#Sabah #PoliticsNews
Backdoor on fire and Point to ponder by many for such leadership?
“Don't be two-faced. You can't be a supporter of the unity government but at the same time hold the position of deputy chairman of Perikatan (which is the Opposition at the federal and state level),”.....
(picture & source news:thestar)
“Yong under fire for suggesting only Sabah parties contest state seats“
“Yong's statement on contesting all 73 Sabah seats is his personal view, says GRS info chief“
“Absurd for Yong to propose peninsula-based parties sit out Sabah polls, says Bung”
Recent #politics #errantcharacterbyexample of a politician,State Assemblyman,but a nominated candidate of PRN2023 during recent Malaysia states election on 8.12.2023. Is this a law-maker or law-breaker conduct or dignity to comply strictly with election rules and laws of a nation? #introducethisSanusi “He flashed his marked ballot paper to the media before casting it into the ballot box”! (Source:Kinitv youtube- 'Sanusi' at Polling station on 8.12.2023 11am)
2.Follow-up action to be taken, listen to comments of IGP PDRM Malaysia at press, (press with IGP,Malaysia-source:Kinitv youtube)