This page contains a quick reference on the rendering options as well as example on how things will be rendered on this specific instance.
This page is based on the writersguide, but it turns out #writefreely has support for a bit more than described on that page.
Headers are created by putting a #
sign before a line:
# This is the biggest header (h1)
## This is still a big header (h2)
### This is a smaller header (h3)
###### This is the smallest header you can make (h6)
The above will render as:
Text decorations
Text can be decoreated inline by
*This is italic*
_This is italic too_
**This is bold**
__This is bold, too__
_**This is bold and italic**_
`This is monospaced, or code`
~~This is crossed out~~
Rendered as:
This is italic
This is italic too
This is bold
This is bold, too
This is bold and italic
This is monospaced, or code
This is crossed out
* Hello
* Goodbye
* Ciao
* Au revoir
* Auf Wiedersehen
* Arrivederci
1. First, this
2. Then that
3. Lastly, this
Different lists need a line of text between them.
1. First this
1. Then a second thing
1. Finally a third thing
1. And so on
- Hello
- Goodbye
- Ciao
- Au revoir
- Auf Wiedersehen
- Arrivederci
- First, this
- Then that
- Lastly, this
Different lists need a line of text between them.
- First this
- Then a second thing
- Finally a third thing
- And so on
Text can be quoted by prefixing it with >
> This is a quote from an email or quotation from someone
This is a quote from an email or quotation from someone
Basic link:
[A user guide](
Link to an image:

Basic link:
A user guide
Link to an image:

Other constructs
The verbatim parts in this document were entered by enclosing the blocks of text with 3 _backticks_ (```) each on their own line.
A horizontal line can be made:
The underlying markdown engine which is a modified version of blackfriday has support for tables, but the default css is minimal.
Name | Age
Bob | 27
Alice | 23
Syntax highlighting
The highlightjs library is used for syntax highlighting. This is automatic. The library tries to detect the language of code blocks automatically, but it's always a good idea to specify it.
All languages available for highlightjs are supported.
// This could have syntax highlighting if language go was installed
func getTrue() bool {
return true
# This should have syntax highlighting as python is loaded by default
def action_done(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
logger.debug('Overridden mro_order.action_done called.')
for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
cr, uid, [ for x in order.parts_move_lines])
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'done'})
return True
Definition lists look like this:
: Fluffy animal everyone likes
: Vector of transmission for pictures of cats
: Fluffy animal everyone likes
: Vector of transmission for pictures of cats
When a #
character is used #inline a #tag is created which #writefreely uses to categorize its content.
MathJax rendering
There is a setting for each blog to enable MathJax rendering. Here are some examples:
When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to $(ax^2 + bx + c = 0)$ and they are
$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$
When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to $(ax^2 + bx + c = 0)$ and they are
$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$