

If the official announcements about a national event are not convincing and even arouse further doubts, alternative theories about the course of events will quickly rush into these gaps. Just as quickly, such theories are discredited as alleged conspiracy theories. State institutions in particular react extremely sensitively and irritably, their statements are questioned. Usually, however, the blame lies with the political leaders themselves, as they are constantly working on their own incredibility.


Watching the ship drift towards the waterfall, on the bottom of which it will inevitably be smashed, because one feels committed to a supposed community, is one thing. To throw overboard the normally dominant instinct of self-preservation, the sole concern for one's own well-being, is another. We humans consist of contradictions that already make our existence appear questionable, our survival even more so. However, we are working with zeal for our common doom, because we lack the imagination about the consequences of our actions.


Bread and games. What already worked excellently in ancient Rome finds its perfected continuation in the USA. With football, baseball, basketball and ice hockey, four sports keep the Americans happy. And when it comes to food, the country of supposedly unlimited possibilities is making the most of all: oversized portions, over-sugared, fatty and maximally unhealthy. Physically, the well-behaved American already has hard times of it.