federation test
collection for testing, probably a very uninteresting read
federation test
For $\TeX$ and $\LaTeX$ fragments I use the =texfrag= package. This allows to insert math fragments inside documents.
$$e^{ix} = cos x + i sinx$$
This is just a post to mention @mrb@mastodon.nl
I'm assuming it only mentions one time, and not keeps mentioning on updates.
This edit mentions @mrb@mastodon.nl again, is this posted again?
باللغة العربية “keyboard” انا أريد أن أعرف الكلمة
UPDATE: [2019-02-04] Hashtag linking has been changed/improved. This page is now obsolete.
Current logic: require either a space or beginning of line before the '#' begin of the tag.
Normal #inline tags should not be affected, unless '#quoted' or otherwise not having space before them (like: '#this ' but #this' will work )
#tags #after #eachother#even#when #silly
#tags is matched in the line above, because it was matched properly earlier in the document, not because it matched in the line. The next line wont match, for example
#100tagswithnumber #0JustZero #2345ou888NumberlettersNumber This is a short testcase for anchors
First section content
Second section content
Test for an issue where hash tags in code get rendered improperly
;; Test for hash tag rendering
(use-package weechat
:ensure nil
:after tracking
(require 'weechat-image)
(setq weechat-color-list '(
unspecified "#2e3440"
"#4c566a" "#434c5e"))
Expected behaviour: do not process hash tags in code
This is a testcase to render multiple language blocks on one page.
(use-package elfeed-org
:after elfeed
(setq rmh-elfeed-org-files (list (concat emacs-directory "feeds.org")))
First: language in the common section
def action_done(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
logger.debug('Overridden mro_order.action_done called.')
for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
cr, uid, [x.id for x in order.parts_move_lines])
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'done'})
return True
Second: language outside common setion, with custom alias (qua.name specific)
(use-package elfeed-org
:after elfeed
(setq rmh-elfeed-org-files (list (concat emacs-directory "feeds.org")))
Third: language unsupported
Specific test: if there is an unsupported language block, the other blocks should not be affected
require ["fileinto", "envelope", "subaddress"];
if envelope :detail "to" "spam"{
fileinto "Spam";