Les possibilités du qui?
between me&me: a meme
“what else could we be doing with writing, if not this?”
between me&me: a meme
if fork for human is possible:
# for human and machine are on a continuum
fork (me into multiple selves so my I is less me)
# rizhomatically becoming plural
# what's the :(){ :|:& };: for human?
s'il n'y a pas de hors-texte
que suis-je? (et ce je est le jeu entre le moi qui écrit et l'écriture qui se dit)
un mot perdu
qui vient d'où?
(car tout est réécriture
) [<– cet espace vide: aussi: faites-le durer 4'33”]
[hypothèse en hypertension] CRISPR* comme évolution ultime du word processor
mot-gène : langue parfaite : code absolu (
car dans cette fin qui n'en finit jamais:
le rythme de notre galère
est =(syncope;fatigue;anxiété;in loop) donné(es) =(comme “data:extracted from:us”) par =(mais qui l'agit?)
une drame machine
impostor syndrome: guilt: never enough: eyes wide open at night
discomfort:mine & image manipulation:https://hypnogram.xyz/
doomscroll me out of this dystopia
(if) apophenia is the new paranoia:
Philip K.'s gone, Strindberg's Inferno a nice dream
(and in that dream someone far away was singing verses that sounded like this: “despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage”
and you wake up [but: is it really happening to you?] to no rat:you've become the
[here: just: alienated void]
Drink in / pass out (get high and/or manipulate the language)(so you forget those beauties)
Lay down / keep up (don't know if I can do it – unquote, deny, fall asleep)
Astray, I say:
] the eyes of a white dog in the summer heat
thoughts of a (possible) me
[pass out? don't wake
Even the most hypothetical of the stories we tell ourselves – regardless of the medium – : ('quantic parallel universes') ('non-linear time dimensions') ('aliens') ('add your own')
are: traced back to what we can imagine what our brains can manage with: no escape from mimesis (or: should we abandon the representational paradigm?)
How can we narrate what we can't yet conceive? How to find a way beyond?
Is asking ourselves about unimaginable narrations a way to get the unimaginable closer?
Note to explorers: liminal spaces threshold worlds: start with a dream?
reoccurring illusions
on a gulliverized screen
tiktoking your remediation identity
you/when the image's faded, what's left? you/when the screen is black, what does exist? you/when you see your own reflection on that deep darkness what's hidden in it?
if you = only in your mirrored image on the palimpsestic screen doubt 'self-(un)consciousness (as “disconnected lost and pitiful”)' else exhibition. fatigue. repeat. exhibition. fatigue. fatigue.
Oh!bleak? reading: keep falling in(side) my head:lost in this infinite ('pages', 'screens as palimpsests', 'bibliographies', 'databases as geographies', 'heterocosmos')