquence d’événement compromise par l’altération introduite – est immédiatement transformée en une nouvelle version – tandis que l'ancienne n'a tout simplement jamais existé.

D'autre part, votre pensée linéaire coutumière, artificiellement entretenue sachez-le, désinstallée mais techniquement encore en vigueur par effet d'inertie on va dire, est paramétrée pour accepter une seule ligne temporelle fixe & inaltérable. Autrement dit elle ne prévoit qu'une seule séquence d'événements à l'égard de votre historicité commune. Or techniquement il y en a en nombre illimité – d'où l'impossibilité à établir un registre unique & parfaitement cohérent sur l’Odyssée Humaine, et cela malgré la sincérité de vos efforts et/ou la volonté de contrôle qui cache votre “réalité consensuelle”.

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from A new Japanese learner takes on JRPGs

Words/kanji learned: ご苦労さま: thank you for your hard work! 鍵: lock/key 鍵がかかってる: it is locked. 玉座: throne. 恐れ多い: awesome, awe-inspiring, gracious.

Today, we're going to explore the palace, and also complete the next part of カタリナ's plan. There's actually some NPC guards to talk to! I bet they're loaded with information!

Katarina, exploring the palace and talking to a guard

...they all say that, actually.

Anyway, let's figure out how to format these more exploration-based sessions! I'll start by listing some actions and the responses they give, similar to how I capture dialogue scenes.

(When I talk to a guard) 「ご苦労さまです!」 (When I examine a locked door) 「カギが かかってるわ。。。。」 (When I go to the throne room and examine the throne) 「ミカエル様の玉座。。。。 恐れ多い」

Then, we can just go through each line, like before!

ご苦労さまです! ご苦労(くろう)さま: interjection meaning “thank you for your hard work” or “I appreciate your efforts”. These kanji mean “suffering” and “labor”. The さま at the end can be written as the usual kanji for that pronunciation – 様 – or not. Thank you for your hard work!

カギがかかってるわ カギ: either lock or key. But this is カタカナ, why? It turns out that we can use katakana to write regular 日本語 words when we want to emphasize them (like using italics or ALL CAPS). So for everyone's benefit, I'll go ahead and note that 鍵(かぎ) can mean key or lock. かかってる: without Kanji, this verb can mean several different things. But we can figure it out in context, as we'll see on the next line. 鍵(かぎ)がかかってる: phrase meaning “it is locked”. It is LOCKED.

ミカエル様の玉座。。。。恐れ多い 玉座(ぎょくざ): throne! We already learned this as part of 玉座の間 earlier. 恐れ多い(おそれおおい): awesome, awe-inspiring, gracious. Can mean other things, but those wouldn't make sense in this context. Mikhail's throne... awe-inspiring.

Next time, we'll venture into the castle's jail for a small but key interaction. (It literally involves a key.)


from c10

Un “vecteur expérientiel” est un ensemble de paramètres physiques et plus, établis avec haute précision et installés de manière relativement fixe dans un quadrant choisi. Cela afin d'activer un potentiel de croissance/expansion, tout en définissant son expression ; de sorte à offrir aux voyageurs une séquence spécifique d’événements – non-linéaires – leur permettant l'acquisition des bases de données nécessaires à leurs besoins évolutifs.

Lire la suite...

from A new Japanese learner takes on JRPGs

Words/kanji learned: そうか: really, I see. 明日: tomorrow. ーまで: until, up to. ゆっくり: well, comfortably. なる: to become. よろしい: good, very well.

This is a shorter entry, just two lines of dialogue from the 大臣, then we're back to exploring.

大臣: 「そうか、そうか。 明日までゆっくり お体みになるのが よろしかろう。」

Not a lot of 漢字 this time around!

そうか、そうか。 そうか: really, I see. I see, I see.

明日までゆっくりお体みになるのがよろしかろう。 明日(あした): tomorrow. Like 今日 from the last entry, the reading is unique but also worth learning. ーまで: until, up to. ゆっくり: well, comfortably. Has other meanings too – but in the context of rest, it's the “well” in “sleep well”. なる: to become. Nominalized here with the の ending. よろしい: good, very well. Conjugated somehow. Until tomorrow, to become well rested, would be good.

Why is that, Mr. Minister? What's going on tomorrow, eh? He thinks he's got a surprise for us, but we'll be ready! Next time, we explore the palace and do one more small piece of preparation.


from Blog Hub

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from A new Japanese learner takes on JRPGs

Words/kanji learned: 殿: Mr. (polite language) 御用: your business, your need, official business でしょうか: worried and polite question ending どうしておられる: how are you? ーかな: particle indicating uncertainty 今日: today. お疲れ: tiredness/fatigue, or thanks 御: honorable prefix 様子: state of affairs たった今: just now, a moment ago お休み: sleep/rest/holiday なる: to become / to result in

After depositing our 装備 (and I remembered that word, yo), it's time for カタリナ to step outside and explore the castle! ...almost.

