The Green Q Heart


A simple shortcut to serenity, integration, gratitude, transformation and enlightenment.

Hold your hands to pray in front of your heart and repeat “Q”. It is very important that you can hear your voice.

In the beginning you can use this little meditation from Mooji to practice.

But you will notice soon, that only to repeat a simple “Q” will trigger the same space in your heart.

The Heart Symbol Source of deeper knowledge and symbol of earthly love. It is the visible sign of an invisible reality. The origin is the shape of some leaves like ivy.

The meaning of Q Q is an old symbol for the heart, the sun and unity and their connection to the inside and outside. It is like a connector between worlds, spaces, dimensions or times.

The praying hands Set yourself in your most comfort praying modus. You don´t need to fold your hands. But you need to be in your heart on a spiritual level and pray “Q” like a mantra.

The color of love energy Green is the color of the heart chakra, it is the middle of the rainbow and the most important color for the human eye. It stands for health, happiness and peace. It is the natural color of heart based healing love.

Red is the color of the root chakra and love symbols like sexuality, roses and valentines day.

For a deeper understanding of the color green for love this may help

A little trick Think about the “Q” like Source. For german speakers it would be “Quelle”, so this would perfect fit. But the tonation code is still for the english letter [kjˈuː].

If you want a reminder, you may like this at Redbubble

Have fun und be free :) <3

#W2THA #EnglishVersion #Dankbarkeit #Gebet #Geschenk