Lopeztel's Blog


For context, let me refer to my very first entry, the idea was basically looking for alternatives, so here's the long awaited progress report:

Changes already in place

  1. Using Mastodon instead of Twitter
  2. Using Pixelfed instead of Instagram
  3. (On Android) Using NewPipe instead of YouTube, this one is quite cool, it has all the features you'd want: Download, Picture in Picture mode, Background Music reproduction...
  4. Using Writefreely and/or Wordpress (Still haven't decided) instead of other blogging platforms
  5. (On Android) Using Signal instead of Wnatsapp, although that may change in the near future
  6. Using Jitsi Meet instead of Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts
  7. Using Protonmail instead of Gmail (although not sure if FOSS/FLOSS, they maintain an OpenPGP library)
  8. (On Android) Using Simple Mobile Tools SMS Messenger instead of Google Messages
  9. Using Simple Mobile Tools Gallery instead of Google Photos
  10. Using Bitwarden instead of LastPass
  11. (On Android) Using andOTP (at least for personal stuff)
  12. Using F-Droid instead of the Google Play Store whenever possible

Changes in transition period

  1. Self-hosted Nextcloud instead of Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive...
  2. Self-hosted Gitea instead of Github (currently only mirroring)
  3. Self-hosted Piwigo gallery instead of Google Photos (more info on my setup here)
  4. Self-hosted email (problems with outgoing port 25)
  5. Self-hosted Synapse (Matrix server) in testing phase, could replace Signal by Element if tests show promising results
  6. Calendar synchronization using Nextcloud instead of Google Calendar (Android apps: Simple Mobile Tools Calendar, DAVX5 and OpenTasks)
  7. (On Android) Trying to use OsmAnd instead of Google Maps (This is by far the hardest change to be made)


  1. Facebook is still the platform where everyone plans events so I need that just to follow-up on them (not actively in use)
  2. Whatsapp and Facebook messenger as backup messaging (Trying to move friends and family over to Signal or Element)
  3. Can't seem to get away from Microsoft: Teams, Outlook and Microsoft Authenticator are used for work

#selfhosting #Fediverse #DigitalLife #Privacy Day 11 of #100DaysToOffload