Qua info

Info and notices on the Qua instance, only relevant for users.

I've updated the instance to revision 4bc132 which is release 0.8.1 of writefreely.

The upstream announcement has all the details.

Relevant user visible changes for Qua:

  • [FIXED] The way #hashtags are linked has been improved. This may affect your posts. Previously there was a requirement that a hashtag was preceded by a space or at the beginning of a line; this requirement has been dropped. The previous requirement was in place to prevent code snippets from having linked parts (for example comments or CSS colors).

I've updated the instance to revision bbdad82 which is release 0.8 of writefreely.

Relevant user visible changes for Qua:

  • [NEW] User invites; users can now send invites to others. For Qua specifically this does not add another registration road, because we have already have an open registration, but the invite system has been enabled anyways.

Most of the other changes in the 0.8 release are not very relevant for our users.

Happy new year everyone! We're updating qua.name for the first time this year following the upstream 0.7 release. The official release announcement is here

I've updated the instance to revision 1ff0d7b which is release 0.7 of writefreely.

Many changes are in the admin realm which are irrelevant for our users; see the writefreely blog posting mentioned above for the details.

Relevant user visible changes for Qua:

  • [FIX] not actually visible for users, but relevant. Due to an oversight on our side, creation timestamps for some users were not inserted properly (see issue 60 for details). For the affected users, we have set the creation timestamp equal to their first blog post.
  • [NEW] Use an en dash in the title of posts that are written in German, instead of em dash (#1)
  • [NEW] Blog names starting with a number now have an ActivityPub avatar

Most of the other changes in the 0.7 release are not very relevant for our users.

I've updated the instance to revision 3fab9f which is release 0.6 of writefreely.

Relevant user visible changes for Qua:

  • [NEW] You can mark your blogs as public now which means that your postings will be included in the local timeline of Qua This is not the default, so you'll have to explicitly mark your blog as Public

  • [NEW] There is a RSS feed for the local timeline For your own blog, the RSS feed was already there, this has not changed.

    (at: https://qua.name/[your username]/feed/)

  • [NEW] The code and styles for the source highlighting library are now hosted locally, which removes a dependency from a third party and gives us a bit more flexibility in styling and language support. The same goes for the MathJax library we use; also locally hosted now.

Most of the other changes in the 0.6 release are not very relevant for our users.

I've updated the instance to revision 8205a2 which is release 0.5 of writefreely.

Relevant user visible changes for Qua:

I have added syntax highlighting support for code blocks to Qua. The support is automatic in the sense that you do not have to do anything special other than writing a code block. All code blocks will be highlighted automatically.

There's three things you should know:

  1. All highlightjs languages are automatically supported (loaded on demand). This reference from highlightjs.org shows which languages are available.
  2. You can explicitly state the language after the ``` on the first line of your code block in case the language is not properly detected or you want to force another language.
  3. Specifying a language of nohighlight will force no highlighting in the block.


Here's an example of a syntax highlighted block:

# This has syntax highlighting because python is loaded by default
def action_done(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        logger.debug('Overridden mro_order.action_done called.')
        for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
                cr, uid, [x.id for x in order.parts_move_lines])
            self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'done'})
        return True

The above block was entered into the editor as:

``` python
# This has syntax highlighting because python is loaded by default
def action_done(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        logger.debug('Overridden mro_order.action_done called.')
        for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
                cr, uid, [x.id for x in order.parts_move_lines])
            self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'done'})
        return True

I've update the instance to commit bdc4f2 which is release 0.3 of #writefreely

Relevant changes for Qua relative to our last update:

  • [NEW] Adminpanel, user id 1 is the admin
  • [NEW] Application overview page (admin)
  • [NEW] Editable About/Privacy pages (admin)

I've update the instance to commit 8e6d0d

Relevant change for Qua

I've updated the instance to commit 3595c81

Relevant changes:

I've updated the instance to commit 58d163d

Here's the relevant changes for Qua:

  • [NEW] there's now a way to have your password reset, you'll still need me to do it though. I'm counting there will be a way later on where you can do this yourself;
  • [FIX] the 'Scheduled' label was given to new posts by mistake