As soon as we leave the room, the 大臣 approaches us. We talk:

Katarina and the chancellor talking in the palace halls

カタリナ: 「これは大臣殿、 何か御用でしょうか?」 大臣: 「モニカ様は どうしておられる かな?」 カタリナ: 「今日はお疲れの御様子 たった今お休みに なられました。」

これは大臣殿、何か御用でしょうか? 殿(どの): Mr., in polite language. 御用(ごよう): your business, your need, official business でしょうか: a very informative answer on Stack Exchange helped me here. So this could be a worried and polite question, or it could be a more assertive/rude rhetorical question. Since I think カタリナ was somewhat surprised to see 大臣, the first interpretation is the one I'm going with. Here, Mr. Minister, what is your need?

モニカ様はどうしておられるかな? どうしておられる: how are you? Jisho was little help here – seems like this is a phrase, and I'm not sure how common it is. ーかな: particle indicating uncertainty How is Monica, I wonder?

今日はお疲れの御様子たった今お休みになられました。 今日(きょう): today. Unusual reading for these 漢字, you just have to memorize them. And this is such a common word, you'll want to. お疲れ(おつかれ): tiredness/fatigue. Can also be used as an expression of thanks, but it's not used that way here. 御(ご): honorable prefix. My keyboard couldn't find 御 by itself but when I combined it with the term below and typed ごようす, there it was! 様子(ようす): state of affairs. たった今(たったいま): just now, a moment ago. お休み(おやすみ): sleep/rest/holiday. The お prefix may be optional? WaniKani taught me this word as just 休み, after all. なられました: polite and past tense form of なる, to become / to result in. Today, in the state of being tired just now, [Monica] has become asleep.

大臣殿 will have a bit more to say next time, and then we'll explore the palace and engage in some NPC dialogue!


from A new Japanese learner takes on JRPGs

Words/kanji learned: 長弓: longbow 傷薬: potion/salve 精: spirit 霊石: magical stone 防具: armor 威力: weapon power 重量: weight 片手用: one hand use (three separate words) 特殊: special, particular 道具: tool 戦闘: battle 敵: opponent, adversary, menace, enemy 与える: to give (to someone of lower status)

Now, let's take a look at カタリナ's 装備! If we're going to go to the trouble of hiding it, and saving it, and re-equipping it, we should at least know what we're going through the effort for.

Screenshot of Katarina's starting equipment

This screen is divided into two columns. The left column is for 武器, and the right is for “防具”.

The first column: マスカレイド: the English word “masquerade”, in カタカナ. It's an epee. 長弓(ちょうきゅう): longbow. Jisho claims that “ちょうきゅう” is the reading for this, but the Samsung 日本語 mode didn't offer those kanji as an option. 傷薬(きずぐすり): potion/salve. 精(せい)霊石(れいせき): two separate words. 精 means spirit (among other things, look it up), and 霊石 means magical stone.

The second column: 防具(ぼうぐ): defensive armament. Armor, basically. シルティーク: silk shirt. I get the shirt part, at least.

Underneath these columns is some data about the currently selected piece of equipment. Most of these things don't require any explanation, like the 長弓 or the 傷薬, but マスカレイド and the 精霊石 seem unique, so let's see what the item descriptions are for them!

マスカレイド: 武器威力:9 重量:1 小剣、片手用 特殊:ウエイクアップ

威力(いりょく): weapon power. 重量(じゅうりょう): weight. Each piece of equipment has weight, which affects how late the character acts each round. 片(へん)手(て)用(よう): one-sided, hand, use. Indicates that the weapon is one-handed, so the character can also use a shield alongside this weapon. 特殊(とくしゅ): special, particular. Indicates that the weapon has a special property – in this case, the カタカナ seems to say “wake up”.

精霊石: 道具、片手用 戦闘で敵にダメージを与える

道具(どうぐ): tool 戦闘(せんとう): battle. We already learned this as part of 戦闘陣形, but now we see it by itself. 敵(てき): opponent, adversary, menace, enemy. ダメージ: damage 与える(あたえる): to give (to someone of lower status), to cause, to bestow, to provide, to supply, etc. Spirit magical stone: tool, one-handed. During battle, to the opponent/enemy, give damage.

Since マスカレイド is a unique and named item, we definitely want to stash it. We probably don't want it to fall into the hands of the enemy, right? So I'll do that, and proceed with a bit more gameplay next time!


from c10

La géométrie temporelle est un concept qui introduit les notions de retro causalité, de convergence causale multi directionnelle et autres, mais qui n'invalide pas pour autant la loi universelle de cause à effet. Comprenez bien ceci ; vos choix engendrent des conséquences, ce qui constitue l'essence même de votre rôle éminemment Créateur dans le Grand Tout, mais non pas dans le sens ni par les voies que vous croyez.

Le simple fait qu'une “cause-future” puisse intervenir directement dans “le passé”, devrait vous aider à sortir du déterminisme, et surtout du définitivisme, avec lequel vous considérez les phénomènes que vous percevez.

En effet, si la chaîne causale n'est pas linéaire ni définitive ; il n'y a rien qui ne puisse être constamment reformulé. Et c'est exactement le cas d’ailleurs dans votre vecteur expérientiel. Ce qui explique l'incongruence entre vos divers registres historiques – dans la futile tentative de composer une histoire universelle unique & définitive.

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