Mozilla L10n Meetup Bangkok 2019

In this meetup, we

Wannaphong is our new translator. He works mainly on localizing Common Voice website. All Thai speakers in the meetup help him review his translations together at once, to demonstrate how to improve our translations.

We collectively reviewed the translations

Now our community has three roles, i.e., contributor, translator, and manager. In brief, everyone can translate at least by making a suggestion. A translator is supposed to work on reviewing other people's translation too. And a manager should manage to build a healthy community, and communicating between all participants.

Mozilla L10N is one of the most culturally diverse free/libre/open source software projects that coordinate contributors around the world for supporting their local languages. IMO, having a code of conduct, namely Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines is vital for making sure that the community does not discourage any demographic group of people from participating. Mozilla has simplified the Community Participation Guidelines, so it should be easier for us to practice.

We also defined our responsibility assignment matrix, and our onboarding process for new contributors, which is supposed to be published later.

For improving translation quality, we planned to experiment with translating in cross-checking mode on Common Voice project first because at least we have more than two translators working on this project. By having more than one translator, we can suggest the translation and another translator can cross-check by reviewing it. However, for trivial translations, cross-checking by making suggestion instead of translating in one step should be avoided.

We updated our style guide in Thai and put it on GitHub. To avoid editing to many suggested translations and make our translation consistent. The style guide is essential for anyone who wants to contribute.

We were updating the style guide, and defining the onboarding process

To have more participant and make more impact, we plan to invite people to talk about other topics rather than L10n in the meetup. We used to talk about Rust, and it went quite well.

About Pontoon, we agree that it is the best localization platform, which we have ever use. And it can improve even further by retrieving existing translations of terms in a long or short string that we about to translate. Moreover, enabling Pontoon to search only on Thai strings in particular patterns can detect errors, without looking at a translation unit one by one.

We believe that language features are critical for the competitiveness of Firefox and related projects among Thai language speaking users. So, we wish #1423593 and #425915 will get fixed soon.

Almost everyone

Vee Satayamas