

Watching the ship drift towards the waterfall, on the bottom of which it will inevitably be smashed, because one feels committed to a supposed community, is one thing. To throw overboard the normally dominant instinct of self-preservation, the sole concern for one's own well-being, is another. We humans consist of contradictions that already make our existence appear questionable, our survival even more so. However, we are working with zeal for our common doom, because we lack the imagination about the consequences of our actions.


Everywhere, authorities are oppressing their people more and more. In different manifestations, but unmistakable. First they give themselves as longed-for saviors and philanthropists, in order to get out the truncheons hidden behind their backs after a successful election. With servitude and one-sided redistributions they cover their country, only celebrated by the submissive followers who hope to profit from the advantages. But whoever sows violence reaps violence. Consciencelessly, the dreadful creature aggressiveness drives its ugly claws into society and feeds on the damage done. Why?


Well-intentioned and badly done, that's one thing. Nothing meant and can be done, the other. While the first expresses independence, the second represents dependence. Control or be controlled. The perverse is now the twisting of activities, so that the unsuspecting are confused and lose control next to the overview.


With all the intelligence and the arrogance we have annexed with it, have we managed so far to define human value through work?

And because we cannot (want to) solve the self-created, smouldering conflicts in ourselves – for this we would have to acknowledge them – do we hold others responsible for them?

How pathetic. How pathetic. How narrow-minded.

Pant precious stupidly after the money, you don't understand range of humankind anyway.

#Dull #Society #Lethargy #Slave

Full of enthusiasm we fall for the created technology. Taken up by ourselves, every innovation arouses our fascination and is immediately appropriated without criticism. Feelings of addiction and dependence do not arise, because the use is subversively forced from outside. Without technology, participation in the current way of life is complicated and automatically puts you in an outsider position. This development is becoming more and more acute. Our penchant for comfort is too great to recognize dangers. In addition, they are talked down, faded out and, if necessary, suppressed under massive use of all available means. The primary goal of all efforts and the main component of every strategy is to prevent doubts from arising in the first place.